Well I know you downscalled everything, but 2 pearls for killing a miniboss in the latest content is... insulting. Just saying
Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
The whole idea of these games is to give the players enjoyment, and for many part of that enjoyment is actual loot. Many figure the higher you get the better the loot should get as well. So when it does not or in some cases gets even worse they can be legitimately unhappy about it even if it is "better than nothing"
So yeah you may see it as whatever better than nothing. Others see it as a joke or insult the game devs saying we respect you so little we see no reason in updating anything in this regards. The things you find more important will be trivial to others who may have a who cares attitude about that stuff because it does nothing for them.
Personally the HAMSTER loot to me is meaningless I have no use for any of it anymore I have plenty of rp, and even if i did not the current enchant system is largely not even needed. They have a massive amount of fixing to do (which should have all been done before it went live anyway) before I would even consider spending another penny to show them support. Sorry but I will not support a game company that turns a live game server into a early access hey you guys do all the testing for us and we will do stuff and you can test that as well since we do not feel like it and are just hoping it makes it better we know you will tell us if it does or does not. I am quite positive if they took the game as it was on the test server and spent even 2 weeks actually testing it internally themselves they would have had a good list of things to fix and change and then all they had to do was spend the time fixing changing things and testing that before putting this mod live. They chose not to and instead pry figured if we push this to live as fast as possible we will make more money faster. Personally I feel they refuse to learn for their past new mod mistakes....and are starting to scramble a bit because I have a feeling they are starting to see a drop in players playing (which honestly these companies do not care about) what is really likely happening is a drop in zen being bought for cash. In all honestly Cryptic would not care if 75% of players quit as long as the amount of money being spend by the remaining 25% was enough to not see it drop.
I do not regret any of the money I spent. I spent what I felt they deserved for the enjoyment I got from playing a video game. But I refuse to pay more now that it is not much fun at all basically have 3 expedition runs a day (which something end up having mobs stuck in walls or under floors causing you to not being able to progress and losing a quest or having lag dc and it drop your from the expedition and causes you to lose the quest) but yeah I do not pay to do the companies job for them which is to test to ensure the game remains enjoyable. I do not expect a bug free game or anything bugs happen but on the level it is with mod 16 it can not be attributed to anything other than the devs not doing their job as they should. I really hope they can turn things around quickly because the forgotten realms is a world I truly love. But they have quite the job to rebuild enough trust to have me and players that feel like me to actually start supporting them with money again.
But yeah TLDR----just because someone is complaining about something you do not see as being important does not mean you should tell them to be happy better than nothing. What you see as trivial may be one of the more important things for that person and others as well. Many people love games like these because of loot system so it is a perfectly legitimate complaint for them and are only letting the devs know what they may require to start supporting with cash. it is for the devs to decide if they feel that demographic of player is important enough to change something in the game to try to get them to support them. Happy players/customers are more likely to buy stuff and tell their friends to play the game. Unhappy ones will not pay, and often go to much greater lengths to get others to stop buying stuff or playing altogether. Often times a single disgruntled customer will have as big of an impact on a business as 100 happy ones, people tend to be far more vocal when unhappy than anyone that is happy will be.
But yeah you are completely right whatever the devs throw our way is better than nothing. Of course when the best thing I can say about stuff is that it is better than nothing well it is not worth my money. Just like if I am hungry eating a slice of bread or a rice cake is better than nothing but if I have the money I will get a nice steak instead. Better than nothing is what you do/get when you have no other choice. I played Neverwinter from the day it was released until mod 6 when i deleted the account i had and left. a few months ago I finally felt I will try it since it was still around and enjoyed it but now its looking quite ugly again. The entire reason I played it back than and now is because I love the forgotten realms world. and there are many options for me to enjoy that world without playing the MMO, and since I already own all those games I will not have to pay for any of them. so I have other options and much more of the MMO being better than nothing will just have me play those games as well as others. I am really just hanging around now to see if the extra time spent on LOMM can actually result in a bug free launch for a single dungeon (since I hope they actually tested it internally since it is completely new unlike testing to see what the massive sweeping changes they made to everything would do to the old dungeons.
I do get what you are saying about the White Pearls, but meh, choose your battles. There are bigger issues, in my opinion.
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Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor