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My Item Level is 17,000, any tips on how to make myself 20k?

I see I can't do Epic Dungeons any more and I want to farm for Seals of the Fallen.

Anytips on how I can increase it. BTW my Barbarian is already in a guild.


  • revwillrevwill Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I had the same problem until I found the armor made by players (cobalt) is 900+ each. Also the sword and knott from the bars trader will boost your GS. Mine is now almost 19k and climbing. Also make sure you are upgrading your relic gear to the maximum quality.
  • robert#4620 robert Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    revwill said:

    I had the same problem until I found the armor made by players (cobalt) is 900+ each. Also the sword and knott from the bars trader will boost your GS.

    I checked the AD exchange on the Cobalt armor, but can you be more specific on Bards Trader? Upgrading my relic gear might be an issue since I don't have the material to upgrade it.
    Post edited by robert#4620 on
  • jimmypdtjimmypdt Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    1) Do your MEs everyday for some good gear and use at least one rune so you can trade it with Zok for a chance at some good artifacts and good companion gear. It helps and makes it faster to do it in a group.
    2) Work on MOD 17. This gives you more gear thats better for your pet and additional runes to trade with Zok.
    3) Do your randoms. You most likely can only do leveling dungeons and skirmishes but do those both each day first for the AD. And save your AD. Don't waste it on Refinement!!! Refinement rains from the sky.
    4) Do the legacy campaigns from Sybill. Not only will this help complete the campaigns but you will get the currency to spend in her shop to assist in upgrading your weapons, artifact gear, artifacts, and enchantments. Plus by doing the campaigns you will unlock boons and that will boost your Item Level.
    5) If you can get a mount with the "wanderers fortune" insignia bonus. and equip a feyblessing, dragon hoard, and a quartermaster enchantment. This will allow for a huge influx of refinement for you. And save the bags from the quartermaster enchantment and only open them during a X2 refinement event. And make sure you have 11.5% bonus from the quartermaster enchantments. They go into the utility slot so you have 5 slots to use before opening them. mako ring from the end of STK will also have one utility slot as well as a sword knot (I think can fully remember sorry).
    6) Ok so there is a lot to cover so I would recommend starting with the above points and then checking out on youtube for some tips and tricks on boosting your item level. Just a heads up, if it doesn't talk about boosting your item level I would still recommend watching as a lot of tips and tricks will in the end help you.

    Sorry about the story I wrote. I wish you the best,

  • robert#4620 robert Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    jimmypdt said:

    1) Do your MEs everyday for some good gear and use at least one rune so you can trade it with Zok for a chance at some good artifacts and good companion gear. It helps and makes it faster to do it in a group.
    2) Work on MOD 17. This gives you more gear thats better for your pet and additional runes to trade with Zok.

    4) Do the legacy campaigns from Sybill. Not only will this help complete the campaigns but you will get the currency to spend in her shop to assist in upgrading your weapons, artifact gear, artifacts, and enchantments. Plus by doing the campaigns you will unlock boons and that will boost your Item Level.

    How do I get to Mod17 or Sybil?

  • jimmypdtjimmypdt Member Posts: 121 Arc User

    jimmypdt said:

    1) Do your MEs everyday for some good gear and use at least one rune so you can trade it with Zok for a chance at some good artifacts and good companion gear. It helps and makes it faster to do it in a group.
    2) Work on MOD 17. This gives you more gear thats better for your pet and additional runes to trade with Zok.

    4) Do the legacy campaigns from Sybill. Not only will this help complete the campaigns but you will get the currency to spend in her shop to assist in upgrading your weapons, artifact gear, artifacts, and enchantments. Plus by doing the campaigns you will unlock boons and that will boost your Item Level.

    How do I get to Mod17 or Sybil?

    Once you finish MOD 16 you will go up to the top (3rd level) in the Yawning Portal Talk to someone ( I can't remember the name) and select the map on the table behind them. you will do another ME type quest and then be in stardock which is MOD 17.

    Sybil is in PE (protectors Enclave) Go up to the top where lord Neverember is and she is on the right side when looking towards lord Neverember. She gives 3 weekly quests for the campaign zones.

    I wish you the best,

  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    here is a tip on how to increase I-level buy some zen : D get ads ..get stuff ..support the game
    Post edited by kalina311 on
  • robert#4620 robert Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    I spoke to the girl you're reffering to. I have an idea on her mission structure. However the missions she's talking about confuses me.

    For example she talks about doing a missions in Curse of Icewind Dale. I'm doing missions in Icewind Dale, but she specifically said "Curse of Icewind Dale".

    The other one is to do a Underdark Demonic Demonic Heroic. I don't have a clue what that means because in my mp, Underdark only has Mantol Derith avaialble.

    Other then that.

    It seems like I'll have to spend a month or three and the closest I'll get is 19000. Which I feel like it's a bit frustrating, because it makes me feel like I have to make this a game a full time job in order to have a vaiable build. I like the game, but I don't think I can continue if this is what I have to do to keep up.

