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Class Packs temporarily blocked on RCA

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
We have temporarily blocked the ability to claim certain Class Packs from the Rewards Claim Agent. We hope to have this resolved in a near-future build.


  • sundancewanderingwolfsundancewanderingwolf Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    I would like to see the class packs re-introduced in general to the zen market. I really wanted a war boar lol
  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    By some hasard I found some War Boar on the AH yesterday, probably why they're shutting it down as it's not wai.
  • shadows1313shadows1313 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    agilesto said:

    By some hasard I found some War Boar on the AH yesterday, probably why they're shutting it down as it's not wai.

    Most of the companions in those pack CAN drop from epic content end chests (dungeons/raids/skirmishes) so its not unusual to see them on auction.
  • wemerywemery Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    mmmmMMMMMMM ok .......i though we payed for them.......
  • teamstephonteamstephon Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    is there away that you can fix the B button while Esc cause after noticing it being a problem in the game all I do is crash to it where I cant go out of picture mode when using Esc and not sure why it's broken
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    I have for a long time been wondering about the Runic Bag of Holding.

    It sells in AH for 785k.

    The sell price to break even if you buy it in Zen store is 1600*750/0.9 = 1333k

    If you buy it with 40% discount the break even sell price is 800k.

    Some of the old packs did contain a Runic bag of Holding.. did they discover some reclaimable stuff was not properly bound?
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Well, i think there were several 50% discount on Runic Bag of Holding sales for new and ViP players, 800*750=600k.

    I bought all class packs, and there was only one tradable 24 slots bag in each of them, no 36 slots bag, the account-wide bag from the Dragonborn pack has only 30 slots.

    And does "in a near-future build" mean, that the issue might not be fixed before Undermountain is being released for console?
    Or anything official on a return of those class packs in an improved version to the ZEN shop itself?

    Anyway, would be nice to get some promotion code companions as "fill in" until the class packs return...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    regenerde said:

    Well, i think there were several 50% discount on Runic Bag of Holding sales for new and ViP players, 800*750=600k.

    Your math is wrong in that you need to divide by 0.9 to account for the 10% AH fee.
    600/0.9 = 667

    And yes, I did see the VIP 50% sale.. but that was one bag per VIP account so I feel it would supply too few bags to really affect the AH. The Runic Bag of Holding prices have been below break even for a long time.

    And I am fairly certain there was a pack that featured a Runic Bag of Holding, not necessarily a class pack. Can't remember which, could be wrong :)
  • caldochaud#4880 caldochaud Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Just a suggestion... why not create limited edition account-wide class packs; a new one per year (or per mod) with unique contents (gear, companions, mounts) for that particular year (or mod)?

    And as an added bonus, have a passive set bonus to give an incentive for buying each yearly release. For example: Have 5 different companions from 5 different yearly releases of the Wizard class pack give X% lengthened Control duration and triggers a random Bigby's Grasping Hand debuff to the Wizard's At-Wills. The effectiveness and duration of Bigby's Grasping Hand increases based on each companion's upgrade quality (green 5%/ blue 10%/purple 15%/ gold 20%).
    "Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
  • kristykay69kristykay69 Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    I would like to see the class packs re-introduced in general to the zen market. I really wanted a war boar lol

    Indeed, I would like to see them back, as well

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2019

    regenerde said:

    Well, i think there were several 50% discount on Runic Bag of Holding sales for new and ViP players, 800*750=600k.

    Your math is wrong in that you need to divide by 0.9 to account for the 10% AH fee.
    600/0.9 = 667

    And yes, I did see the VIP 50% sale.. but that was one bag per VIP account so I feel it would supply too few bags to really affect the AH. The Runic Bag of Holding prices have been below break even for a long time.

    And I am fairly certain there was a pack that featured a Runic Bag of Holding, not necessarily a class pack. Can't remember which, could be wrong :)
    I think that any new character could also get a 50% discount coupon while leveling up either during last years Protector's Jubilee or the Neverember's Recruitment Event... but i'm not sure.

    Anyway, even with the AH cut, selling those bags around 800k AD will still give the player a nice little profit.

    I also bought all available DLCs over the years, except for the latest crappy ones that don't feature any usefull account-wide perks, and there was never a 36 slots bag in them either, just more 24 slots bags. And i think the only addition removed from those DLCs was the extra AD they were giving in the beginning.

    Back on topic, it would be nice to know whats going on with those class packs... i don't want to use any of those Class pack companions if they're broken in any way, and i might risk getting a ban here.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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