The Foundry might be gone, but it will never be forgotten. The people have been talking about the fire that ravaged all those books in Neverwinter. The grand repository known as
The Foundry was burned to the ground on April 11th.
In many places some bards play a lute and sing this verse;
The fires of April,
Was extremely painful.
The Foundry and all did burn.
The immortals from Celestial Heaven,
Did weep on April eleven.
While the leadership showed no concern.
Knowledge lost in flames,
No culprits, no names.
The volumes of history were gone.
An arsonist never found,
Never tracked by any hound.
Why was a bounty never drawn?
Those guilty go unpunished,
Has the memories diminished?
Those questions do confound me.
The eleventh of April it all ended,
No criminals were apprehended.
What ever happened to our Foundry?

Announcing MEGA Foundry Contest
Rules: Starting on September 7th, you will be given a list of names on this thread. Right click and inspect the characters history to read the results of your interrogation. Don't bother the players by whispering, as they don't have any more Knowledge than what I gave them to post in their history. You can use the Social Menu (O key) to find the person on the list.
1. Use the O key to open the Social Menu.
2. Click Find Person TAB
3. Enter the name and press Search button.
4. Right click on the name.
5. Inspect and open their History TAB
The format of the list will be like this;
(character name) available for questioning on (date) (time) for 2 hours.
Each character will have various times and be available for Saturday and Sunday. Many will appear beyond this date while playing. No information about the arsonist will be posted here. You will need to search for the arsonist the old fashion way. Put the clues together and track them down. The arsonist will be found at the same location and does not move and will only be available on the weekends until found.
Once the arsonist is caught, the game is over. Their biography will tell you, they are the guilty party. All you need do at that point is send me the information in game mail. If you cannot use the mail system, PM it here.
The Grand Prize and only prize is a starter guild, with a single pane bank, 1000 gold, and other various items shown below. More might be added by those I left in charge of this prize.
Q: I am already in a guild how can I claim/use this prize?
A: If you win, it is entirely up to you. You can have an alternate character pick it up and add it to your alliance. You can trade it off to a good friend. This is just convenient to hand you the keys to your castle other than mass mailing you all the items.
Q: How long will the contest run?
A: It could end rather quickly or last several weekends. If no one solves the clues, I will continue to add more over time.
Q: Won't the people who know who you hang out with, can cheat and use the @ handles to find this arsonist?
A: The arsonist will be using the /hide command to keep them off the social lists. This means you will need to locate the arsonist visually and inspect them.
Legal? meh: This contest is not endorse Cryptic Studios, Wizards of the Coast, etc. I alone am responsible. There is no money or funds changing hands, this is a simple player contest to win a "castle full of prizes". These prizes are given freely by myself. The only players not allowed to win this contest are those assisting me (aka the clue providors). Any attempts of bribery will be ignored. The winner requested post here to prove they have acquired their prize, but not required.
This will be my last Foundry Contest as the Foundry is not "down for repairs" it is gone forever. I not only enjoyed making quests for you to play and win prizes, I also miss playing yours. It is my hope, that someday we will meet again, on other online games offering player made tales of adventure.
Good Luck finding the arsonist.
Player A: "Why do idiots want to run the whole thing? Why can't they stop after just round one?"
Me: "Because "idiots" like me offer rewards like epic mounts in my Going for the Gold contest."
Player B: "I don't think someone with rank 8 enchants would be giving away epic mounts."
Me: "Why don't you peek at the forum link in my history then?"
Me: "You have already peeked at my enchantments."
Player B: "No thanks, the forums are a scary place."
To those of you keeping up on this thread, looks like you don't have as much competition as one might think.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Just a big thanks for this, and though I may not participate in the contest I am most curious to see the results
"Are you the one seeking the reward for the Foundry arsonist?", she asks. You nod in agreement, "But you are..."
"Thayan? Actually my husband is from Thay and we are part of a Thayan Reformist movement. But that is longer story and not why you came here. My husband and I are the owners of the Bank of Zorg here in Protectors Enclave. We posted the bounty.", she concludes.
