Hello. I did not find a suitable topic, so I am writing here. I have a suggestion for an upcoming update. It would be very good to increase the item level, stats for outdated artifacts, and maybe adjust the bonuses a little for the new game mechanics. This would give them a new life, and the players would have a rich choice. If it's too late to include this in an upcoming update, perhaps this idea will be implemented in the future.
Stronghold gear and dragonflight armor could use an update at least in IL to help bring it in line with other equipment.
It's a waste of time/itens that we couldn't upgrade, at least, the artifacts. As long as a new player finds out that he/she can buy a BIS-actual artifact, or after joyning a guild that guilders can help him/her to have that BIS-actual artifact, all other artifacts from other campaigns become a joke. Getting them is the same feeling as find a peridot in a chest after a dung run.
So, some of those artifacts are good... for their times/campaigns, they became obsolete for now because of the stats levels. So, one solution would be a Forge! Kinda like they did at the Citadel. Some reagents would be needed, but not hard to get as endgame dungeons, but something like we could change for old campaign currency, as we already do with bounty hunters on the campaign maps.
So, for example... I want to upgrade the Eye of Lathander arty... so, I could use the Dread Ring's campaign currency to trade for the reagents I need to upgrade the Eye of Lathander at the Forge. Running old campaigns will need farming time, but at least is some thing to do and not that hard.
Thats just my idea.