Nobody who was asking for this race wanted it to happen like this. What this is, is insulting and dishonest in every possible way.
If you werent around for this whole campaign now you'll never get the race and every time you log on the fact you were screwed by PWE will be flying in your face becuase it shows up whether its possible to unlock or not.
All races should be buyable in zen store for roughly the same cost as the Moon Elf pack. This isn't something that is controversial, this is called not being sleazy.
anything else would be a kick in the teeth to all those that paid for the blessings then spent the last 4 months grinding like crazy
there was nothing sleezy about the way cryptic sold it they said quite clearly before the redeemed citidel started this was the way it was going to be
there was absolutly nothing to stop players even if they were not rdy to start redeemed citidel yet, buying the blessings which allow you to finish the milestones in your own time
Lets be honest, the target audience for a F2P game these long into its life cycle is new /returning players. They know the long established players and whales wont be spending a lot of real money in game any time soon so this is just another opportunity to grab some coin for the coffers when the bean counters demand from the rest of the player base.... especially with the next mod due to drop early 2021.
it's not some evil conspiracy, it's simply business and without these zen market steers there wont be free content drops and NW will disappear into the ether.
1. They do not provide a free race.
2. They provide a race which requires BOTH zen purchase and grinding. Hence, it is not a pure pay to win. You need to pay and grind to get the race.
3. Later, they can introduce the race again to Zen store with may be different incentive package (such as a big inventory bag, mystic mount, companion, ...) so that whoever did not get the race can buy it AND those who already got the race may still buy it.
I would not be surprised that the future requirement to obtain aasimar is to buy the Reforger's pack and to grind 28K ZF in order to get the race.
Let me be clear, PWE is one of the only game companies known for this kind of behavior and they have a VERY big rep for it.
Almost any other game would just let you buy the race for the same price as any other. There is NO excuse for this.
Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn were previous examples. You were not able to buy them from Zen store for years but you can now.
Personally, it is indifferent to me. If I don't like it, I just don't buy it. I can quit. Their business, their game. They choose what they do. I choose what I do. If it is 'hard' for me to 'pay' them. I just don't 'pay' them. Their loss, not mine.
I also totally agree with @plasticbat. If you don't like such things then don't buy it. Metallic Dragonborn also was kinda exclusive for a hand full of people and it ended in the Zen Store. Same with all the other "exclusive" races.
but same as turbine and many others
end of the day as said by many other people aasimar is an exclusive race that can only be gained (presantly) by doing the content if you dont want to do the content why should cryptic give you the exclusive race?
They are literally begging us, quit this piece of HAMSTER, and play the many better games out there, it's hillarious.
To all you small brains who don't see the problem- THE PROBLEM IS ITS AN EXCLUSIVE TIME LIMITED RACE! you cannot defend this garbage without outing yourself.
its an mmoRPG, and if you cant understand the RPG part, why are you here at all? any creative, intelligent player picks races for the race itself, any class, just how they envision the character. all a new race brings to the table is new possibilities for characters- possibilities most of us will never have with "limited one time" races.
Why are they trying SO hard to get people to quit en masse?
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
and hopefully they will add the missing hairstyles... grumble grumble...
You can still play Neverwinter, just not with the same skin Aasimar has.
Character races are not skins, nor are they stats. They are far more important than any of that. If you can't understand why, stop playing MMORPGs since you clearly dont understand the RPG part. Leave the intelligent and creative players alone.
> Apples to Oranges. sad that people are so blind that they can't see the finger being given to them right in their faces.
> Character races are not skins, nor are they stats. They are far more important than any of that. If you can't understand why, stop playing MMORPGs since you clearly dont understand the RPG part. Leave the intelligent and creative players alone.
Are you this upset over the top 100 rewards too?
Personally I would say chill as they would be foolish not to offer the Aasimar as a race pack for zen at a later date. Let alone doing another event similar to what we have now.
And they cheated no one. Should blizzard be forced to go back to vanilla WoW every time someone new shows up? There are limited events and items throughout the years that no other person can get now. Those who were here from the start shouldn't be persecuted nor should cryptic be just cause someone was late to the party.
So I say again, chill out and wait for it to be released elsewhere, be it lockbox, zen market or another event.
Cause I am certainly glad I was here for the Chicken mount, as it has fulfilled all my RPG dreams of once in my lifetime being a wood elf riding on a gigantic chicken that lets me wobble around so much I get dizzy, both as a wood elf and as a person behind a screen.
That's fun to read for me ^^.
I'm also not sure about your understanding of the RPG part :P, but won't tell you to let that to intelligent and creative players alone as i prefer to be (or at least trying to be) more inclusive with others
Races (and classes) are, for me, skins, and nothing will change my mind after 25years playing p&p, MORPG, MMORPG.
Roleplaying is basically being an actor performing in a dynamic improvisational theatre and can be sum up with the french expression "entrer dans la peau du personnage" = literally "getting inside the character's skin" (the correct english expression would be putting yourself in the character's shoes).
I would love to see how creative you are in roleplay. But just to have a glance of your potential, as roleplaying usually starts with defining a background story, what would be your Aasimar's background ?
Would all his ancestors be Aasimars too ? Would it be a resurgence of a celestial-touched trait that stayed dormant during generations in his family's bloodline ? Planetar, Avoral, Ghaeles, Solar ? Would he have a birthmark as a descendant of a celestial minion ?
Would he be naturally good, would he got in his youth some advices from his celestial ancestor ? Would he have been twisted by something in his past ? Or maybe falling under Shar's influence when he will go through the Shadowfell ?
How would his relations with tieflings be ? What would be his goals, his hopes, his regrets, his remorses ?
What would be his thoughts about Makos and all the lichdom stuff ?
Ok, you want to play the Aasimar race. But this has nothing to do with roleplaying, after all, roleplaying is just "pretending to be"... so you can technically choose a human, design him so he is tall, with pale (or blind) eyes, put a birthmark on his face, and then roleplay him as a descendant of a celestial-minion if you want... (and it would be interesting to hear why it is so difficult to distinguish him from humans, an interesting background there maybe)
(everything else about the reason why Aasimar wont be available to everyone during some time, probably at least a full year, has already been said by others, so I won't add anything else here ^^)
(My personnal Aasimar is roleplayed as Grumpy Smurf. Big white hair, blue skin, white pants and no shirt. I have fun hating everything with him even though smurfs are not a NWO or DnD race :P )
Attack the point, not the person.
You can ask for something, or say how you want something done, you can't do both.
They elected to require a zen purchase to get the race. That was their prerogative. If it is that game-breaking to you then quit like you keep claiming they want you to.
Enjoy the last couple years of your pathetic scam.
Enjoy your time away from the game. Your insightful comments will be dearly missed.
I was not playing the game when gith came and I paid zen to unlock the race simple as that does that mean I go mad and bunkers like you are doing for paying real money for race that people got for free answer is no because they said beyond this date you can't unlock the gith tlrace
so is the asamir race going to be available answer yes .. not gonna happen half year from now so do not make another fruity thread like this one
and cool your peaches coconuts and fruits you are throwing at the community because it
will do nothing capiche buddy