So really looking for some feedback or insight from my fellow players. Over the last few days every raq I have gotten has been CR. Now the sisters and the golem aren't the issue but when it comes to Strahd we can not seem to beat him. The fires and all the red are killing the entire group repeatedly, we can do 1 round of copies with the aoe's, player getting pulled down, etc. dps Strahd the 30% and by the next round the first big aoe before he pulls the person down pretty much ends it as all but the tank has usually died 5 times by this point. Anyone able to beat it since mod 16 went live on console that has insight please share.
I have attempted this with 2 solid groups multiple times on both my tank and my dps, I just don't see how we are supposed to beat this fight as it currently is.
thank you for your time. Please excuse my frustration as I just spent over an hour with a group trying everything we could think of to get through this fight.
It may be my age but releasing an unfinished product seems like a terrible business decision. I can't imagine any other business in which an unfinished or broken product would be released to the public. It truthfully feels as if we are being used as testers for some future product. I don't know, just frustrated after several days of random queues that couldn't be beaten due to programming issues with the mod16 launch and hours wasted in unbeatable content. It seems only right that you remove the broken, unbeatable content from the queues until such time as they can be played.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope you will consider the request.