I keep getting a mission telling me to read the rules for ToO. I do not have the item level to run that stuff so I have no interest, but I figure "Go read the rules and be done with it".
Except I wasn't.
It says to talk to the wandering minstrel or whatever he calls himself and I do that, but the mission remains.
So I abandon the mission, but it constantly reappears.
So where are the rules to read?
How can I get that garbage out of my mission queue and off of my screen?
I figure it's just another bug that's hasn't been addressed or is being ignored and since there isn't any reward for actually doing the quest anyway I just pretend it isn't there and hope there is some way of abandoning it after the event is over.
I did clear the quest (or a similar one) when it ran previously when it ran. Of course all I learned is my item level was insufficient to participate in the Tales of Old quest... My question is if a player has an item level too low to run Tales of Old, why are they given the quest to find out about Tales of Old in the first place? **And as I said, the player gets nada for completing the quest if they don't meet the ToO quest's requirements.
Said in my first post that I did that. Mission doesn't clear.
Run the conversation all the way through and the mission is still there.