"I don't understand, why hasn't Lord Neverember investigated the fire?", you inquire.
"Lord Neverember is a bit more prudent with his financial assets these days. Investigations cost money and he has bills to pay. Why else would he allow a Thayan business here in Neverwinter? We wanted to name it the Reformist Bank of Thay, but had to just use our last name to be more... discreet.", she turns to her husband.
"I am Count Byron Zorg, I was present that night at the fire. I never in my life thought anyone could be so evil to destroy all that knowledge, history, fables, and..." He clears his throat, obviously getting emotional, "Not even a Red Wizard on his worse day could commit such a foul despicable act."
"Tell me what you saw.", you respond.
"I smelled the odor of the flames and it smelled unnatural to me. I wouldn't know how to describe it.", he starts searching his robes for something, "By the time I reached the building it was too late to save anything. I started to look about the crowd and I saw some people I recognized. Here is a list of those names.", he presents you with a list.
Sarah Bookbinder@doctordna - Sat 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8AM Pacific
Gruula Axebreaker@hotfrostworm - Sat 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8AM Pacific
Hiviticus@blargskull - Sat. Noon to 2 PM EST, 9 AM to 11 AM Pacific
Makaria Demonbone@sameriker - Sat. Noon to 2 PM EST, 9 AM to 11 AM Pacific
Llorna Zorg says, "That should get you started in your investigation of this crime. When you find the arsonist, contact the Bank of Zorg directly. Since the local government is unwilling to investigate, we will see to it the criminal gets a just punishment for this crime.". Her husband Byron adds, "If one cavorts by the flames, one must always expect to be burned sooner or later.". They excuse themselves and leave the tavern discreetly by the use of an illusion spell.
Sarah Bookbinder@doctordna - Sun. 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8AM Pacific
Gruula Axebreaker@hotfrostworm - Sun. 6 PM to 8 PM EST, 3 PM to 5 PM Pacific
Hiviticus@blargskull - Sun. 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8 AM Pacific
Makaria Demonbone@sameriker - Sat. 9 PM to 11 PM EST, 6 PM to 8 PM Pacific
"Hey don't make eye contact, I work for a highly secret mysterious organization unknown to..." he starts to laugh heartly. "I am sorry, I can't keep a straight face when talking about the people I work for these days.".
"Are you the Harper agent?"
"Will Robert Snooks at your service." he extends his hand.
As you shake hands and sit to talk, he explains, "Harpers are pretty full of themselves, they may as well make a huge sign to point the way to the headquarters! My understanding is you need to know who the Harpers might suspect of setting the Foundry ablaze.".
"That is correct.", you answer.
"I have a list of a few people, 'bad guys' we keep an eye on them.", as he smirks a bit, "If I hadn't joined the Harpers years ago, my name could have made the list. I wouldn't put a lot of faith in finding your arsonist in someone's gallery of rogues.".
He hands you a paper with the names and notes on it;
Gruula Axebreaker@hotfrostworm - radical orc, renegade?
Sun. 6 PM - 8 PM EST
Reid@blargskull - unknown rebel leader? possible Nasher?
Sat. 9 PM - 11 PM EST or Sun. Noon to 2 PM
Aero Ironcrown@sandukutupu - cultist warlock, unknown demonic alliance?
Sat. or Sun. 9 PM - 11 PM EST
As you look up to thank him, he is gone.
As a result the morning line up is as follows;
Sarah Bookbinder@doctordna - Sun. 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8AM Pacific
Gruula Axebreaker@hotfrostworm - Sun. 6 PM to 8 PM EST, 3 PM to 5 PM Pacific
Reid@blargskull - Sun. 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8 AM Pacific
Aero Ironcrown@sandukutupu - Sun. 9 AM to 11 AM EST, 6 AM to 8 AM Pacific
Here is the story in total for those of you who didn't finish or could not play;
You approach a woman tending bar at the Moonstone Mask, who fits the description given to you. "You must be Sarah Bookbinder? You were the..."
