Thank you for completely ruining Ranger class! It had one (1) good Encounter power when grouped, "Longstrider shot" now that has moved to Hunter wich was supposed to be a ranged specialized Ranger, wich is is not, and the Warden a Melee specialized setup, wich is isnt either, its just a miss match of new and useless skills, powers etc. I was SO CLOSE to buy the "overprized" content for 150 Euro, but decided in the ast minute not to, and i am glad i didnt because of the changes etc. So now i saved 150 Euro, and im going to play another game, after spending hundreds of Euros on stuff that is now USELESS...
The pally is completely ruined and worthless. I see almost no reason to play one.
I liked and played every class a bit here and there..
I think balancing can continue to happen, Im a bit more concerned with Scaling and Isignia double enchant refine process and AD nerfing.
Those are more important, classes can always be fixed.. but if they dont relent on some of this other garbage.. the game will suxy.
This has worked so far - level 71 in the new zone doing ok against mobs. HEs on the Stronhold map are also still playable running solo.
HEs outside of SH though - like in River District or Barovia - are pretty much group content only. At least for my HR - those cannot be solo'd anymore.
Now DUNGEONS - that's another story. Anything above leveling queue is just insanely out of balance.