I have defeated the Dragon Umbraswhateverhisname is and it asks me to use Sulunes necklace to free someone but the waypoint directs me to a wall; I have tried using it on the dragons dead body and where it tells me too and nothing happens. Any ideas? Oh and the boss you kill before facing the dragon needs scaling down as all her orbs one shot you and the mobs literally perma stun you
Ok finally got that glitchy dragon to work now I cannot progress past neverembers envoy quest. Feedback for Devs - This zone is way too hard. I played through as a 19k SW , ;level 80, new gear and weapons, kitted out with good companions leg mounts and full boons. At 50k defence I was getting wrecked in milliseconds by the mobs which not only knock you or stun you with pretty much every attack they also run at the speed of light. What is the point of shadowslip when I use it and enemies keep up with me whilst swinging their weapons around. This whole zone is literally the worst experience I have had playing this game. At wills doing 3k damage, encounters not much better. Enemies should not move quicker than the player unless it is a special feat of a particular enemy it is so discouraging to use all your stamina to get away only for them to be on you instantly with their constant stun attacks. I am hoping as the weeks go on the balance gets better but at the moment most of the game is just totally awful to play
Just got slapped by a shadow in Vanrakdoomm for over 600k damage.
Another one. I have over 300k hp on my cleric, it doesnt help here though, you really need to look into why mobs are oneshotting us for these crazy numbers because it is becoming unplayable. Its not just in this zone, so far every zone I have entered whether I am scaled down or not, I get the odd oneshot or in worst cases its constant.
Shattering Revelation - could not find scout looked around for about an hour and then gave up... very frustrating on such a huge map with no hints and "Could not find a path to this quest from your current map" ... frustrating enough that this could be it for preview if I don't get info on where to find him Level 79 Barbarian: Rigel - challenging solo but fine with 2 barbarians in party.
Tried again today... quest reset and this time it was obvious... lines, circles and talk bubble over scouts head
Post edited by alynd#8575 on
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited March 2019
The diffuculty in Vanrakdoom seems...off.
I mean, I would have expected the Shadow dragon and those spirits guarding the items to be tough fights....but those were trivial. The assassins and vampires were much, much harder. That just doesn't feel right.
fought groups of vampires/initiates/gloomblades with no problem, but assassins seem... a bit off
I'd be fine with that if they were by themselves, but the fact that they come in packs with other annoying mobs makes for a less-than-fun, sudden deaths-ridden experience overall
There is a doomsept a little northward between the cultist quarters and the bridge to the second campfire that if pulled from the north towards the bridge can chase you all the way to past the middle of the bridge. It one shotted me through 4 stacks of a rank 12 barkshield enchantment while on my mount with full ~ +180k health. Putting it in feedback because for me, that's awesome, but I imagine that some players might find that annoying. However, what does need to be fixed is that interaction, for me, it's fine if it one shots you, however the interaction was wonky in the sense that the audio was the same for the lashing blade encounter that a rogue has but the functionality was of shocking execution in that I could not be revived.
I've made it to Umbraxxakar's lair and the difficulty is off the scale. It is by far the most solo-unfriendly quest I have ever encountered. Mind you I'm wearing purple level-80 head and armor pieces, and I have +1 MW3 weapons that are better than anything the campaign has given me so far. Every enchant and bonding is R14. I'm having to use a health stone charge in nearly every fight.
Were this to go to live like this, make no mistake. I am NOT doing this. I'm NOT going to struggle through fights where I get swarmed by half a dozen enemies that all hit like trucks when I have worthless healing potions and I have to burn up health stone charges like mad. I'm NOT fighting elite constructs that take away 100k HP with a single swipe of their hands. I absolutely, positively, 100% will sit this mod out. I went through this garbage once already with Mod 6. I'm NOT doing it again. You can take that to the bank.
I finally beat the last boss after God knows how many life scrolls. I'm done. If this is how it's going to be, I'll see you in mod 17.