"Yes, I am Sarah, I was the gnome librarian for the Foundry.", she quickly answers.
"Gnome?", you puzzle.
"Yes, I know... I often get mistaken as a halfling or such.", she adds,"But I am a gnome, now if you don't mind, I have paying customers to wait on and I need the money."
"Just a few questions about the night of the fire, if you don't mind.", you retort. "Was there anyone working at the library that held a grudge?". you ask.
"Disgruntle employee? No. The only person I had words with ...", she pauses,"...well she is gone now and not likely a suspect."
"Who was that?", you ask again.
Sarah sighs, "Faral Loreweaver was an orphan of the featherlung epidemic that took her parents on a journey to Waterdeep. Adopted by the librarian, she sought knowlegde, and found solace in the library. Later after the librarian had passed away, she started learning the arcane arts.", she hands a mug to a customer, "That is when I started to work there. Then she joined a guild of mercenaries...", Sarah rolls her eyes, " see the world! But I know who set that fire, it was that last client."
"Who was the last person in the library besides yourself?"
"The last person wasn't a person at all... it was a TIEFLING. A picture of the devil herself.", she acts like she is chilled, "When I said, I knew who set the blaze, it had to be that tiefling."
Suspects: Faral Loreweaver & Calamity Venomtongue
You ask one of the patrons in the Moonstone Mask to point out Makaria Demonbone, they gesture at a voluptuous tiefling atop a table dancing very sultry. She makes eye contact and jumps down, "Do you like my dancing?".
"What I saw of it.", you reply.
"Well you are not my type, you cannot have Makaria! Besides I have a great big man of my own.", she implies, "You cannot have my man either."
"I don't want you in that way.", you explain.
"Oh, Makaria is not good enough?", she seems very narcissistic.
"I just need to ask you questions about the Foundry, I understand you were there the night it burned.", you reply.
"Oh, that was an awful night.", she sighs, "My man was there too. He was by my side. We were on a date and he was my escort. There was a strange smell about the fires. I know this smell very well."
"What was that?"
"Oil of shale, the mountain orcs burn the shale rocks, they heat up and produce an oil that burns hot. It smells awful but so do orcs.", she see someone and waves, "Orcs set the fire. Is that all or do you need more?".
"What is your man's name? I might have questions for him.", you ask.
"Hiviticus is a strong fast tiefling! He is my man and don't you forget it.", she says poking your shoulder. She starts dancing again joined by another girl on the table.
Witness: Hiviticus
You see the tiefling standing at the bar talking to a wizard, as the wizard leaves you make your introduction.
"Are you Calamity Venomtongue the last patron to leave the Foundry?", you begin to ask the tiefling.
"I am Calamity, but not the last patron that night.", she responds flippantly.
"I was informed...", you begin.
"You were informed wrong.", she objects, "There was some old knight there doing research when I left the building."
"You don't happen to know anything about the knight? Such as a name?", you continue, "Where he came from for example?"
"No.", she quickly answers, "However I saw him earlier that day with the old sea captain. Captain Slade doesn't sail much these days, but as one might know, he does run the largest line that ships the most passengers to and from Neverwinter by sea. I suggest you go chat it up with him instead.".
Intrested Party: Dirk Anvil Slade Clue: old knight
As you arrive at the Chasm atop the high wall you see a woman in a blue dress talking to Scar Company soldiers. She turns and looks at you as you approach, "Sorry the Chasm is closed for tourism today." she says somewhat whimsical.
"Oh? I was so hoping to take the kids to the aboleth petting zoo.", you reply in kind.
"You are a new arrival here? We don't get a lot of humor here, but we always welcome help.", she assumes you come to join in the fray, "See the quarter master for your gear and..."
"No, I am not a recruit, I came to talk to you about the fire that took the Foundry. I understand you lived there a very long time. I am seeking clues to who would want it destroyed.", you explain to her.
