I am in a level 20 guild in an alliance with a mix of level 20 guilds and some lower level guilds.
The harsh reality is it is impossible for us to offer our members a full opportunity to earn guildmarks. With the exception of 2-3 resources that are in short supply, all guilds in the alliance are smack full of everything.
We could do build-and-destroy.. only that is not possible because there always is 2-3 resources that we are short on, notably the resources farmed in the Stronghold.
The end result is that there is a very limited opportunity for the guildmembers to earn guildmarks since the coffer has no more room and we have no real way to free up space in the coffer.
We are of course using workarounds like temporary trash guilds(create, fill and destroy), but that is messy and really just another variant of build-and-destroy with the same problems.
Could we please get a way to selectively destroy resources in the coffer to make room for new contributions?
It's an option, but I don't think it would be ideal for them.
What they need to do is revamp what you get and normalize things.. Some items give way too little some way too much. They should double the marks you get for influence so it's more rewarding than it is.
Well I think the biggest thing they should consider:
- Revise Stronghold Siege to 10v10 so it easier for Guilds to schedule more like Guantlgrym.
- Perhaps add some new Guild Structure's/Plots in SH MOD "rumored" to be coming?
- Add 1 PvE Seasonal Deity Plots at GH20: From Knowledge Domain last 2m (max) upgradable in Tiers per Season.
- Add 1 PvP Seasonal Faction Plot at GH1: Based on Faction they want Training their Class each Season.
- Factions for PvP be those we introduced in Dragons & Elemental Evil Campaigns. Players who you team with in PvP.
- PvP should remove the 'Kill' shot and replace the 'Mercy' or 'Tap-Out' of Mixed Martial Arts.
- Seasonal Project Plots Could each unlock different items at Guild Merchants &/or M.Merchant depending on Tier.
- Both act like STO (fleet mark dump projects) but a variation that has seasonal benefits**
-----NOTE: Highlights in Border **
The coffer would need a way to slot 1/2 Season Projects at new Plots per season with growing requirements each Tier.
- A Deity/God Statue (PvE) temporary seasonal plot: dump 1-2 excess currencies (based on Deity) at reduced rates, along with some High Quality Materials from Professions to Build. As it grows in Tiers each season it unlocks other items at various merchants depending on Deity selected, and Deity's would each have a Seasonal Preference their Project could be slotted.
- A Faction Banner (PvP) denoting people you Queue with for Domination, or Guantlgrym as locations fall within the Crag Mount Range similar to the Guild. Faction Banners may also extend to similar organization in Ice Wind Dale when their PvP is the preference for the Season. The factions include: The Harpers, The Order of the Gauntlet, The Emerald Enclave, The Lords Alliance, and the cunning Zhentarim. There focus is 'mostly training and improving Classes, Fighters, or Warriors to defeat Evil the threatens Neverwinter or Faerûn.
Some additional thoughts (not my thread) about PvP, where I suggested extending Factions to PvP:https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1245263/discussion-my-final-plea-to-the-devs-remove-boons-from-pvp
Tier 1 Projects [-20% Guild Marks], Tier 2 Projects [-25% Guild Marks], or Tier 3 Projects [-30% Guild Marks], each would fill separate from Coffer, and regardless which Tier Build last a whole Season (2 months) yet they could be upgraded each season to new Tiers for example. They also wouldn't use any items from the Coffer, no Stone, Metal, Lumber or Food. Instead focus would be only on items that players that players could donate directly with 1-2 strong preferences for currency Depending on the Deity &/or Faction. All Deity/Faction Season Plots would focus their Primary Currency on PvE Currencies of Preference; secondary currencies for Tier 1 structure may require high quality [4-21] materials/surplus, a Tier 2 may ask for high quality [22-41] materials/surplus, a Tier 3 may ask for high quality [42-61] materials/surplus.
Slotting any Deity or Faction Project would denote a crest or seal placed on the Plot before any Statue &/or Banner is Built to denote Season Preferences and what items Guild Members should begin to gather/collect.