This needs to be fixed I had the very same experience .
I currently can't enter Umbraxxakar's Lair. When triggered, the portal ticks down the usual 6 seconds but won't transition to the instance. A red diamond icon displays on the mini map. I have equipped/unequipped various items and have summoned/unsummoned companion. still no difference.
Despite the significant increase in Barbarian dps, I feel like the random trash in this zone still hits crazy hard. It went from "kite like hell and abuse the brokenly powerful artifacts to survive" to "attack from max range and hope DPS out > DPS in, but now generally survivable".
If I miss with Axe Storm or if it's on cooldown at the start of a fight (say I aggro a new group of mobs right as I kill an old group), I've got about 8 seconds of life in me before they kill me. Vampires are still hitting 30-40k vs. a lvl 80 Barbarian with 32,465 defense, 28,455 deflect, and 24,300 awareness. With 244,000 health I can only eat about 7-8 hits total before I'm dead, and vs. a 3-pack that throw out 3 hits in 0.001 seconds at the start...that hurts.
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited March 2019
What is odd for me in Vankradoom is, one time I can one-shot groups of cultists, including the assassins and the next time the same group respawns my powers seem to just tickle them. And it has nothing to do with crit, as I can one-shot them with daunting light without critting or using the divinity enhanced version. All in all it is odd behavior in that zone, with easy kills to getting killed easy, so scaling seems to be off.
I currently can't enter Umbraxxakar's Lair. When triggered, the portal ticks down the usual 6 seconds but won't transition to the instance. A red diamond icon displays on the mini map. I have equipped/unequipped various items and have summoned/unsummoned companion. still no difference.
also experienced this bug. Ran back to beginning, tried killme to no avail.
I currently can't enter Umbraxxakar's Lair. When triggered, the portal ticks down the usual 6 seconds but won't transition to the instance. A red diamond icon displays on the mini map. I have equipped/unequipped various items and have summoned/unsummoned companion. still no difference.
Hello Asterdahl. Today I got a request from a friend of mine for some help with the running up of this quest since I have my own capability's developed to face mobs (and bosses) with ease, he got some problems with the Vampires and Assassin's.
I have encountered two separate things after entering the event... Which I will explain below..
After doing the torches (for activating the Amulet after talking with Selune) and collecting the items for placing on the Throne with remains).. The throne wasn't there where it should be but was floating mid air (towards the stairs where you enter the area)…
And secondly
The Lair itself was not accessible, no matter what we tried... I even left group after explaining what he has to do to proceed in quest.. Same result. We can activate it, but got no entering after countdown.
Have experienced the same issue with the Butterfly boss in LotMM.
note. My friend was on quest, and I'm not. So, I let him do all the things while I only supported him with the the fight's.
I currently can't enter Umbraxxakar's Lair. When triggered, the portal ticks down the usual 6 seconds but won't transition to the instance. A red diamond icon displays on the mini map. I have equipped/unequipped various items and have summoned/unsummoned companion. still no difference.
Same problem here tried all the same things.
Last week I killed Umbraxakar twice, making sure to use the special Selune object before, during and after, but couldn't reach the next step, out of reach somewhere on top of that wall if the map is to be believed. This week it's this bug, can't even enter the lair. It does a countdown, then nothing. Since this is the main quest line, it stops all my progress. And the boss before this still one-shots me, I had to use 5 scrolls of life, my only deaths in here.
In umbraxakar’s lair, killed Keresta, talked to Lord Moonstar, but can’t actually enter the lair for the final part. I try to go through the portal, it counts down from 6, but never transports me into the room. I have tried standing in various places.
While clearing the undead for Kerestra I had a shield equiped on my right arm and nothing in my left. I enjoyed feeling like Captain America but wonder if I was meant to strike enemies with the edge of my shield. My character is a Paladin tank.
