It would be really wise to actually test stuff and REACT to players' feedback. Completing quests in River District doesn't count towards Legacy Campaign. HOW AWESOME. I completed two, none of them counted so I don't give a HAMSTER about this campaign until it is fixed. Also, kindly check servers and track these quests completed by my character minutes ago and make them count.
Sweet Jesus, what a poor game development it is... I could understand if there were only new things bugged but you seem to completely fail at things bugged for years, awesome achievement... (sarcasm intended, not offending).
It is a good idea but not when you cannot do stuff, and I normally do not come on forums to say anything even though have been in this game for 5 years, so people like me coming on and saying something should tell the devs that something is amiss.
However I have found that SKT legacy do work even though in your journal it does not say, have done it with both mains and they did count after handing them in.
Apparently, this has never been tested as well. Underwhelming.
Currently the A class Heroic encounters are set to time off of each other every 20 minutes. In normative game play, that was fine, but with legacy game play and the fast killing, it could seem like long time.
Thanks for helping us narrow this down.
A couple of suggestions:
- Change the Legacy Mission to be 1 Major OR Epic HE. Also, remove Caer-Konig from the list, there are No HEs there at all. :-)
- Take a lesson from WoD, have the BHE's (epics) pop hourly -- say 15mins past the hour for example.
Either one should help the frequency issue. I have personally not had a problem with the Epic HEs not counting, but I have had the Demonics in Ice Wind Pass not count... (unrelated, but maybe helpful???)Thanks!
> It would be nice if you all preset IWD for the Epic encounters to spawn more frequently. With so very little to do in the game right now many are doing the Legacy campaign. It is ridiculous that we have sit for hours waiting for the Remoraz to spawn. I sat in a group for 45 min last night before I finally gave up. Many were stating they spawn every 3 hours. Come on!
> Regarding sitting for hours. Are you seeing the timer pogs on the overhead map counting down while waiting? If not, that is a good clue to know. I am seeing them when we test now and when we tested before going live with Legacy quests in IWP and in DV.
> Currently the A class Heroic encounters are set to time off of each other every 20 minutes. In normative game play, that was fine, but with legacy game play and the fast killing, it could seem like long time.
> Thanks for helping us narrow this down.
> Cheers
> M.K.
Just sat in IWP for almost three hours, so I can give some information. On Xbox:
It appears the major HEs such as Corrupted Bears, Remorhaz Hunt, etc pop roughly every 20 to 30 minutes. There is a counter on the world map for them. Minors and demonics spawn as usual, no issue there. The only epic that spawned in those three hours was Black Ice Domination (which doesn't count towards the quest), and it only spawned once. There was NO countdown on the world map for it if it makes a difference.
The only people I know that completed it used The Remorhaz in IWP and Black Ice Beholder in DV, both of which spawn very very infrequently. If you say they are supposed to spawn every 20, they are bugged and the timer needs looked at. Otherwise, changing the legacy quest to allow for a major HE would help everyone in the meantime.
Anyhow I'd like compensation in form of completion this quest on all of my 6 toons please as I have 6 tunes to cycle through this horrendous quest that does not seem to have a Heroic attached to it. I wish I had more time, but sadly it i now 7:13pm PST and I have sat on my HAMSTER all day long waiting.
Hi @mimiking thanks for you and the other devs for looking into this.
Have just spent the past two and a half hours waiting for remorahz to spawn as well as making some notes and checking the timers, i was in IceWind Dale zone 1, and yes i sat there with the map on checking the timers.
You are correct that Epics are spawing, in my timer list they do appear every 15min-20min of each other, but for the leagacy campaign none of the others except Remorahz counts, and though I did do it increase my damage, mine black ice and kill little remorahz sadly did not get credit, not a problem just another neverwinter experience.
For those who would like to know the difference between minor, major, epics...the minor ones are the small circle with a very small pointer at the bottom, major heroics are slightly larger circles with slightly larger pointer at the bottom a small pointer at the top and sides, Epic/class A heroics are larger circles thicker and longer pointer at bottom and thicker and slightly larger pointer at top and sides.
As i said @mimicking yes they do spawn but only the remorahz counts if you get lucky, that is the main issue, hope this helps you and the team sort this out, and thanks again for you folks into sorting this out, as I said it is a good idea, just hope that the legacies get fixed soon
The test group will do something very similar. Fire up an instance. If lucky and coordinated, a small group (3 perhaps?) will run through a larger set of functionality using top notch characters. They likely don't intentionally use pure healers because each tester must pound through various types of combat and accomplish various tasks - you can't generally do that as a healer. So your dilemma is something they did not consider. Likely the response will be to use a different loadout set up for DPS.
These obvious oversights just never become visible. And the test group probably NEVER uses an instance containing 30-40 annoyed people using characters of various types and gear. When they want the BHE to appear they just set some options before firing up the instance - no waiting for them. They have to be able to test specific functionality when they need to - because that is their job and they aren't paid to sit around waiting to play. So the waiting game is something they don't experience.