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Why the event Sahha queue don't work for 10 players?

thez3rt3rthez3rt3r Member Posts: 2 Arc User
In our alliance we were trying to queue for a sahha match with 10 people. The queue allowed us to do so, but we were waiting very long, even though we have 2 full teams ready to play each other. We tried re-queueing few times with no success.
We then decided to split into 2 separate queue groups to check if the system isn't overloaded with queue requests. It wasn't. Both our teams got a response instantly after joining the queue. We all accepted and played random teams.
I assume that this queue is intended to allow matches between two premade teams, but it didn't work. I would like to know if it wil be addressed any soon. There's also a chance it was very bad luck for us at that time. Can anyone assure it is working properly and that was the case?


  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Sounds like the same issue that REQ has. Can queue with a full, public queue legal team and yet the queue takes forever to pop if it even does at all.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • thez3rt3rthez3rt3r Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    So is there a chance it'll be fixed this year? Before the Summer Festival end?
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