After completing all other parts of the quest I am unable to enter the area with the dragon. I get the circle as if I were in a party, the countdown timer starts but when it finishes I am not able to get into the room. This happens with both a full party and solo.
The vampires in this instance are very powerful. I have completed this quest on two other characters all at differing levels and class. The Paladin was able to complete the quest with the help of guildmates. I died several times from getting swarmed with vampires while trying to kill the vampire boss solo so I had to call for help. Then the dragon fight bugged leaving me unable to use the amulet until after we left the room and he reset.
The cleric had a bit of a easier time, but I took guildmates with me. Strangely this time there were no vampire swarms along with the vampire boss. The dragon did not bug out this time.
I tried the quest again on my ranger that was already level 80 with all of the new gear. He did well on most of the content but again I died several times to a swarm of vampires. This time I used a ton of scrolls and just powered through. I got to the final part with the dragon and encountered the bug described above. I left the dungeon and returned with a party of folks who were waiting outside and we encountered the same bug in a full party.
It seems to me that you should not encounter the swarms of vampires when solo but should encounter them in a full party.
There also needs to be something to tell you when to use the amulet. On one occasion during the first days of preview I got a message telling me to pull the dragon to moonbeams on the floor. I never got that message again in any other tries.
The bug mentioned above only started after the recent update. I do not remember there being an invisible wall there before or any kind of countdown. Was that recently added?
In umbraxakar’s lair, killed Keresta, talked to Lord Moonstar, but can’t actually enter the lair for the final part. I try to go through the portal, it counts down from 6, but never transports me into the room. I have tried standing in various places.
The quest Vampire Reject no longer gives credit for killing Vampires in the indicated location.
In Waning Darkness, the spirit that guards the Chainmail shirt, does it from a really long way away and doesn't respond to being hit with ranged attacks even after 3/4 of its health is gone.
Its also like all the advances made last week on the difficulty in here have been completely reverted to the week 1 damage from mobs.
Post edited by obsidiancran3 on
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
So this one is creative. My inventory and the artifact say I need 1 more component, the quest says I have them all. The Runic Encounters don't drop them after the quest says you have them all. (Which also means you cannot proceed with the Master Expedition quest if you put them all in a rune and the Remorhaz bugs it...)
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Vampire packs seem about the same as last week. Assassin packs killed me five times on one run this week, zero times last week. Keresta is still 5-6 deaths to get through her, many times a one-shot. On the bright side, I was able to enter the shadow dragon lair and complete the mission.
I think everything is set just right, except they should turn down the Assassin/Vampire damage output about 10%. The first three Undermountain levels before Vanrakdoom need their monster damage increased by 0%/10%/20%... then Vanrakdoom will not be a shock. I had the same issues.. some deaths and some health stone useages, but here is the thing:
I was way over-stat in Accuracy, Armor Penetration, Awareness, and Critical Resistance. If I had taken the time to convert the excess in these stats over to Defense and Deflect, everything would be easy. Not to mention, I was running it without any Runestones on my companion, and with no bonus from guild boons.
On a side note: Wiggins the Undead Intern helped me a lot here. Others have stated that Angel of Protection is a lifesaver.
Bug#1: Keresta goes to her starting point after killing you. After that, combat cannot be re-initiated. She has infinte health and wont move. Quest abandon seems necessary, and this is the end of a long quest.
Bug#2: Location: 14967.622070 -125.541671 0.725961 Just jumped off a cliff in the "Refiner's Room?"... by a door on the upper right side of the Vanrak map. It puts you into a floating place you cant climb out of.
Keresta chases you to the respawn point as she isn't tethered to the room.
I attacked here close to the respawn point, then she ran back to her spawn point and became immune.
This whole quest is stupid with the damage back where it was in week one. Things are hitting for 70k plus piercing damage that cuts through raised tank shields like a hot knife through butter. Perhaps if you were so busy trying to make end game characters weak in lower level content you wouldn't be making everything weak with terrible scaling.