Faction Banner's could indicate PvP Preference's as well depending on the Season or Time of Year. Just like different Deity's/God's be available choices depending on the Season. Perhaps different Faction / Organizations could be supported in PvP based on the Season as well? A Season's who focus was Large Combat Simulations may include Guantlgrym: The Emerald Enclave, The Lords Alliance, and again the 'cunning' Zhentarim are likely Candidates. Those focused on smaller combat in Domination may include: The Harpers, The Order of the Guantlet, and yet again the 'cunning' Zhentarim. They Zhentarim as their a more 'wild card' can partner with any other Faction, or entirely queue with those from their own Faction. Perhaps for them a loss isn't a loss as long as they & or a Team Mate tops the Match Standings and no one from an opposing Team, or a Rogue Zhentarim on the opposing team beats them. During seasons that focus on the Colder PvP area's a Banner may shift to The Ten Towns, or the Arcane Brotherhood while not a D&D 'Faction' they are Organizations similar to Factions. Most Factions however are most good &/or neutral. The Zhentarim are a little more Chaotic similar to the Ten Towns &/or Arcane Brotherhood, at least in how they sometimes achieve their objectives in a more selfish or self-serving nature.
Season might also be a way to change offerings in the Guild Stores Based on Deity/Faction preferences &/or Tiers of Projects build as well. It offer a way to not only spice up PvE but potentially PvP with a few different rewards. Players not a member of a Guild, could signup with Factions down from the Hall of Justice. If you are a Member of a Guild, their choice would supersede yours; leaders of Guilds in an Alliance will likely want to coordinate Factions they Support.
Season Projects that could grow (PvE/PvP) or remain once build for a season may include:
- Deity/God (PvE) Statue only unlocks for Stronghold 20 Guilds Depending on Season from the Knowledge Domain.
- Faction (PvP) Banners unlocks depending on the Season Preference for Freeform, Small or Large Combat Training.
- Each Deity / Faction has 1/2 Currencies for Currency's Heavy Lifting, with several others that grow/evolve at Tiers.
- Guild Leaders slot a project it denote a season choice, crest place on plot before first tier is build; unless destroyed.
- Tier 1 would remain the entire season once built; taking 1-2 days (build or demolish) once supplies earned.
- Tier 2 would remain the entire season once build; taking 3 days (upgrade or demolish) once supplies earned.
- Tier 3 would remain to the season's close; taking 5 days (upgrade or demolish) at end of season.
- Demolish times wouldn't hinder Season where 1 month gaps exist, Month 3, or Month 6; others are tightly coupled.
Denote Seasons are only 2 months & their are 5 in D&D:- Midwinter (Hammer thru Alturiak) with break in the 3rd Month of Ches
- Greengrass (Tarsakh thru Mirtul) with break in the 6th Month of Kythorn
- Midsummer (Flamerule thru Eleasis)
- Highharvest (Eleint thru Marpenoth)
- Feast of the Moon (Uktar thru Nightal)
-----Excess Reference:
Deity's perhaps the Guild honors may be different Deity/God's than we'd may normally 'invoke', as the Guild interest is 'Knowledge' hoping Guild Members expand into Masterwork. The Deity's the Guild should pay Tribute is mostly from the Knowledge Domain of: Oghma, Denier, Gond, Labelas Enoreth (Seldarine under leadership of Corellon), Sehanine Moonbow (Seldarine under leadership of Corellon), Asmodeus, Mystra, Savras, Jergal and several others. Not all are Chaotic Good, or mostly Neutral like Gond, in fact some are even Lawful Evil like Asmodeus. The same is similar to Factions most are mostly Good &/or Neutral, though one in particular has questionable motivations, The Zhentarim.
"Midwinter falls between Hammer and Alturiak, Greengrass between Tarsakh and Mirtul, Midsummer is between Flamerule and Eleasis, Highharvestide is between Eleint and Marpenoth, and The Feast of the Moon is between Uktar and Nightal."
