wanted to know when we will be seeing a change to Acquisitions Incorporated cause everytime that i have completed my quest from there that i really dont want to hear anymore messages about Jim Darkmagic for how Omin Dran wont stop talking about hes egg for how annoying that gets and how they should of just left there annoying messages out of the game
It is profoundly not funny and outright tone-deaf, moreso now than when it was added. Leaders who are ready to let any of their underlings die as long as their profits go up? Sound familiar?
None of my characters have run that content after the first one, who only did it because it was (at the time) tied to the Recruitment Event.
Plus the job papers are all over the city so you can fish unwilling new players to join that complete trash of a campaign.
A friend of mine started playing a week ago and started complaining about some quests he had to do, when I realized that it was this campaign I explained to him that he should forget that it even exists and move on...
If the campaign was in a linear fashion like Undermountain is, or even Maze Engine that would be "ok", but like it is now, no way I'm ever coming near that place.
Is it because it will give you a reason to go back?
Do you really want to go back there after it is "changed"?
I prefer they use the time to create something new instead.
I mean they didn't create a new campaig category for youknowwhats and giggles in the ZEN shop, they do want people to buy those tokens and/or packs... and i'm pretty sure that the recently added AI token is selling very well.
Anyway, perhaps they could add an option to reduce spoken comments during repeatable campaign quests to a bare mimimum or let us deactivate them completly? It's fun to listen to some of those lines once or twice, but beyond that it would also be nice to have a simple "be quiet now" option (aside muting the whole game) at hand.
This is what went wrong (in my opinion) with module 15.
New YouTube characters were quickly forced into the game without much introduction. Maybe if we had met Jim Darkmagic briefly on a prior campaign as a side quest, or Walnut popped up briefly somewhere before this point, then we could have said, "Oh yeah, I know that person from six months ago.". In short, we had no discovery character to lead us into this plot.
Next issue, most of this humor is all geared around corporations and working at a large company. Such as interns being disposable, and other things common people, who never worked in a company setting, can't relate with in their lives. The jokes are one right after another, the same joke is repeated over and over. To give you an example of what I mean here;
Finally many of my friends keep reminding me, should I never finish the campaign, I don't get boon points and the rank 14 enchantment it offers. I seem to be ok without them for now. Maybe some day in the future, I will mute the game and finish it up.
The same applies to any campaign. I don't really care if what the NPC says is stupid or thoughtful. With 6 characters running at the same time, I only need to "hear" it few times at most. Most of the time their voice got cut off by me before they start speaking during accepting/returning quests.