So frustrated with this right now.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I did the umbraxakar quest and killed the dragon but now i cant release him with the Amulet of Selune, it just wont work, tried to drop the quest and get it back and now i cant enter the larii, dragon already dead...
Also teh vampire dmg is to high and the vampire boss can hit for 211k i completed this place before but was as archer and by doing that i could avoid being hit, but a Barbarian Tank shouldn't be 2 hitted in a Solo quest for LV 79 being lv 80, plus i have realy good armor from hunts and fully leveled artifacts and weapons, new players will complet this quest...
almost all mobs on last mission are this way... [Combat (Self)] Shadow Assassin deals 83517 (110889) Physical Damage to you with Deft Strike. [Combat (Self)] Assassin deals 53544 (83593) Physical Damage to you with Sweep.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Keresta Delvingstone deals 523034 (161596) Necrotic Damage to you with Shadow Claw. Ps with the new armor set...
"Deal up to 100% more Encounter damage based on the amount of damage you have taken."
It doesn't take "more" into account. So 100% health means 0 damage from Encounters. Hopefully that gets fixed.
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
Just got slapped by a shadow in Vanrakdoomm for over 600k damage.
Another one. I have over 300k hp on my cleric, it doesnt help here though, you really need to look into why mobs are oneshotting us for these crazy numbers because it is becoming unplayable. Its not just in this zone, so far every zone I have entered whether I am scaled down or not, I get the odd oneshot or in worst cases its constant.
looked around for about an hour and then gave up... very frustrating on such a huge map with no hints and "Could not find a path to this quest from your current map" ... frustrating enough that this could be it for preview if I don't get info on where to find him
Level 79 Barbarian: Rigel - challenging solo but fine with 2 barbarians in party.
Tried again today... quest reset and this time it was obvious... lines, circles and talk bubble over scouts head
I mean, I would have expected the Shadow dragon and those spirits guarding the items to be tough fights....but those were trivial. The assassins and vampires were much, much harder. That just doesn't feel right.
I'd be fine with that if they were by themselves, but the fact that they come in packs with other annoying mobs makes for a less-than-fun, sudden deaths-ridden experience overall
However, what does need to be fixed is that interaction, for me, it's fine if it one shots you, however the interaction was wonky in the sense that the audio was the same for the lashing blade encounter that a rogue has but the functionality was of shocking execution in that I could not be revived.
I have equipped/unequipped various items and have summoned/unsummoned companion. still no difference.
If I miss with Axe Storm or if it's on cooldown at the start of a fight (say I aggro a new group of mobs right as I kill an old group), I've got about 8 seconds of life in me before they kill me. Vampires are still hitting 30-40k vs. a lvl 80 Barbarian with 32,465 defense, 28,455 deflect, and 24,300 awareness. With 244,000 health I can only eat about 7-8 hits total before I'm dead, and vs. a 3-pack that throw out 3 hits in 0.001 seconds at the start...that hurts.
Hello Asterdahl.
Today I got a request from a friend of mine for some help with the running up of this quest since I have my own capability's developed to face mobs (and bosses) with ease, he got some problems with the Vampires and Assassin's.
I have encountered two separate things after entering the event... Which I will explain below..
After doing the torches (for activating the Amulet after talking with Selune) and collecting the items for placing on the Throne with remains)..
The throne wasn't there where it should be but was floating mid air (towards the stairs where you enter the area)…
And secondly
The Lair itself was not accessible, no matter what we tried...
I even left group after explaining what he has to do to proceed in quest.. Same result.
We can activate it, but got no entering after countdown.
Have experienced the same issue with the Butterfly boss in LotMM.
My friend was on quest, and I'm not.
