One of the best things about the winterfest was the fishing. I really can't understand why anyone would want the somi FAILED fishing to replace the highly enjoyable fishing from winterfest. The professions was also a fun part of the event. Saying that it is due to new professions is not accurate as you already had an event with professions so winterfest could have had it. I was really looking forward to this event now it seems that this too is ruined.
I really hope i am wrong but i doubt it
There are more than BIS players in this game
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
How do you figure out they are replacing winterfest fishing?
How do you know there will be no winterfest profession?
And i guess doing something against the massive lag from "Gift of Simril" drops wasn't on the Devs to-do-list either. It looks like it is more important to find other ways to squeeze more money from players, and messing something up that was working just fine and did help lessen the campaign currencies grind a little bit, then actually coming up with real improvements for the players.
Here's an idea for the ZEN shop, how about letting longtime players upgrade their old packs for a little fee, and bring back the class packs in an improved version?
Anyway, the new companion and mount are both "green", but i guess they'll still cost 10-15 stars each?
I think lately all the devs did was that.
Make items go straight to players' inventories to prevent lag.
For the live of all that's holy, make the gift rewards BtA. Having to discard cool items when alts could use them really isn't helping anyone.
As mentioned up thread, I won't mind the SoMI mechanic if it gets rid of the unlucky anglers. I would ten times prefer my success to be based on skill, not RNG. The skeletons were just stupid and annoying. An epic pet could solo them yet they made the zone very unfriendly for low level characters.
I really would prefer the original Monster on Ice to return as well.
Most of the stuff going to the Zen store is worthless. Especially the items that drop in Starlight bags
At this point i'm just asking for an option to exchange those bloody Gift of Simril at a NPC for a chest/trove/pack, that contains similar rewards as they come from the whole group
scamsing & dance, and be done with it.Other players can still do their lantern thing, and this might also help lessen the lag during this event too.
A) make your own party. 5-10 gifts.
C) open alphabetically. ie. Angelheart Unicorn goes first, Zack the Orc goes last.
Moderator edited out profanity.
Have 4 friends.
Go gift crazy.
I don't know if it's my good luck, other people's bad luck, mass hysteria, or what, but I just don't this being a problem. I also play late night US time, so maybe all the scammers are school kids in the Americas and I miss them?
Also, yeah, what jonkoca said. If someone is resorting to that, they've got far worse problems than I do.