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Moving to the Yawning Portal?

sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
Looks like Cryptic has built a brand new RP club over in the "Yawning Portal". It has 3 levels with security guards on the 3rd restricting access. There are chairs to really sit down on! You can sit at a table or relax on the sofa in front of the fire. Dirk was there doing some RP and there was no complaints. If you ask me, the Yawning Portal is a very cool place to RP the night away. I am not sure if it will be level restricted in Live, but for now on Preview anyone can just go there. Very spacious and a much better atmosphere.


  • thevampinatorthevampinator Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    I really really hope so. I really hope it isn't level restricted to this would be really nice to have.
  • pelgraxpelgrax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 486 Arc User
    God NO .
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    that would be bad. stay in moonstone please. we have to be there. we cannot avoid it. please god let it be level bound
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    You cannot keep them out. I will be there, I role play where I want, whenever I want. Dungeons & Dragons is a Role Playing Game (RPG). It is not Call of Dooty or some other MMO war simulator. People can and will troll me, they have in the past, I am no stranger to it. You can block me and others, that is your right and freedom, but role-players have rights and freedoms too.

    Also Cryptic developers made us interactive chairs we can actually sit down on. It is not like you are going to use them!

    Oh by the way, I would anticipate A LOT more public RP without the Foundry RPs available in April... just saying.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    Gadzooks. I feel my manly arrow already quivering with anticipation.

    Or not. Anyway I guess they're fairly harmless. Maybe we should treat them like buskers or something.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • itzlapolaloltzitzlapolaloltz Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    just curious....why do RP guys seem despised?
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    just curious....why do RP guys seem despised?

    There are a majority of players who don't understand RP, and walk into a conversation between characters.

    For example; I was RPing as Nicholas one time with my good friend Rping as a Thayan GWF "Dervish of Thay". Dervish is delusional and believes he is a powerful necromancer and wizard. Because he lives in a cast society of magic users, fighters are the lowest of low. It doesn't help matters that his companion is an illusionist who reinforces this delusion. My character Nicholas Magnus is a control wizard who is currently operating a new Black Network called "The Order of the Manshoon". His companion Morbius is the cousin of Thalos the companion of Dervish and that is their connection.

    So we have established biographies of our characters and how they should interact with each other. When playing as Nicholas, I talk to Dervish as Nicholas. In zone chat, I told Morbius, "Oh look, your idiot cousin, who sold us those useless discount teleportation scrolls, is here with his brainless brawler!" Almost immediately into the conversation people thought I was seriously flaming on my friend. Conversations can range from polite to threatening.

    Some think cybering is RP, but it is not. Too many times I have seen people in Moonstone Mask (MM) flirting with each other. That is ok, if the two characters are infatuated with each other, but not ok when you are actually flirting with the player. It doesn't help, that MM is a brothel, and VIP area has "private rooms" in the back to allow players to get their kink on.

    The Yawning Portal is a much better venue. Gary Gygax once described RP in a TV interview as playing "cops and robbers" as a kid, he said the big problem with the game was it had no rules to know which player shot who first. As kids, we got mad and went home angry. He described D&D as a rule set to keep us happy, while shooting each other with our fingers. I played Barbies with my sister and we RPed without knowing it by pretending to be the dolls.

    The majority of the players want to talk about game mechanics, their gear, and politics. They are far too serious about the game, we are here to have fun. I have no issue breaking character to help someone with a game related question. When I have a friend like Dervish online, I talk to him as my character in zone chat. In PM, I talk as Wendy Black. We can make adventure zones fresh again by going on a made up quest to find a dragon scrying orb. Without the Foundry many of the RP quests will be lost and RP will have to move into public areas like; "Well of the Dragons", "Barovia", and "Yawning Portal". My friends and I refuse to be locked away and secluded to the MM.

  • itzlapolaloltzitzlapolaloltz Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    @sandukutupu no one can forbid you to go to the yawning portal so you can make it your new HQ
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @itzlapolaloltz I totally agree with you. No one can stop you, but there is an element (I won't call it trolls) that dislike RP and when they realize you are role-playing in a public venue, they start up with comments or rather command you to leave the area. Because they were having a serious discussion about Flat Earth or politics at the time. Many will even go as far to say, this is an MMO and not an MMORPG. The difference is akin to D&D versus MtG. MtG is a card game, I have never played, but they seem to play the game at break neck speed, and there is not much dialog between players. Whereas D&D it is mostly dialog and strategy and less about rolling dice.

    Some larger online games, establish entire servers to RP crowds. Cryptic sadly only has this one server or it would not be an issue.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    > @sandukutupu said:
    > @itzlapolaloltz I totally agree with you. No one can stop you, but there is an element (I won't call it trolls) that dislike RP and when they realize you are role-playing in a public venue, they start up with comments or rather command you to leave the area. Because they were having a serious discussion about Flat Earth or politics at the time. Many will even go as far to say, this is an MMO and >not an MMORPG.

    There are blabbing flat earthers and neoconazis.
    There are also creepy sexual-innuendo roleplayers.
    Neither are representative of the majority.
    Both are despicable nuisances that disrupt the enjoyment of everyone in the zone.

    The difference is we can only report and ban the former of those annoyances.

    I've got nothing against people who roleplay.
    Most RP banter is harmless enough.
    It just does not belong in a mandatory quest zone like Yawning Portal.
    Full endorsement of a seperate RP instance of Yawning portal.

    Then you can RP in the same cool looking tavern without those "trolls" interrupting your drama.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    This is where the game chat fails on such an epic level. The game engine, as most you know is basically Champions Online, this was shown in the stolen or leaked source code back during module 2 release. So I would question, why one cannot minimize chat as you can in Champions Online?

    Only the developer who removed the option can give us a straight answer, but my hypothesis is; to prevent the users from completely ignoring the Admin notices. I can and have eliminated the "slap in the face" splash text, I get during combat. Therefor in Neverwinter, someone said, don't allow them to turn off Admin notice and remove the minimize as well.

    Had they spent their time wisely, they should have installed a permanent Role Play channel, and this whole debate would be moot. In fact, there are several other suggested channels they should have promoted to help minimize the spam-bots. Players who don't wish to see the RP channel could turn it off. Just as the role players can turn off Zone chat. As usual Cryptic put their own best interests before the players.

    Chat in this game has become such a pariah, many players use the Discord app. The issue with using the app is knowing who has the best representation of the community. One can also say, the RP community could make a custom channel, but without the game promoting it, no one knows where to join or who has the ownership of that channel. It would be just as bad if there was no Trade Chat, we have a few people who trade in zone, but think what zone would look like without the game owning the existing Trade Channel.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    By the same token people can make private channels for their RP needs and invite in like-minded individuals.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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