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PSA: Do not Q for "Expert" random dungeons until you have experienced those dungeons... please.



  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User

    I prefer the method of the dungeon must be unlocked before you are able to do it as a random requirement. I do not que REQ as the time commitment is too much most days, and run RAQ with a full group or at least 2 other guild members. I do teach/train new players when possible to harder dungeons and run RAQ with whoever I get which is painful at times for my HR to try to carry. Have learned that one 11k player with a group of 14k+ is doable for all RAQ if they play with the group. Best to learn with friends and guild before doing RAQ/REQ.

    *My only toon is a high 16k HR archer build.

    Fully agree. Learn with friends and guildies in premade epic dungeons.
    BTW, public props to you for going Archer and giving the finger to the Archer haters.
    This is suppose to be fun. Play what you like.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • yppo#1635 yppo Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Just finished another fbi where my op tank (~17.3k IL) out-dpsed a 16.5k gwf. even didn't gain on me in single target where i kinda suck. I even was main-"dps" in the end.

    This surely wasn't my first experience like that and will not be my last. unfortunatly you see a lot of those guys in req as well. only IL or "has been carried through before" will not work to get a minimum of experitise for those random queues.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    OP can be OP. I completed a ToNG run where the OP was the top DPS, by far. There was a MOF and templock, so they helped, just not in the DPS department. The last dps HR was just dead weight. DPS competitive only with my ACDC
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Part of the problem with GWF running ahead is the online guides on how to play the game specifically telling you to do so to maximize your DPS.

    People need to stop worrying about who is the Paingiver and worry more about whether or not the PARTY will succeed.
    No. People need to take responsibility for their share of the party's performance, and a GWF should be able to do significantly more dps than an OP.

    People slacking on builds and not even trying to do their part is not acceptable. It is asking to be carried all the time.

    Paingiver and your standing in the parse matters as proof that you are as least minimally trying.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User

    greywynd said:

    Part of the problem with GWF running ahead is the online guides on how to play the game specifically telling you to do so to maximize your DPS.

    People need to stop worrying about who is the Paingiver and worry more about whether or not the PARTY will succeed.
    No. People need to take responsibility for their share of the party's performance, and a GWF should be able to do significantly more dps than an OP.

    People slacking on builds and not even trying to do their part is not acceptable. It is asking to be carried all the time.

    Paingiver and your standing in the parse matters as proof that you are as least minimally trying.
    Mixed agreement and disagreement on these statements.
    "Take responsibility for their share of the party's performance", of course. This wasn't really mutually exclusive from what @greywynd said, btw.

    Doing your role and prioritizing the needs of the party are the same thing.

    "Paingiver and your standing in the parse matters as proof that you are as least minimally trying."

    Well documented in dozens of ACT-evidenced posts on this forum over the years that the in-game scoreboard is a terrible indicator of good team play.

    Some of the most miserable runs I've ever experienced in my 5 NW years were with a paingiver who selfishly ran ahead of the party, aggro-ing everything in sight, just to eek out that extra DPS before another buffer/dps might have accidentally stolen from them.

    Meanwhile, the tank is stressed to re-capture aggro, the support players are endangered by the flood of excess mobs... and God forbid... that selfish DPS dies, it's...

    "WTF, tank/DC? Do your job! gitgud, bro!"

    Paingiver is an ePeen measuring stick... (a very short one).

    The respect of your teammates for a smooth run (and invites as main DPS on future runs) is the best measure that a DPS is doing a good job.
    Here is a test for "I am both Paingiver AND a good teammate":

    Are you invited to join support-class parties as DPS more often then you form your own party on LFG channels?
    If the answer is "no", your teammates do not think you are very good at your job (despite your paingiver status).
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    It is not about IL you can melt through content with one dps and 4 buffer of low IL.
    It is mostly about the fact that about 90% of player are somehow new to the game or don´t know how to build or use their class.
    The runs where i witnessed a DC that puts neither AA or HG on the floor, same as frogets to run BtS etc, warlocks that skip their best debuffs, GF´s that die in splitseconds due to wrong build class and powers they use... endless.
    I can´t stand 40min in a dungeon with player i don´t know and explain them how to run their class, impossible, i gonna get mad. Halve ot them can´t understadn what I say , the otherones stay silent no matter what you yell into the group.