"That happened almost six months ago, now Lord Neverember sends out his hounds after the trail has grown cold?", she cradles her face in the palm of her hand, "Next he will be sending us supplies we need, long after we are dead and buried here."
"The Bank of Zorg put up the reward.", you respond.
"I am really out of touch with the affairs of Protectors Enclave these days, must be a lot of new business there in the last year or two.", upon hearing a fight on the otherside of the wall her attention is drawn to it. "I came out here because... words are not enough, we must put action behind them or they mean nothing.".
"May I ask, why you left?", you ponder.
"Of course,", she continues to watch the fray off in the distance as she speaks, "It was my home. I am sure you know this, after my parents died, I lived there for 60 years. I didn't leave because of the death of my benefactor. I left because it was being deprived of resources needed to thrive.". She is pleased with the outcome of the recent battle and turns back to look you in the eyes. "The Foundry was a great boon to Neverwinter, when it started out anyone could publish books there, old or young, rich or poor, it was a beacon of hope for the future. Then Lord Neverember and nobles pulled much of the funding and neglected assets needed. As time grew on patrons of the Foundry were no longer rewarded for effort. The foundation fell into disrepair. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Daggult himself held the torch that ended it.".
"Thank you for your time.", you answer.
"If you find out who is responsible...", she sighs and turns away, "Good luck in your search.".
Captain Slade is old but appears to be very agile for his age, as he leaps off his giant beetle mount, "You requested to see me about the Foundry?"
"Yes, I have a few questions.", you state.
"Not that I am a suspect in this investigation,", he slaps the beetle on the shell and it flies off skyward, "but I want you to know up front, I don't see Thay has authority in Neverwinter matters. The Zorgs are not the law."
"I believe they have good intentions.", you reply.
Dirk nods, "And a person once told me, the path to the Nine Hells is made of gold bricks, each one a good intention. What are your questions?".
"I was told you were seen talking to a mysterious knight and I need to question him as he was the last one in the Foundry that evening.", you explain.
"A Waterdeep knight?", the Captain asks.
"Maybe. What can you tell me?", you inquire.
"Just before the fires, I was confronting a Waterdeep knight who sailed in on forged documents. Is he the one that burned the library?", he looks up for a moment, "Had I known, I would have killed him on the spot."
"I don't know for sure. I need to question him."
Dirk whistles, "Find him, if he is the arsonist, I care not what you do with him.", Dirk's beetle lands and he climbs on, "You should worry more about the future, a future without the Foundry is no future at all."
"What about justice?", you ask.
"Is it about justice? Neverember doesn't plan to rebuild the library, according to Kavatos Stormeye he doesn't have the resources. What is that suppose to even mean? Sorry I am not much help with your investigation.", Dirk pulls at the beetle and scuttles away.
You see a male tiefling one horn damaged from battle, just as he was described. "Hiviticus? Excuse me Byron Zorg said you were present at the fire that took the Foundry?"
"I am sorry, my mind isn't what it use to be.", Hiviticus responds, "I was in a gang back in Luskan and took too many hits to my head. Did you just tell me your name?"
You reply, "I just need to know what you remember about the fires."
"I remember...", he pauses, "nothing... oh the night of the fires. I was with Shava, she is my Guild Leader. Also a very good marksman with an bow. Before I joined her guild, I was in a gang back in Luskan and took too many hits to my head."
"Yes. So who is this Shava? Where can I find her?", you ask.
"I guess you should talk to Shava. She probably saw a lot more than I can remember. I was in a gang back in Luskan and took too many hits to my head. Do you I know you from somewhere?"
"Does Shava have a last name?", you grow tired of this circular conversation but continue.
"Her last name? Does Shava have a last name?", he digs into a pocket, "Here is a card Shava gave me so I wouldn't forget the guild or where it is located. You have to excuse me, I was in a gang back in Luskan and took too many hits to my head."
Eye Witness: Shava Darkhawke
Feeling more confused than Hiviticus, "You have a good day Hiviticus.".
