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River District Replay, Chapter 1 cannot be completed

kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
I noticed an achievement I never saw before related to River District (something about throwing a balloon) and so I went to replay it. As usual, went to Neverember to get the RD replay quest, which lead me to River District. However, once I get there, the quest path tells me to Go to River District.

Either the quest waypoint is messed up and entering the RD instance doesn't progress the quest correctly OR there's supposed to be a different map icon specifically for this quest and it's not showing up on the travel map.

Regardless, it appears impossible to run the Chapter 1 replay.


  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    I'll bring this up to the team for additional info/investigation!
  • mimicking#6533 mimicking Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 83 Cryptic Developer
    Can you tell me the name of the quest, please?
    Go ahead, click on the chest...
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Sure (sorry, I should have posted all these images originally...)

    It's called: "Chapter 1: River District Unveiling"

    When you take the quest, you see:

    It leads you to the River District (no other instance-specific locations available):

    And when you get there:

  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    Wait a second - I just started clicking around a bit and turns out:

    That's definitely not very intuitive, I only figure that out accidentally because I clicked something I don't normally even look at. I was just reading what it said and happened to click it... but on the bright side, I guess it is possible to complete the quest after all :)

    Now to find my water balloons!
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Oh that some good feedback you provided.

    I would have likely done the same as you. I've always assumed the square just indicated missions in your journal had objectives in that map. Seems rather unusual you required to click specifically on the waypoint marker.

    "Good Catch" and can confirm clicking on River District going to the 'map' I'm then told to then return to the travel gate strangely enough... ...only when I click on the upper square does the alternate video seem to load with Celeste.

    Perhaps it might be better to place a River District Unveiling as the preferred location right besides River District; a similar approach was taken for Black Lake Job Fair.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Had a similar thing with Neverdeath when I had a quest leading me to a zone instance that was layered right over the actual zone. Can't provide pictures or names, though.

    EDIT :
    Don't see the point in replying through a new post, but I meant I didn't take pics when it happened, not that I don't know how to take screenshots.
    Post edited by evemj on
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    Jing, from Techsmith is awesome for this sort of thing. It's super lightweight, free, and provides cloud-based image uploads. It's limited in the free version, but perfect for this sort of use - if you post a pic in the main forum that gets a lot of views, it will hit the limits, but in bug reports, so far, I haven't had a problem.

    @nitocris83 @mimicking#6533 -- thanks for you attention on this one, it's much appreciated!
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User
    kvet said:

    Wait a second - I just started clicking around a bit and turns out:

    That's definitely not very intuitive, I only figure that out accidentally because I clicked something I don't normally even look at. I was just reading what it said and happened to click it... but on the bright side, I guess it is possible to complete the quest after all :)

    Now to find my water balloons!

    For new players, the River District Unveiling is a separate map icon. I can totally see how that's confusing.

  • mimicking#6533 mimicking Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 83 Cryptic Developer
    kvet said:

    Wait a second - I just started clicking around a bit and turns out:

    That's definitely not very intuitive, I only figure that out accidentally because I clicked something I don't normally even look at. I was just reading what it said and happened to click it... but on the bright side, I guess it is possible to complete the quest after all :)

    Now to find my water balloons!

    Ah good find and Glad you sussed it out- that being said, its on my radar to clean this up
    Thanks for the great sleuth work!

    Go ahead, click on the chest...
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    I think this also might manifest when you have to return to the lynching tree during another River District quest. You might want to check it.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited January 2019

    Ah good find and Glad you sussed it out- that being said, its on my radar to clean this up
    Thanks for the great sleuth work!

    You bet :)
    hustin1 said:

    I think this also might manifest when you have to return to the lynching tree during another River District quest. You might want to check it.

    hm, ok. I'll run through all those replays and see if I can find anything else
    Post edited by kvet on
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Only other issue I ran across on those replays was the last step of Chapter 3, the Return to Kravatos - there was no fairy trail leading back to the Kravatos in PE. Otherwise, I didn't run into any bugs per se, although the last chapter is a bit messy.

    1. The quest says to defeat 90 groups but the Heros stepped in around about 5 or 6 (didn't keep track) and while I couldn't fight or interact with any mobs, I was still in combat stance until I walked beyond the area. This might be intentional though. I admit both the first time and this time, when I saw 90 and realized that was groups not individual mobs, I kind of rolled my eye a bit and checked to make sure I had a full cup of coffee... Nevertheless, being stuck in combat stance meant I couldn't mount up, which would have been nice to move things along a bit.

    2. The fight with Gyrion is messy. It might be that I'm over-powered for the fight and took him down too fast, I don't know - but I got him to 0, and then he switched forms with only temporary hit points remaining. I fought him down to ALMOST 0 HP and he stopped doing anything. I couldn't attack him anymore, and he stopped moving. I couldn't leave the zone, couldn't even use my VIP travel post because I'm still in combat stance. Then, after a couple minutes, about the time it took me to write this post up through the previous sentence, he went back into motion with shield hit points only, after-which he died normally and the quest completed as expected.

    3. At the end of the quest, Celeste, Knox, and Luna all are using the same cheer emote, and they're doing it in sync like they're at a 6th grade dance doing the Macarena or something. It's kind of weird. Also, Linkletter is doing his best Snoop-Dog impression... also a little weird. :)
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    The Gyrion fight has been buggy since launch. I've done it on 11 characters and jt isn't about being overpowered. Besides the behavior described, he can also teleport into the invisible wall around the arena and become stuck and untargetable.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    Yeah, I recall the same thing happened to me when I went through it originally - including the part where he gets stuck in the wall. Its been a long time, but as I recall even the Defeat Me didn't work and I ended up having to log out and start the whole thing over. I forgot all about that... Didn't happen to me this time around though.
  • tecmysttecmyst Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 45 Arc User
    Yesterday I was doing some achievements and this problem still remains. To access this area 1st I needed to drop all quests from River District and only than I could click on the square spot, that kvet has mention (thanks!), to transfer on a quest map.
    Could you just move the chapter 1 quest map icon next to icon with River District, so they're not overlaping?
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    Is this over lapping "icon thing" going to ever be fixed??

    Last night had someone talking about this in chat, had to figure it out myself, came here to complain, found this very old thread... you know the rest.

    Still a problem, still broken.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer

    Is this over lapping "icon thing" going to ever be fixed??

    Last night had someone talking about this in chat, had to figure it out myself, came here to complain, found this very old thread... you know the rest.

    Still a problem, still broken.
    I'll bring this up again - it is likely an issue that's been de-prioritized to accommodate larger bugs but I can definitely understand how frustrating/annoying this one is.
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