I have 70+ tomes of EP that have been locked since mod 15 dropped why? I also have a demonic tome from a Gauntlgrym box that has a lock on it ,why?
"What is the sense of living the life you're given if all you ever do is stand in one place?" Lord Huron
My character Tsin'xing
This is like arguing why you can't use certain potions that clearly state a level cap on them.
1 - they forgot these even exist and didn't upgrade them to get you to level 70
2 - they intentionally only wanted them to be used to get you to level 70. the new level 80 cap was "recent" so they may be thinking they want you to grind those 10 levels instead of using tomes.
3 - they intend to add higher level tomes at a later date
4 - they never intend to add higher level tomes since they're tired of people using tomes to speed level their way to level cap
Who knows what the real reasoning is. I've got tons of them myself but honestly don't care about them. Takes no time at all to go from level 70-80 with some azures & xp boon on.
For me, the value of those XP tomes is not for leveling. The value of those XP tomes is for XP rewards during 2xXP.
I would not "waste" them for normal leveling.
Anyway, I consider it was on me for not spending them when I could.
As I said, I have about 50 stacks (about 5000).
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My alt took < 10 days from level 70 to 80 for doing nothing besides invocation.
Maybe if they still dropped, you'd have a case but nah.
i belive the biggest reason they dont allowed those tomes to work 70-80 is to avoid people to jump that gaap in seconds when mod 16 was released (yet some people saved a lot of xp prizes from quests and did it anyway)...