I have test video to show that all stun power ignores cc stacks and elven doesnt work against them. This applies to all stun power (not knock down) and is true for all class, GWF, OP, CW, SW, HR, GF, DC,TR, so I am not whnining about nerfing certain class only. (check 1:16 in video that elven doesn't work). In pvp it is like stun-popcorn, stun pop-popcorn, ...., until it reaches 4 stacks. This makes pvp annoying to play especially when there is a lot of players on the middle nodes. Check this video of test. It seems devs havent realized this, at least not from their reply in forum. Please report it to the team, thank you!
@nitocris83 @noworries#8859
Either just remove stuns completely, or limit player vulnerability to being stunned to once per minute from any source, or give players some kind of self-stack of "hard-headedness" which gives them 5 x immunity to cc depleted over time/hits, which refills on respawn.
Everyone hates stuns.