@nitocris83 @mimicking#6533 I was saying this for the love of the game i wanted to bring to your attention.
According to Steam player count records now its 2470 its all time low, chances are ARC player count be similar.
I understand that its end of year and people tend to go holiday and all... but this record was lowest since the game started on December 2013 its clearly show is something is wrong with the game direction.
These figure include those who log in invoke get VIP key and logout, quite few people i know will not even login after their VIP expired.
https://steamcharts.com/app/109600Please do look into what's going on and save the game .
There are also other indicators that the player activity(and the associated income for Cryptic) has dropped dramatically:
* The number of veterans in game is a lot lower than it used to be.. you get a lot of green players in REQ and RTQ these days, and it is painful. Low gear and no tactics knowledge. It seems the game as it is to a lesser degree is able to keep people until they become veterans. This could be because a lot of complexity and challenge was removed with mod 16.
* The AD to Zen conversion rate used to be 1M Zen/day. Now it seems to be down to 0.4M Zen/day.
* Guild activity is all over low.
Mod 18 will be decisive. When and if it comes.
First, if there are less sellers, there are also less buyers...
And second, it's the same every year, before Jubilee and Black friday : once you are around one month before, the Zen/day rate is much lower (usually half) than in between (let's say septembre, or february/march) those two big sales events.
1. Mod 16 reduction of most combat to long series of at-wills with occasional encounters and very rare dailies,
2. Repetitiveness of day-in, day-out expeditions ad nauseam and nothing else to do (as no one in our alliance can handle ToMM),
3. Demoralizing effect of seeing our active membership drop,
4. Inability to do things like Saturday stronghold events (dragonflight and marauders) due to lack of people,
5. Inability to do alliance dungeon runs (once again due to lack of people)
Some of these effects are positively reinforcing: the more people leave, the greater the effect. Looking outside the alliance, how can I tell that player numbers have dropped? The most glaring indicator to me has been the number of instances in various maps. I've never seen them this low. In Chult, there's often only a single instance. In the River District, there are usually only two instances, with instance #2 usually only partly filled. You never see more than four active instances anywhere except for Protector's Enclave and Yawning Portal. Contrast this to when Chult launched and there were dozens of active instances, or when Storm King's Thunder launched and there were over a hundred.
Are there new players? Yes. Just in the past week we've added several to our guild and have had several more inquiries. I've had to cull the roster to make room. Will they stick around? I hope so, but the lack of veterans is going to be a real problem. Aside from myself, there is rarely anyone else to help new players along, or help them group up when they reach max level.
A new game can survive on new players alone. I'm not sure if that's the case with a mature one, though, when player numbers have been observed to crash. Something must be done with the next mod.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
And the nice thing about the ZAX queue as a measurement is that it ties directly into Cryptics income. As long as you can assume that the same percentage of purchased Zen hits the ZAX, it is a direct indicator of Cryptic's income from NW.
Areas like Sharandar and the Dread Ring, where my character used to be able to mostly hold his own against mobs and bosses in those areas. Not only was the gear I had suddenly not sufficient, but my character stats were now insufficient due to increases in mob and boss powers. A couple of times of being "one shotted" in areas less than half way through, where I used to be to complete, even if it did take me a time or two coming back at a respawn point was not a pleasant experience.
It was also my first indication that spending real world money to purchase things to help my character play stronger might not have been my wisest investment and even though many veteran players said they intended to quit, I stuck it out and even lost some of my animus because the new content was dropping better gear that replaced the now obsolete gear I spent money to procure.
However there have been other changes that reaffirmed my reluctance to spend real world money for game gear, companions, mounts and such because of subsequent game changes after new Mod releases. Why spend money on anything for my player progression if those items are to (too quickly in my opinion) be made obsolete and virtually worthless with the next Mod release even in content supposedly not directly affected by the new game content?
Since then there have been numerous other "nerfs" not only to player gear, but to mounts, companions, runestones, enchantments, refinement objects, and player skills, stats and feats... not to mention augmentations to new and existing content mobs and bosses.
It's not hard to imagine that any player who invested time, effort and especially money in the game to procure items allowing them to successfully navigate existing content might feel a tad disaffected when what they had is suddenly made obsolete or nearly so with a future update.
My oldest waiting transaction on the ZAX was put into queue on Oct 10th. At that time the queue was around 8M Zen. It should be coming out soon, but I am still waiting.
That is 26 days ago.
That gives a ZAX queue processing rate of less than 0.31M Zen/day.
It likely is particularly low now because people are hoarding Zen for Black Friday, but I never saw it this low.
Some players left, thats true, but that was true also with every mod. My son started to play 2 days ago, and he is leveling a char, so I see what he sees. In every map there are hundreds of new players like him, I even told him that I could help with Charthraxis the dragon in graveyard but I saw there were more than 20 players in that spot, some of them newbies, others not so much.
I was surprised by that because I remember allways void instances in this leveling maps. Also checked other low maps and were full of new players with white / green gear and low level. This new players may not be able to do ToMM in 2 months, but they are what the game needs to be more healthy.
Also low level queues are instapop too.
Maybe the changes with mod 16 / 17 were drastical and not targeting an instant change, but progressive player influx looking for the future. This new players spend more money in the game than most of the veterans, we will see.
Im more optimistic than most of you really.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
this is where I'm at for destiny. lol. did you do the yawning portal, basically you learn what you need to do by doing the yawning portal quests. you get some great comp gear that helps you meet your stats.
I am spending a few minutes everday on my recruitment alt, and while it IS true that there are new players there a) aren't that many new players around compared to busy times of the game
b) new players on guild or new players I befriend or try to help made me see that they are not sticking around. Really.
I know 2 that started with M16 and while their progress is smooth and they are already gearing for tomm (how funny tbh but thats another topic) they ARE weirded out by how buggy HAMSTER is. Especially events. Or the crazy RNG.
Lately, one of those saw vids of old builds and dung runs and was like "Oh my god, you aren't just a grumpy HAMSTER! The game waa REALLY that much different!"
And the other new ppl? Often leave. Like ppl leave ftp games all the time. Simply finding out NW isn't their piece of cake. Nothing new.
So. For those few new players that are not actually vets in alt disguise we had to alienate other parts of the player base? I don't see this great restart happening.
Building up one's character to be able to play a campaign or existing quests, dungeons or skirmishes one week (month, whatever) then come back a few days later and find everything changed, mobs and bosses tougher, player characters weaker, player stats and powers reduced from what they were previously, add-on enhancements like enchantments and runestones not as powerful as they were before those changes is in my opinion is not only disappointing but counter productive in my opinion.
Why would anyone fork out the time, effort or cash to upgrade their character (mount or companion) when there is every chance - based on what's happened before - for those investments to be nerfed and not as effective in the same content as they were when they were purchased? I can see items needing to be upgraded for new Mods or content but for them to be powered down for content where they used to be effective tends to teach players there is no rationale for spending anything if their items and stats are going to be downgraded while in the same content where they used to work well.
Anyway that's my 2¢