So apparently one of the major overhaul changes that Warlock healer gets Infernal Barrier ( smaller version of Pali barrier ). Right now on live, Pali barrier overwrites itself with new barrier regardless of strength of the first one. So if the first cast gives you a shield of 50% of your max hitpoints with you not getting damaged and you get hit with another that did 20%, then you are stuck with the 20%. Something that should be fixed amongst hundreds of other things.
Anyways, With this new infernal barrier mechanic. Is it compatible with Pali barrier ( player now has 2 shields ) or will it override it? Overriding would mean that this and another healer likesay IN TRIALS ( like the mod 19 one ) would not be syngergizing well with each other and can get the players killed in Endgame content and therefore cause failures more often.