"Oh wait I just remembered something!", he exclaims, "You were asking me if I know Shava? Yes I do, she is my Guild Leader. I was in a gang back in Luskan and took too many hits to my head. I tend to forget things, was your name Pat?"
The Questioning of Gruula Axebreaker?
This female orc appears to be half orc, but before you say a word...
"What do you want!? Why are you staring at me? What did I do?", she snarls in true orc form.
As you begin, "I want to ask you..."
She growls, and then continues, "Then be quick about it and ask! What are you accusing me of anyway? I haven't commented any crime... yet. Were you born this slow, ask me your question!"
"What were you doing at the Foundry the night of the fire?" you blurt out.
"Oh, so the orcs are being accused for the fire. How typical!", she doesn't stop for air, "If you must know, I was heading to the Foundry when the fires broke. I arrived too late to access the books I needed.", it is quite amazing that she cannot be intterputed in the slightest. "I know what you are thinking,", you are pondering how much air is in her lungs, "Orcs don't read books! Well I have a brain and my brain is muscle that needs exercise! I was heading to the library for information on my soon to be dead ex-brother Throgh and post his wanted poster there as well!", She pulls several posters from a bag and almost strikes you in the face with them. As you pull back a bit you can see she has an artistic hand at drawing. The poster reads; REWARD Throgh, WANTED ALIVE, then in smaller print, Beating is optional, don't kill him, or I will kill you instead of him.
"I see.", you state.
"Have you seen him?!", she asks.
"No.", you state.
"Then why am I standing here wasting my time talking to you?", she shoves you aside and leaves. She wasn't any help at all.
As you search the crowd for the wood elf ranger, you see her from behind working on her bow, "Shava?".
The wood elf turn to face you, "Yes, who is there?", she is blind and both eyes are white.
"I was sent by a guild member who said you were with him the night of the Foundry fire.", you feel as if Hiviticus has played you for a fool.
"Yes. Hiviticus? We were both there that evening.", she continues to work on her bow for the competition. As she turns toward you, you cannot help but wonder if the ranger is really blind. Then you wave your hand by her face to see if she reacts. She smiles, "Waving your hand in front of me doesn't make me see anything.".
"Then how did you know I waved my hand?", you ask.
"The sun is warm upon my face, a sudden shadow cools the skin, then the quick action of your hand so close disrupts the air flowing nearby, also it is something everyone does the first time meeting me. It is expected.", she is finished with the bow, and takes her mark, on the line. "Many wonder how I hunt my prey. Animals make curious noises, each smells different, and then...", she draws back her bow, "I strike.". At that point she hits a perfect bullseye in the competition and the crowd cheers.
"I feel akward asking you, if you saw something the night of the fire.", you respond.
"I saw nothing with my worthless eyes. I heard people and smelled the fire.", she turns to you once again, "We are meant to think orcs set this fire because oil of shale was used. Yet the only orc in range had no oil on her person. She smelled of inks and perfumes. The oil of shale burns hot and fast, it was meant to mislead, and made sure nothing survived that inferno. You should talk to my mentor he can put you in touch with others looking into this fire."
Resource: Kris Silverkin
As you are heading to the next location for your meeting, you get tapped on the shoulder, "Are you the person looking for the April Arsonist?".
The man you see before you appears to be slightly drunk and still drinking. You remove his hand from your shoulder and tell him, "Yes. I am busy and on my way to meet someone."
"Well I am someone!", he take a large drink and stumbles a bit, "Why don't you ask me who started that fire?"
"I don't have much time,", you state, "who do you think started that fire?".
"No clue what-so-ever...", the man says,"but thank you for asking me though. That was very polite of you. Shava said you were a nice person.".
"Wait a minute, you are Silverkin?", you ask.
"Kris Silverkin at your", he bows low and falls upon the ground, "service my...", then he spills is drink, "aw, I just bought that!"