Still there also should be a 'bit' of a balancing, at how much Senior Guilds can grow a Junior one. Nothing that's excessive or too restrictive either. Perhaps an alliance contributes up to 80% of the total in any category to GH5; 75% contribution from alliance guilds to GH10; 70% from alliance guilds to GH14; 65% from alliance guilds to GH16; 60% from alliance guilds to GH 18; then it remain at 55% at GL19 or more. Yet each guild could always fill their own target fully by themselves; especially if they limited a category of donations at Coffer slots. The also ensure junior guilds can grow quickly if a senior guild has more resources, yet also ensure a reasonable effort on their own as well.
Now one other thing a Project Plot could also unlock as incentive:
Addition benefits aside from the initial crest placed on the Ground might expand to unlocking additional Items at Guild Merchants &/or Mysterious Merchants as Statues, Tributes, &/or Banners are build up. It would not require even raising the Guild Mark Cap beyond 30000 that exists today. Guild Merchants could ask for Guild Marks &/or Various 'High-Quality' 70 level Materials &/or Masterwork (Gathered) Materials that have not been upgraded; many would also require Guild Marks to Gather them &/or Diamonds to purchase them if they were short...
Denoted how that 'might be done & some other idea's in here:
Shouldn't undo any progression made thus-far but 'give' more choices & may 'help' get the creative juices flowing for DEVs.
I just recently finished making the last set of REVISIONS so check the 'Edited' timestamp if you need to read it again.
I think depending on the TYPE of donation offered still the (STO Projects Model) with a reduced guild mark is ideal, in most cases it would work allow only 1-2 projects (each season) for guild members focus excess currencies, vouchers, supplies, surplus, etc and you'd have a season to really limit that type of donation to the coffer. That way the coffer could slowly be worked down if also aided by Temporary Merchants.
Still a Deity Project Plots like (one example) a Deity/God Statue, all Deity's would have a similar -25% reduced guild marks, and each might offer slightly different benefits, mostly to expand Guild Merchants &/or Mysterious Merchants--at least while the seasonal plots remained. Those donations wouldn't go the main coffer, but a secondary coffer 'sort of' for 'Projects' to offer a -25% Guild Mark contribution, yet would be used up the minute the project was built. The idea is if the coffer is overfilled in 1-2 area's each season this give optional ways for the Guild &/or Alliance to donate at a reduced reward.
STO (Star Trek Online) does a -50% Fleet Mark Reduction, yet the economy is also different, and there is only 'one' currency to donate, not like the 7-10 or more we have in Neverwinter. Also Star Trek Online does NOT have a 'high-end' or extreme crafting component that requires constant guild marks, not only to acquire resources, but also to upgrade several of them at 'such' a high rate required to earn guild marks.
Still the roadblock for those wanting into Masterwork, right now is the Gond Artifact as it's increased from 2-3 million to almost 8-11 million diamonds. So its now more expensive so you'll have to wait, or get extremely lucky on the toon you want to advance Mastercraft on.
So I still think the ABOVE suggestion is FAIR to many parties, doesn't OVER PENALIZE anyone, yet still allows everybody plenty of options or choices.
But I would still like to be able to somehow get rid of everything else that needs 'normal' farming.
New building, takes massive amounts of Dungeoneer, Surplus Equipment and Profession Supplies to build.
Boon: Bag Space, every two levels opens one more bag slot and one more guild bank slot. Adding another potion slot to the UI would encourage more supplement usage as well.
It could be positioned as an add-on for the Farm plot if space/location on the map is an issue.
(Pardon me while I drool a little at the thought)
.... but that's never going to happen.
Consider: What happens when a toon leaves the guild, having equipped 15 bags? What happens to those bags and their contents? Heck, what about just if you swap the Bag Slots boon out for +XP?
What happens to the contents of the extra 10 (*TEN*!) guild bank tabs if a guild leader trashes the structure?
STO-style "let's build a structure. It's almost pointless, and super-expensive, and expires very quickly" tasks are more likely to be implemented, here. In STO there are Fleet Construction Projects that are essentially "set a whole lot of money on fire and hope you can use some of the ashes", specifically to let players in large/rich guilds keep contributing and keep earning STO's equivalent of Neverwinter Guild Marks.