The new rings in this mods are favored towards to offensive players. Most give you all offensive stats. There is only 1 defensive that gives you 20k defense, but there are several rings that give 20k offensive such as armor pen, combat advantage, and critic strike. There is no ring that gives 20k deflect, awareness, or critic avoidance. This is unbalanced and unfair. Now they have took off the nerf on armor pen and critic strike in PVP and made the tanks squishier, offensive classes have an unfair advantage.
deflect is available on mounts in potions or built right into the shadowclad armor mechanic/ guild boon or mount insignia bonuses / off hand weapon bonus / pants of deflect +~4000/ foods / hybrid enchantment / boons /armor kitd/ o / pvp boons
crit avoidance / on a mount or insignia bonuses / hybrid or dark enchantments /pants of crit avoidance+ ~4000 stats / armor kits have crit avoidance /boons /offhand weapon bonus / pvp boons
there are plenty of ways to focus stats that are not on rings ..ya i know no fair that they do not exist on them so adapt ..
stacking lots of defense x 2 20k defense rings .and (maybe moderate crit avoidance if you are 25K+ item level ) ,,is the main primary stats to be tanky and hitpoints .. not awareness
stacking all the right defensive / offensive / healing mount insignia bonuses
all of this is on companion gear mind you as counter stats for open world pvp or final dungeon
you can swap your build loadout to be more offensive or defensive .. i dont see what the issue is except lack of item level/ gear to be as versatile
any class can be glass cannon or full tank turtle even out of their main class( dps/tank/heals ) role defined by the devs
I'm not putting side on either one but I would like to be fair because I play both sides. Since it's not, the devs need to really look at the game and see how to make it fair for both sides. That's why only a certain amount play PvP because they go in and get crushed by DPS and they don't play because they cant' defend themselves.
P.S. I'm not one of those people because I can tank and DPS, but I would more people to play PvP and if the devs want more PvP the 5 game minimum for this mod for the PvP competition is a joke. It should be a least 60 games since the competition is a month long, so that's 2 games a day.
The reason some people stay away from PvP isn't the lack of defensive options. It's because they don't have good enough gear or are afraid of facing somewhat intelligent opponents. Some also can't take the competitiveness.
Yesterday this happend:
I was doing a 1vs1 against a hr and I noticed during the fight my defence was reduced by 52k. I lost and at the campfire I got 20k defence back but still 32k were missing till the end of the match. What may that cause?
Edit: A few mins ago I tried to produce this again but it didnt happen: I called a Tr friend and we did 1vs1 but my and his defence stats were stable and I came with my hr and also no drain in his defence stats.