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Posting Fees AH

foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
I have VIP r12, just Iost 500k AD, when trying to seII the new myth mount and canceIed after, wiII I have my 500k back or shouId cry in a corner? :'(


  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    Knowing Cryptic, find a nice quiet corner.

    Thank you for the warning, it tried to charge me posting fee also.
    Post edited by kharkov58 on
  • feadan#2363 feadan Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    Just noticed the posting fees, too. Since when does this happen?

    I posted a bunch of expensive stuff 2 days ago. Got VIP rank 12. The things that sold don't mention a refunded posting fee. So I'm wondering if the game just ate a ton of my AD (by charging a posting fee and not refunding it) or if it's a new enough bug that only affects my listings from today.
  • sagakaiyume#0847 sagakaiyume Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    New enough, with the redeemed milestone 2 opening and mount changes. You're safe, barely.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User

    Just noticed the posting fees, too. Since when does this happen?

    I posted a bunch of expensive stuff 2 days ago. Got VIP rank 12. The things that sold don't mention a refunded posting fee. So I'm wondering if the game just ate a ton of my AD (by charging a posting fee and not refunding it) or if it's a new enough bug that only affects my listings from today.

    Even when you weren't being charged a posting fee, the posting fee was mentioned in the email (as a 0 posting fee). I created an auction to test this out and I got my posting fee back. You may just be so accustomed to overlooking that part of the email that you didn't see it?

    I'm sure they will have this resolved Thursday (by either making the entire VIP player base mad and saying this was intended, or by fixing it).
  • inugurlinugurl Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Just checked that out myself. Yup, posting fee is being added. Rank 8 VIP sup to give free auction house fees.
    Im sure it will be addresed, Just stay away from auction for a bit.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    VIP is not my thing, but I read someone spamming it in chat crying out to players saying; "The AH is stealing AD" and "Not to post you will lose AD".

    They have no clue. If you pay a posting fee, the fee is returned upon sale. It is only 1% and I pay that plus the 10% sale commission. What is the big deal paying 10% or 11%. Some glitch costs you all 1% and it is something rant and cry about? I imagine you will get your 1% back, but even if I didn't, it is not something to get worked up over.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited September 2020

    VIP is not my thing, but I read someone spamming it in chat crying out to players saying; "The AH is stealing AD" and "Not to post you will lose AD".

    They have no clue. If you pay a posting fee, the fee is returned upon sale. It is only 1% and I pay that plus the 10% sale commission. What is the big deal paying 10% or 11%. Some glitch costs you all 1% and it is something rant and cry about? I imagine you will get your 1% back, but even if I didn't, it is not something to get worked up over.

    The posting fee is 2%. Certain people posted 20 million for the KOS, take it down to repost to 8 million range. So, that is 400K lose. In this exampe, it is not 10%, 11% or 12%. It is 15% if it is sold in 8 million.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    edited September 2020

    VIP is not my thing, but I read someone spamming it in chat crying out to players saying; "The AH is stealing AD" and "Not to post you will lose AD".

    They have no clue. If you pay a posting fee, the fee is returned upon sale. It is only 1% and I pay that plus the 10% sale commission. What is the big deal paying 10% or 11%. Some glitch costs you all 1% and it is something rant and cry about? I imagine you will get your 1% back, but even if I didn't, it is not something to get worked up over.

    The fee is 2% without any bid amount, as in a straight buy-out.
    So if you like many others, posted an auction, took it down, re-posted and maybe did that again with several 5-10 mil items, and the total amount vanished is in the millions, would you get "worked up" over that?

    I suspect this is a planned course of action regarding VIP benefits, and they just missed updating info in a few places, including patch-notes and so on, and this change will be upon us in a little while.

    But until then, I would like my millions back please...
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    @mightyeriksson might well be true (and I'd like my 160k back lol) but if they do, do that.. you can guarantee there will be an exodus of serious proportions again
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    VIP is not my thing, but I read someone spamming it in chat crying out to players saying; "The AH is stealing AD" and "Not to post you will lose AD".

    They have no clue. If you pay a posting fee, the fee is returned upon sale. It is only 1% and I pay that plus the 10% sale commission. What is the big deal paying 10% or 11%. Some glitch costs you all 1% and it is something rant and cry about? I imagine you will get your 1% back, but even if I didn't, it is not something to get worked up over.