    If I ask a player to take the sunsword and ask if he knows how to handle it and his answer is something in between like "OK", i know immidiatley how this is gonna end, like last random CR where I had to pick that silly sword midfight, since that 16.8k GWF just stood there like a horse...

    "Watch a -> How to build my class vid" at least and watch one "->how to absolve this enddungeon !!!!"
    Since you are online you have internet, no excuses :)
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited December 2018

    I should mention that the 11k player needs real gear and not the crappy high IL vistani gear from Barovia for free. Hunt drop gear is decent from Barovia though on some toons.

    You can get near BIS gear from the AH btw. -> blue IL 510 companion gear (neck, ring, etc) or smiply farm it as I did, Bondings rank 9 are so cheap atm 72k, no need to run an augment. My Il 9k invoking chars run augments or runestones rank 8-9 but only because I am too lazy to switch them and because "Master of the hunt" is absolveable with those augents and runestones.

    https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Black_Opal_Ring_+1/Tooltip ->9k
    https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Gold_Pendant_+1/Tooltip ->16k
    https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Bronzewood_Raid_Ring_+1/Tooltip -> 1.5mio AD, no need to buy this
    You get rank 510 gear Icon, Talisman , Sword knot, Grimoire in AH 15-20k cheap af, near BIS

    old striker gear with 2xblack Ice rank 14 = 4339 stats ( 2939 offense/1400 defensive) ->far worse for striker, acceptable for tanks
    companion gear +4 with 2xr14 Black Ice = 3669 stats ->worse, no need to buy it any more
    IL 510 blue neck with 1x r14 Black Ice = 4493 stats -> better 16k AD
    IL 530 neck +1 with 1xr14 Black Ice = 4740 stats -> best +/-500k AD
    IL 510 blue opal ring +1 and 2xr14 BI = 4157 stats, only 2757 offense stats ..time to ged rid of my Con Artist or farm +5/+4 Grave Striker
    IL 570 "BIS" Bronzewood ring +2xr14 BI = 4482 stats -> BIS, but -> 1.5 mio AD
    real BIS imo https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Ring_of_the_Gravestriker_+5
    Gravestriker +5 seems to be BIS anyway , 5157 stats if you take that 1000k power that procs on companions but does not work with Companion and Black Opal ring +1 or Bronzewood gear

    Look at this !
    https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Exalted_Primal_Quauhololli ->7471 power
    ->7234 Power INSTANT by wasting 14k AD ! No need to even farm Primal gear or exault it, spend 14k AD, enough for a buffer to run endcontent.
    BIS Bronzewood gear +1 IL 570 = 8670 Power on Paladin ->5-8 mio AD too much for my taste

    The barovian gear IL 540 is far enough to run every content and Bis in many cases, for a buffer it´s even ok to run Vistani etc.
    Hag´s Rag, Fured Kiuno, Surviver wraps, Orcus Set, Grave Striker, Eyestalker etc, all needs to be farmed in case I want to run BIS as a Striker.

    ... but before queueing for REQ:
    1. every player should do his homework, complete his boons and watch some vids about "How to build/run class/dungeon" instead of waisting everyones time and nerves .
    2. It´s not about gear in 90% of all runs, it´s about the knowledge about a class and a dungeon !
    BUFFS/DEBUFFS is all you need to know about a class in this game.
    3. in case your charakter is build "chicken-style" , buy at least scrolls to revive in case you insist to run with the experienced player
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    > @schietindebux said:
    > It is mostly about the fact that about 90% of player are somehow new to the game or don´t know how to build or use their class.
    > I can´t stand 40min in a dungeon with player i don´t know and explain them how to run their class, impossible, i gonna get mad.
    > If I ask a player to take the sunsword and ask if he knows how to handle it and his answer is something in between like "OK", i know immidiatley how this is gonna end,

    This. All of this.
    You expressed my point better then I did.