    A few months ago my Item Level at 17000 was good enough to participate in Epic Dungeon Ques and it was so much fun. But now that the Item Level has been raised and it seems like I have to go through 3 months of grinding just so that I can play Epic Que and Level 80 content, discourages me.

    I really hope Chris Whiteside clears this up.
    Post edited by robert#4620 on
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    The game is BIG, item level is just one part of the puzzle, and progression isn't always ever clear. Some things to get item level up have been referred to above. Below is a short list of things I can think of.

    -Get in a guild that is willing to help and explain things, I cannot stress this enough.
    -Equip Bonding runestones on your companion and upgrade them.
    -Equip companion gear with 2 slots, then equip runestones in them.
    -Get mounts with 3 insignia slots, then equip insignia in them.
    -Equip 4 artifacts, then upgrade them to at least purple.
    -Equip artifact weapons, neck piece, belt, upgrade them to at least purple.
    -Work on getting boons form legacy campaigns (underdark, tyranny of dragons, dread ring, sharandar, icewind dale, etc.)
    -Completing daily random queues will award seals which can be exchanged for gear at a seal vendor. The same is true for the seal vender in Yawning Portal. The master expedition quests will also award seals.
    Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone

    Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    If you can get a higher item level friend to help you through the Avernus intro you can farm Siege in Avernus

    It's a Hell of a grind (literally going to hell for gear) but each siege gets one Juma bag, which has a chance for 1225 item level gear.

    One thing I noticed is Item level should be renamed "Power Level" since its not only gear, boons influence it too. Stronghold boons, campaign boons, all increase it the more you have. Also get rank 9 bonding runestones for your companion and make sure you equip as many traits from different ones as possible, and get purple companion gear with enchants
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    PC player here, don't know much about XB1 status. I play very regular (every day) but I only upgrade my gear every 4 modules. At the start of mod 18 Avernus, I was still running all 8 of my characters with IL 770 armor. Went to Avernus and as @gradii suggests, I started chewing on Juma's Bag o' Chicken. You will eat a lot of chickens but in the end 1225 IL gear will drop. You will have head, arms, chest, and feet comes to a total of 4900. This alone gave my characters 1820 points each. There is some seal armor that has pants and shirt in the store. Odd thing about those bags, while they contain a lot of chicken, I have pulled out some companions and mounts too. Today I got the Neverember Guard at Epic rank, they sell for 650K in the AH. But all these items are bound to account, so I have to use it.

    I don't do dungeons, so Item Level means nothing to me. Have fun! <3

    btw I wouldn't worry about module 17, "Gith in Space" offers no boons, it is a rerun of Undermountain.
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    Stardock has some good gear to earn I hear though. also it cracks me up that I go into a dungeon and end up in space.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User

    I spoke to the girl you're reffering to. I have an idea on her mission structure. However the missions she's talking about confuses me.

    For example she talks about doing a missions in Curse of Icewind Dale. I'm doing missions in Icewind Dale, but she specifically said "Curse of Icewind Dale".

    The other one is to do a Underdark Demonic Demonic Heroic. I don't have a clue what that means because in my mp, Underdark only has Mantol Derith avaialble.

    Other then that.

    It seems like I'll have to spend a month or three and the closest I'll get is 19000. Which I feel like it's a bit frustrating, because it makes me feel like I have to make this a game a full time job in order to have a vaiable build. I like the game, but I don't think I can continue if this is what I have to do to keep up.

    A few months ago my Item Level at 17000 was good enough to participate in Epic Dungeon Ques and it was so much fun. But now that the Item Level has been raised and it seems like I have to go through 3 months of grinding just so that I can play Epic Que and Level 80 content, discourages me.

    I really hope Chris Whiteside clears this up.

    Sybella's quest for Underdark Demonic Encounters; those encounters spawn in the Well of Dragons, Icewind Pass, Dwarven Valley, and the Dread Ring.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • agonistes#1431 agonistes Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited April 2020

    A few months ago my Item Level at 17000 was good enough to participate in Epic Dungeon Ques and it was so much fun. But now that the Item Level has been raised and it seems like I have to go through 3 months of grinding just so that I can play Epic Que and Level 80 content, discourages me.

    It takes a few hours of grinding heroics in Vallenhas to get to 20k. The Juma bags have 1250 ilevel items.
  • robert#4620 robert Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Just wondering, do boons increase my item level?
  • paladinmyst7766#9026 paladinmyst7766 Member Posts: 95 Arc User

    Just wondering, do boons increase my item level?

    Yes. They raise it by 30 with each rank I believe. As someone who is a 27k character let me give you some advice.
    1.Do campaign quests to get boons to raise your item level as well as receive bonuses to stats. If your a DPS I would recommend you up your power and combat advantage.
    2.Use armor reinforcements to raise your item level as well as give a bonus to stats. There are many kinds that boast your power, defense, AP gain and stamina regeneration. Go for the Major Armor Reinforcements as they boast your stats and item level more.
    3. Go to Undermountain and do Master Expeditions with a party. Not only will you get better gear but you will so get better gear for your companions which will also help your stats and raise your item level.
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