    The fee is 2% without any bid amount, as in a straight buy-out.
    So if you like many others, posted an auction, took it down, re-posted and maybe did that again with several 5-10 mil items, and the total amount vanished is in the millions, would you get "worked up" over that?

    I suspect this is a planned course of action regarding VIP benefits, and they just missed updating info in a few places, including patch-notes and so on, and this change will be upon us in a little while.

    But until then, I would like my millions back please...
    First, I don't know why anyone would post, pull the post, post, pull, etc.. When I rarely sell "big ticket" items, I put research and thought into the sale. If the item doesn't sell, I sometimes just give it away. Sometime last month I had a Tensor's Disk (Epic) and while the lowest was posted at 1,700,000 I thought that price was ridiculous to ask for an Epic surfboard. I posted mine at 1 million and 5 days later it hadn't sold, costing me 20K? I guess on posting fee. I tried it once more and after it didn't sell at the reduced price I gifted it to a new player asking about the mount system. Virtual items have no value.

    Second, what I really don't understand (or maybe I do), all the Epic mounts shot up double in the AH. The mounts I normally buy for prizes at 200K or less are 400K or higher. I suspect this is because today's Epic can become tomorrow's legendary and so on. The players set these prices, honestly you are your own worst enemy, when it comes to enjoying a Free to Play game. While I am happy for the new players to receive and experience 140% mount speed and mount powers, on the other end of the spectrum, I feel sad for those who spent years of effort for legendary mounts to have them made generic overnight. But as I said above, virtual items have no value.

    At present the Auction house is in turmoil over the new mount system. I will not be using it until the panic buyers and sellers calm down. But I suspect I have seen the end of the 200K epic mount era. As for selling something at 20K or 20 million AD, percentages are a universal factor. Only risk what you can afford to lose. It is not real money after all.

    Have fun! <3
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    @sandukutupu you choose not to play with vip. you choose not to use the ah your best advantage. some items take longer to sell. it's not the price point that matters over all. when that right buyer comes along they will pay what ever it is at. if someone wanted that disk they've have bought it at 1699999 as much as they would have at 1mil. its your own lack of patience there not a fault of the system.

    you choose to give things away. good for you. but saying the rest of us are stupid for playing the way we play and expecting a feature that we paid real money for in many instances to be in place is disingenuous at best. working with the ah IS fun in a free to play game for many of us. Most of us, I'd dare say, even.

    the reason to post and pull is to respond to the market. sometimes it makes sense with items that are medium to low turn over to keep an eye on the market and repost as the market changes. sometimes it makes sense not to pull with high commodity items that you know are going to sell soon. I even post over the lowest bid if I think they're lowballing too far with those items.

    remember there are lots of ways to play a game like this and just because most people don't enjoy your way doesn't mean they are wrong. or should suck it up or whatever. this is a feature we paid for. it's not wrong to expect it to work as intended.

  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    @sandukutupu you choose not to play with vip. you choose not to use the ah your best advantage. some items take longer to sell. it's not the price point that matters over all. when that right buyer comes along they will pay what ever it is at. if someone wanted that disk they've have bought it at 1699999 as much as they would have at 1mil. its your own lack of patience there not a fault of the system.

    I don't lack patience, I sit on many items for a very long time. One time my father had some antique coins, he showed them at the school back when I had a parents day. One of the students asked their value, he told them;

    They are only worth as much as someone is willing to give me for them, and only as valuable as much as I am willing to sell them. They are not for sale, to me they are priceless. I will pass them on to my daughters who may desire to sell them or keep them.

