This morning, had two Jeweller artisans at same level, same tools, crafting the same item from the same materials. (Bree Underleaf, Nifhild Amberbeard, crafting Siltstone Whetstones, starting at the beginning of level 42 each)
Bree has -50% Commission, 0% speed, Dab hand 15%
Nifhild has -25% commission, -75% speed, Passion Project 10%
After crafting 10 of each item, Bree had earned twice as much experience as Nifhild. Crafted another 10, same thing. They each triggered a couple special bonus activations during the run, although I forgot to count how many of each. However the Bree 2x exp seemed to occur on an item by item basis.
Is there any reason for different experience gains between them? Is it based on stats or special bonus or something? I have read a number of guides and threads on crafting in mod 15 but haven't seen anything saying "Stat X also affects your experience gain".
That is the question. As an aside, I also had Nadia Evendown (Gatherer) apply at level 18, so I looked in my Gathering list and fired a level 40 Kolneg to make space. I went back to the Applications window, Nadia was still there at level 18. I hired her, she was the only one in the list, no applications remaining. I went to the Gathering board to put Nadia to work... no Nadia. However I had Kolneg back, but now he was level 15.
So some things about the Artisan/crafting process still seem a little wonky. Any info anyone has on the Exp thing would be appreciated.
Thanks and happy holidays to you!
Looks like they still have some bugs to work out (says the master of understatement).
Anyone have any ideas on the mechanics on 2 different crafters doing the same thing but getting different XP? Is there a hidden 'XP gain multiplier' stat that we're not told about?
Edit/Add:And again this morning - the 26th - fired Nayet Al-Abta to make space for Unkra Forend (alchemists), hired Unkra, game gave me back a Nayet. Apparently it's not only a known bug, but common. May only occur when firing someone from the same profession first, since that has been the situation each time. Of course, that's the only time I check who I got, so maybe I just miss it other times.
On the Exp gain issue, I am still testing. So far I don't have so many crafters that it is easy to get a same level/same items etc. match. It may just be that things like Dab Hand (doubles materials) also give double exp. More testing to go.