If I'm correct in my opinion of what i think cryptic is trying to do going forward then i will say this ,
I think the new system is and will be much better in general especially and as long as if the droprate is good cause then we don't have to grind years to get ad .. you go farm the gear you need ... for convenience most generic gear, mounts and companions should be on zen market but not at a ridiculous price
i like the new changes tbh ... the ad required in the past to get some gear from AH was killing the game for most of the players that don't grind 100 hours a day (yes 100 hourts cause thats what it felt like)
People should just stop and think before saying the changes are stupid ...
To move away from AD imo is best thing ever .. some AD reward yes but only for the items available on AH but not on Zen Market cause you cant put every piece of item there.
In the past we farmed ad to get items , fashion , gear, mounts etc etc right and it took years and a few lifetimes to buy a for example a leg mount posted for 100 mil ad lol ... like faqdawhat ?
The new stuff on Zen market is great and should be like it is ...available for convenience sake which alot of people will enjoy ... cause this game could've been called The Farm because of the time one had to spend to farm ad ..
farming/grinding AD is NOT fun ! its boring and repetitive and if cryptic is moving away from this and would rather give us cool new and interesting content to play the game would be alot more enjoyable
Some wont agree cause you get Farmers and Hunters.
The focus should shift to playing the game NOT farming the game !
TiC - I got a whip of the erinyes, unbound.
TiC / LOMM - 2 friends both got tradebars(2 tradebars each per chest) Heard reports of people getting 10 at a time but that's just a rumor mill.
TiC - 2 purple pets both boars I believe, both unbound.
So maybe not as much bound as originally expected? Just the really rare stuff maybe? Just special items like pres/coals, TBs, Life Scrolls?
A few more days testing will be required before fully understanding the changes!
Have also run a few RTQ and RS but didn't get anything in those
(not to be negative, but... (putting on my tinfoil hat) Perhaps they gave a few away on the first day purposely to make sure the system was working and to create better hype. I don't know. Personally, I am excited with the new system. They can tweak the rates and methods to for gaining AD for FTP farmers moving forward, as needed.
This "new" rewards system is leading into the CDP change about VIP (recommended read), after you lose a lot of VIP perks expect these reward levels to plummet again. Enjoy it while it lasts, but realize cryptic constantly uses a rinse & repeat system. Really wish they would have just left it alone, there were 45 pages of people saying don't do this between the multiple CDP's.
The CDP was mentioned as "source" for this change, but in the CDP i suggested that when content is scaled, rewards should also be scaled to match, i think that line even made it onto their summary, but looking at what they actually change in the reward system, it's starting to look like player feedback is only taking into consideration, when it fits into their own plans.
At this point i'm just wondering why the HAMSTER is it so hard for them to come up with something good for all players?!