So, I let him do all the things while I only supported him with the the fight's.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Very short video showing what happens when you try to enter the dragon's lair.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
The vampires in this instance are very powerful. I have completed this quest on two other characters all at differing levels and class. The Paladin was able to complete the quest with the help of guildmates. I died several times from getting swarmed with vampires while trying to kill the vampire boss solo so I had to call for help. Then the dragon fight bugged leaving me unable to use the amulet until after we left the room and he reset.
The cleric had a bit of a easier time, but I took guildmates with me. Strangely this time there were no vampire swarms along with the vampire boss. The dragon did not bug out this time.
I tried the quest again on my ranger that was already level 80 with all of the new gear. He did well on most of the content but again I died several times to a swarm of vampires. This time I used a ton of scrolls and just powered through. I got to the final part with the dragon and encountered the bug described above. I left the dungeon and returned with a party of folks who were waiting outside and we encountered the same bug in a full party.
It seems to me that you should not encounter the swarms of vampires when solo but should encounter them in a full party.
There also needs to be something to tell you when to use the amulet. On one occasion during the first days of preview I got a message telling me to pull the dragon to moonbeams on the floor. I never got that message again in any other tries.
The bug mentioned above only started after the recent update. I do not remember there being an invisible wall there before or any kind of countdown. Was that recently added?
any news on this problem
I'll eventually get this edited to where it's readable, good grief...
In Waning Darkness, the spirit that guards the Chainmail shirt, does it from a really long way away and doesn't respond to being hit with ranged attacks even after 3/4 of its health is gone.
Its also like all the advances made last week on the difficulty in here have been completely reverted to the week 1 damage from mobs.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I think everything is set just right, except they should turn down the Assassin/Vampire damage output about 10%. The first three Undermountain levels before Vanrakdoom need their monster damage increased by 0%/10%/20%... then Vanrakdoom will not be a shock. I had the same issues.. some deaths and some health stone useages, but here is the thing:
I was way over-stat in Accuracy, Armor Penetration, Awareness, and Critical Resistance. If I had taken the time to convert the excess in these stats over to Defense and Deflect, everything would be easy. Not to mention, I was running it without any Runestones on my companion, and with no bonus from guild boons.
On a side note: Wiggins the Undead Intern helped me a lot here. Others have stated that Angel of Protection is a lifesaver.
Bug#1: Keresta goes to her starting point after killing you. After that, combat cannot be re-initiated. She has infinte health and wont move. Quest abandon seems necessary, and this is the end of a long quest.
Bug#2: Location: 14967.622070 -125.541671 0.725961
Just jumped off a cliff in the "Refiner's Room?"... by a door on the upper right side of the Vanrak map. It puts you into a floating place you cant climb out of.
Keresta chases you to the respawn point as she isn't tethered to the room.
I attacked here close to the respawn point, then she ran back to her spawn point and became immune.
This whole quest is stupid with the damage back where it was in week one. Things are hitting for 70k plus piercing damage that cuts through raised tank shields like a hot knife through butter. Perhaps if you were so busy trying to make end game characters weak in lower level content you wouldn't be making everything weak with terrible scaling.
So frustrated with this right now.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I did the umbraxakar quest and killed the dragon but now i cant release him with the Amulet of Selune, it just wont work, tried to drop the quest and get it back and now i cant enter the larii, dragon already dead...
Also teh vampire dmg is to high and the vampire boss can hit for 211k i completed this place before but was as archer and by doing that i could avoid being hit, but a Barbarian Tank shouldn't be 2 hitted in a Solo quest for LV 79 being lv 80, plus i have realy good armor from hunts and fully leveled artifacts and weapons, new players will complet this quest...
almost all mobs on last mission are this way...
[Combat (Self)] Shadow Assassin deals 83517 (110889) Physical Damage to you with Deft Strike.
[Combat (Self)] Assassin deals 53544 (83593) Physical Damage to you with Sweep.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Keresta Delvingstone deals 523034 (161596) Necrotic Damage to you with Shadow Claw.
Ps with the new armor set...