You are beginning to question how you went from brainless, to blind, to blind drunk. "Shava informed me you could put me in touch with other people searching for the arsonist?"
"Yes I can, the Harpers are everywhere and know everything about everyone.", he whispers, "They even know them.", he points skyward at the moon, "You know the people living up by the moon. Will Robert Snooks will meet you there."
"On the moon?", you ask cynically.
"No, in the tavern over there.", he points across the street. The man dusts himself off and stumbles off to the tavern.
The Man in Green: Will Robert Snooks
You enter the back room in the tavern and a whispered voice from the dark corner surprises you.
"Hey don't make eye contact, I work for a highly secret mysterious organization unknown to..." he starts to laugh heartly. "I am sorry, I can't keep a straight face when talking about the people I work for these days.".
"Are you the Harper agent?"
"Will Robert Snooks at your service." he extends his hand.
As you shake hands and sit to talk, he explains, "Harpers are pretty full of themselves, they may as well make a huge sign to point the way to the headquarters! My understanding is you need to know who the Harpers might suspect of setting the Foundry ablaze.".
"That is correct.", you answer.
"I have a list of a few people, 'bad guys' we keep an eye on them.", as he smirks a bit, "If I hadn't joined the Harpers years ago, my name could have made the list. I wouldn't put a lot of faith in finding your arsonist in someone's gallery of rogues.".
He hands you a paper with the names and notes on it;
Gruula Axebreaker - radical orc, renegade?
Reid - unknown rebel leader? possible Nasher?
Aero Ironcrown - cultist warlock, unknown demonic alliance?
As you look up to thank him, he is gone.
You travel to the Well of Dragons, the citadel operated by the Cult of the Dragon the Sunset Mountains.
You walk up to the dragon slayers, a mysterious husband and wife team who kill dragons without payment. The female notices you and shakes her head, "Yes, I know the Zorgs have you looking for the person responsible for that fire. I suspect you are on a fools errand.", she states as she tightens the belts on her saddle.
"What do you mean by that?", you ask her.
"I believe it was the Zorgs who set that fire.", she mounts her fancy horse, looking more like both of them should be a parade not chasing dragons. "The Zorgs are just using you to avert attention. Now that the building is gone, they can offer Neverember more gold to buy the land and improve it. There will be a big new Thayan bank there in no time at all."
"They told me they are reformists.", you reply.
"Believe what you like, I side with those doomguides, the only good Thayan is a dead Thayan. Vhex and I were here in the Well of Dragons on a dragon run that day. It is sad all that knowledge is lost.", she turns to her husband, who has remained silent, "Come Vhex we have work to do, dragons won't kill themselves.", you feel a cold chill as Vhex glares at you, she spurs her horse and they both ride off together.
Back in the Blacklake District you are seeking the man only known as Reid.
You see a man in leather clothing with a mask obviously a thief standing before you. The man instantly draws a dagger out and tosses it. You immediately dodge and ready yourself. The blade hits its true target a Nasher thug sneaking up behind you.
"Take that you false rebel! The corrupted regime will never fall to your pitiful hands!", shouts the masked man.
You reply “Thank you.”, he seems to barely notice you as he turn around to a table full of Sword Coast maps. After some time, he looks up, "Is there something you wanted from me? I'm busy.”
You ask him about the day of fire. "That is a tragic day indeed. I was here with my men holding down the Blacklake district, as we had the upper hand at the time.", he ponders for a moment "However there was one odd looking man in armor with a group of Neverwinter soldiers. I did hear one of them say the name, "Corporal Hudson”.
Key Witness: Corporal Nick Hudson
He takes a deep breath "However I believe I already know who truly started that fire. False Lord Daggult Neverember must have been the true mastermind behind it. The reason is to eliminate knowledge! Knowledge is power! Free thinking people being able to take action and revolt against Neverember's Regime! People should just live their lives without rulers adding taxes. People know the difference of right and wrong, town militia know when to show up to detain a person, just like farmers know how to grow crops. It all simplistic if you look at it. We have no need of councils, no need of nobles, and certainly no need of rulers." you ask what would he do if he succeeded. "When I liberate Neverwinter, I'll just move on to the next place where false leaders are in control... I am thinking Waterdeep..." you take this time to leave as he seems lost in thought at his overall plans again.