    My sister sold hers and I kept mine. She never told me an exact amount, but my nephew told me it was over $10,000 at auction. I plan to pass mine on to my grandchildren, mostly because my sons are idiots. Maybe the grandchildren will be able to buy something nice, who knows, maybe they will keep them. I am very patient, with a lot of things. If no player is willing to buy something, I gift it to someone who needs it. Who knows, maybe the players I give stuff to quit the very next day, but I hope they continue to enjoy the game.

    you choose to give things away. good for you. but saying the rest of us are stupid for playing the way we play and expecting a feature that we paid real money for in many instances to be in place is disingenuous at best. working with the ah IS fun in a free to play game for many of us. Most of us, I'd dare say, even.

    the reason to post and pull is to respond to the market. sometimes it makes sense with items that are medium to low turn over to keep an eye on the market and repost as the market changes. sometimes it makes sense not to pull with high commodity items that you know are going to sell soon. I even post over the lowest bid if I think they're lowballing too far with those items.

    remember there are lots of ways to play a game like this and just because most people don't enjoy your way doesn't mean they are wrong. or should suck it up or whatever. this is a feature we paid for. it's not wrong to expect it to work as intended.

    Oh come now, where up there did I call anyone stupid? I did say the player spamming chat had no clue. But that is not stupid, they were ignorant to how the AH posting fee functioned. Oh by the way, ignorant is not stupid, it means "unaware" or "without knowing".

    I do hope they fix your VIP today as they promised.
  • This content has been removed.
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    VIP is not my thing, but I read someone spamming it in chat crying out to players saying; "The AH is stealing AD" and "Not to post you will lose AD".

    They have no clue. If you pay a posting fee, the fee is returned upon sale. It is only 1% and I pay that plus the 10% sale commission. What is the big deal paying 10% or 11%. Some glitch costs you all 1% and it is something rant and cry about? I imagine you will get your 1% back, but even if I didn't, it is not something to get worked up over.

    The fee is 2% without any bid amount, as in a straight buy-out.
    So if you like many others, posted an auction, took it down, re-posted and maybe did that again with several 5-10 mil items, and the total amount vanished is in the millions, would you get "worked up" over that?

    I suspect this is a planned course of action regarding VIP benefits, and they just missed updating info in a few places, including patch-notes and so on, and this change will be upon us in a little while.

    But until then, I would like my millions back please...
    First, I don't know why anyone would post, pull the post, post, pull, etc..
    When I rarely sell "big ticket" items
    Had you sold big ticket items regularly, you would have known that in order to maximize your profit, it is sometimes necessary to adjust prices often.
    In particular when a new mod comes out with big changes to the economic landscape, you want to be on top of those changes.
    Also, when you "explain" to other players how the posting fee works, it would be great if you knew that the posting fee is forfeit when you take down the auction yourself.
    So yeah, the more you know.

    The big issue here, is that there hasn't been any word from Cryptic at all, as to how they will handle the fees that are forfeit, days after the bug was known to them & us.
  • joccat#1817 joccat Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    Seems rather odd, doesn't it? How did this so-called 'bug' even happen I wonder. More importantly I wonder if this was really a bug after all and instead wasn't just a trial test of how badly the players would react. Anyone think so?

    My guess is that a lot of players who can't compete on the ah, and get tired of being undercut over and over by the big players have complained enough that cyrptic is taking a serious look at changing ah behavior. It sucks, nobody likes a nanny state, but sign of the times I guess.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User

    Seems rather odd, doesn't it? How did this so-called 'bug' even happen I wonder. More importantly I wonder if this was really a bug after all and instead wasn't just a trial test of how badly the players would react. Anyone think so?

    My guess is that a lot of players who can't compete on the ah, and get tired of being undercut over and over by the big players have complained enough that cyrptic is taking a serious look at changing ah behavior. It sucks, nobody likes a nanny state, but sign of the times I guess.

    Because it appears that is not the only VIP issue. There are at least another 2 VIP issues were reported. In short, somehow, VIP was messed up (my speculation).
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    Seems rather odd, doesn't it? How did this so-called 'bug' even happen I wonder. More importantly I wonder if this was really a bug after all and instead wasn't just a trial test of how badly the players would react. Anyone think so?

    My guess is that a lot of players who can't compete on the ah, and get tired of being undercut over and over by the big players have complained enough that cyrptic is taking a serious look at changing ah behavior. It sucks, nobody likes a nanny state, but sign of the times I guess.

    If you dig up an old thread about suggestion & discussion regarding VIP changes, there is a bit about this, so I fear that this is a bit of code that snuck in too early, and we will see this and other changes to VIP soon™.

    Fair enough, IF you properly inform both before, and in-game when it is updated, about something as important as this
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