Do Empowered Runestone Rank 15 not give health to the player when put in a companion gear defensive slot? I have 525k health with three double offensive slot companion gear on, when i replace one of those with a higher iLevel 2 defensive slot pieces of gear and put the Rank 15 empowered in them, my health does not change, but my power does drop a lot.
Sounds like a bug, but how long after the switch did you watch stats? Sometimes the stats take a minute to show up?
Before mod 16, HP could NOT be transferred from non-augment pet's gear/enchantment to character through bonding runestone or eldritch runestone. The HP was for the pet.
After mod 16, HP cannot be transferred from augment pet's gear/enchantment to character through bonding runestone or augment pet feature. A change from before mod 16.
After mod 16, HP still cannot be transferred from non-augment pet's gear/enchantment to character through bonding runestone. The HP is for the pet. No change from before mod 16.
Why was there a change for augment pet? I have no idea.
I don't know what kind of pet OP was using.
If it is a non-augment pet, the behaviour has been the same since the eldritch stone was introduced.
If it is an augment pet, yes, there was a change.
Note: since almost nobody used augment pet between the introduction of bonding runestone and mod 16, not many people cared about augment pet's "before mod 16" behaviour. One can consider the change is a "fix" to match the "used to be popular" non-augment pet behaviour.
Before Mod 16, augment companions passed HP only because they didn't proc bondings back then (no attacking, no companion gifts). This was the tradeoff pre-mod16. If you used augments you didn't get bonding boosts to stats but you did get HP from companion.
Now, bondings do work with augments. One would think they don't want you to get the extra HP since they NEVER transferred HP when used with a non-augment companion.
It seems fairly simple. Augments now behave more like non-augments when it comes to bonding stones purpose. So they no longer transfer HP from empowered.
Or we just got used to accept that fact, and trying to justify things?
On the other hand, shouldn't be a relative note on tooltips on defensive slots, saying that
empowered runestones share stats ONLY on offensive slots?
HP could not be transferred had been acknowledged for a long time and yes, they should make that obvious and not rely on passing the words among players.
There were even more stuff not transferred before mod 16 because companion could use character's gear before mod 16. Now with companion gear only, it makes it easier to identify what would not be transferred.
Hit point gain does not apply to augment companion.
That is true.
It implies Hit point gain apply to non-augment companion and that is true too.
However, it does not say: the Hit Point gain on non-augment companion is not transferred to the character.
IMO, as I said before, Empowered runestone tooltip is not the proper place to state the HP is not transferred to character.