Ok, i personally have no issues with the mechanic, except for the fact that with so many bugs around companions and even worse in certain dungeons, it gets abit ridiculous. Instead of working to fix each companion. why not make them summonable during combat? that would fix most of the companion combat issues. It's known that some dungeons, like fbi, msp (rarely but still happens), tong (ras nsi, not only after the fight, sometimes during the fight), cradle, castle ravenloft, companions tend to fall off the platform. In castle ravenloft the one i've been getting too frequently is my chultan tiger just standing there, running around, not hitting, therefore no bondings. This normally happens if you switch loadouts, die during boss fight or whatever causes it. But yes i often see my tiger just there watching me and refusing to attack. If this had to do with skill or mechanic, no problem, but its not the case, its just bugs, and this is a game where companions play a major role. Not saying you should work on this tomorro or next mod, but atleast think it through and maybe add to your mid-term schedule.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?