I picked up the initial set of quest from the masquerade master, and heeded off to do something else.
was in a hurry didn't talk to the guy by the world tree to select a team
Wife told me I needed to do that while I was on one of my alts, talked to the Contest master, selected my Team
Now on my 3rd alt I was able to go over and pick up the quests, talk to the guy by the world tree and go to my quest section (ghost guy) to get the repeatable quests
When I got back on my main it still showed I needed to talk to the quest giver in the middle and it tells me to make a selection
The quest can't be abandoned
the quest so its glitched and stalls me right there , because its expecting my to make a selection and its already done
I'm unable to pick up the many daily quests for my selected team until that quest is cleared
I'm how ever able to talk to the quest giver and get a replacement mask
so the "The Contest of Lairs" being bugged is what seems to be blocking me