The tool tip for the vistani set is that it procs on any damaging aoe ability that hits only 1 target however when I tested it with my cleric it did not proc on any aoe at-wills. I do not know if this is the intended functionality and simply a matter of a poorly worded tool-tip or a glitch with the nature of of how cleric aoes are coded.
To reproduce the issue:
1. Login to any cleric.
2. Go to dread ring.
3. Hit any of the target dummies with any aoe cleric at-will. (They are spaced such that it should only hit one of them.)
Expected functionality: Vistani's Curse procs.
Actual result: Vistani's Curse does not proc.
However if this IS the intended functionality please make it clear in the tool-tip that "all aoe abilities" does not include at-wills. It is incredibly frustrating to spend a bunch of diamonds and rp etc getting a set together to find out it does not work like it says it does.