You find out from Sergeant Knox that Corporal Hudson is guarding a Thayan prisoner. As you approach him you see he is standing with several other Neverwinter guard. The Corporal raises his hand, "Halt. This prisoner is dangerous, don't get too close.".
"I am investigating the Foundry Arson for The Bank of Zorg. Did you escort a knight through Blacklake roughly six months ago?", you ask the Corporal.
"Six months ago?", Hudson thinks for only a second, "Yes I did. We were sent to Blacklake on orders from an official in Waterdeep. A real VIP escort for some old knight. We lost a few men there including the Sergeant in charge of the detail."
"Who was the VIP that sent those orders?", you inquire.
"I don't know. I don't even know the name of the knight, but he was from Waterdeep. I could tell by the armor insignia.", Nick closes his eyes and lowers his head, "The Nashers were purging hard and heavy that night. The Sergeant was taken down first, the orders were on him but they burned. All I was thinking at that point was, this is game over. We are all going to die here.", he wipes his eyes, "We got the knight out safely and did our job.".
"Any idea where this Waterdeep knight is now?".
"No, not really, he was an old man, blind in one eye, gray haired, and more hair on his face than his head."
"Thank you for your help.", you reply.
"Wait!", "One other thing I thought of, after getting him back to Protector's Enclave, I recall someone saying he was heading to Blackdagger to look for something important."
“I guess I might be heading to Blackdagger looking for a knight with one eye.”, you mutter to yourself.
You see a knight sitting and babbling in the corner of this room.
"Excuse me? Are you the same knight that was seen outside The Foundry the night it burned?", you ask.
"I no longer use my title, it is... as if, a small rodent is chewing upon my brain. I am just Cody now...", his gaze wanders about the room, he seems to search for something, "just Cody Cutspit... where did they go? Why did they abandon me?", he wipes salivation from his chin.
"Sir Cutspit?", you try to gain his attention, "I need to know what happen..."
"I am no longer a knight...", he mummers.
"Why?", you ask.
His eyes widen, he leans forward and shouts into your face, "Because Knights don't burn books! HEROES DON'T DESTROY THE PAST!".
"You set the Foundry fires?", you ask softly.
"No. No. Cody set the fires, because they told us to do it.", he looks around the room again, "Where did everyone go? Why did they abandon me?".
You have some lingering suspicion the man either went insane or was driven insane by outside forces. Either way, it is clear this man started those fires.
You have no trouble binding the man and taking him back to Protector's Enclave where you turn him in for the reward at The Bank of Zorg.
That night you make an entry into your journal.
The destruction of the Foundry was a blow from which Neverwinter might never recover from. The stories told, the mighty tales spun for all, and the lore that described events yet to unfold in far off lands. All gone in an instant. Perhaps Waterdeep may have the libraries to hold such wonders yet, but those are far away and often held closely by those that would want coin first for a peek at their pages.
Cutspit's ramblings continued to haunt me. Whatever he had experienced, it was clear that it had affected him deeply. Perhaps he wished to share his loneliness with the rest of the world by doing one thing the thought might bring solace to his shattered mind -- burning the Foundry and with it, the memories of the past.
But his fate was not my decision to make. The Foundry was a part of Neverwinter's history longer than many of us had been a part of it. He would have to face justice. He would need to, if only to give closure to what was taken that night to so many that had celebrated those memories.
Mayhaps in prison he may find the solace he seeks. Or find himself with a moment of clarity to speak of those that still hide in the shadows, pushing this frail and broken man to do the unspeakable. And maybe, just maybe, there will be someone there to listen to his story and record it so that others may hear the truth.
~~~Posted in Game Mail by the winner of the contest!