So we were promised lower cool-down time but now I get to use Sacred Weapon and Bane twice and then there is a 30 second cool-down! What is the thinking behind this?

Ulfrik DragonsyreHero of Neverwinter
Retribution Paladin of the realm
Siring quality Dragons for mounts and pets
And the Devs arent playing their own game much ....
but yeah CD is rediculous especialy while leveling up
Like I already state, lower our damage so we can use our encounters more often; they already mentioned this was a probability and yet no action to make this a reality.
Regardless of stated design intent, damage output from mobs is still quite heavy, and if you're going to use a power that grants damage resistance for a short period, you're going to want to use it when low on health... when you can least afford to stand still, not blocking or positioning, for over a second. Daring Shout and Ignore weakness are even worse, taking up an encounter slot with a long cooldown for an inferior stamina recharge, or a whopping 10% self heal. Bundle the two powers; 100% stamina over 5 seconds and a heal for 20% of your missing health, and replace Daring Shout with an ability that does something worthwhile.
Abilities that do nothing besides taunt are not fun; they feel bad to put on your bar because they're either useless or mandatory, never useful in the normal course of a fight. Vow of Enmity is a good power because it does respectable damage, on one of the paladin's shortest cooldowns(although this is more of a statement on the other, painfully excessive cooldowns than it is on VoE itself), and functions as a taunt. It is also ranged, and the paladin's ability in general to project force or control at a distance is a good niche for it as a tank. Come and Get It's animation could easily buffer into a ground slam or stomp, and tacking the shield slam animation from Dig In's counterattack onto Enforced Threat would not look out of place as a way to justify damage (100-150 magnitude, nothing exorbitant) on these powers and give them a place in more loadouts.