    I was on my AC in rEQ CR, got killed 6 times on Sister chains by GWF who ignored pleas to stop hitting on chains.

    Then at the door of Strahd fight... "Can someone explain this fight?"

    HAMSTER you, dude.
    You expect strangers to be generous with their time for you, but you lack the courtesy of reading a frakking dungeon guide for 5 min?

    I ended up carrying the sword... as AC. No one else knew how to use the shield. ffs
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expert

    expert : adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt
    1. experienced
    2. having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    With the new Mod there are numerous content experiences (some WAI, many others bugged) for new players to explore.
    Random Expert Queue is NOT one of them.

    Please, please, do not Q for Expert dungeons until you have experienced them/been taught them with your guild/you tube videos/ forum guides.

    Yes, it is a good source of rAD.
    Yes, you CAN get in with only 13k IL.
    No, no one can stop you from doing so.

    But no, no, no... you will NOT complete it if you do not know the mechanics of ToNG, Cradle and CR.

    And all you will do is waste the time and frustrate your fellow players who actually know the dungeons and earned the right to be there.

    Read the guide. Watch a YouTube video.
    There are many guides. It only take 5-10 min to read/watch them.
    Then tell your guild leaders to walk you through the endgame dungeon in private premade Q.
    [That is a guild leader's job. If they refuse, reconsider your guild choice.]

    Just once run the endgame dungeons with guildies/friends before forcing random strangers to teach it to you. That's all it takes.

    Then you will be raking in that sweet sweet REQ 15-23k raw AD in no time.

    If not, you just Q into a broken, prolonged frustrating waste of time and anger your teammates.


    People tend to do what they can do. The fact that people with low ilvl queue for REQ is not the fault of the people; it is the fault of the game designers. And the fact of the matter is that the game designers don't care about this.

    Also, it's your fault too. If you don't want to be joined with RANDOM people, then don't join randoms. Make pre-mades. Or better, help the random players learn the content.
    I agree with you that the devs share some of the blame but not all.
    Higher IL requirement and/or an "unlock" by completing at least 1 regular Q of the Expert dungeons fixes the problem.
    Also, listing the random Qs in ascending order of difficulty would also help.

    But blame experienced players for "not making [full 5 man party] premade"?

    Experienced players should restrict themselves from running the expert Q unless they have a full party to accommodate players who shouldn't be in expert Q at all?

    Hamster HAMSTER.

    Although my friends usually do form a premade for rEQ, some of us can only play at times when census is low.
    Sometimes it is nearly impossible to make a full 5.

    We will fill as many as we can , then are forced to give up private and go randomEQ.
    Happens all the time and not our "fault".

    And even if experienced players choose to Q solo, so what?
    They earned (yes, I said earned) the right to do so through hundreds of hours building their character and mastering the dungeons.

    ExpertQ bonus AD is a reward for mastering the dungeo. not a lucky jackpot for getting carried through an endgame dungeon you've never tried.

    And you want us to apologize for daring to use the Expert Q the way it was intended?


    As for our fault for not willing to "help the random players learn the content [in Expert Q]", I call respectfully call Hamster HAMSTER again, @rabidphilosopher#9349 .

    Not sure if you read all the comments, but as has been said, many of us lead training missions all the time and take the time to teach strangers... in regular Q!
    I just carried some people through regular ToNG and FBI. Glad to do it.

    But we have zero obligation or expectation to teach strangers in Expert Q.
    Don't join a RANDOM if you aren't willing to put up with a RANDOM assortment of players. Crying about getting poorly geared or inexperienced players in a RANDOM is pretty delusional since you're demanding something other than RANDOM players from a RANDOM system.
  • This content has been removed.
  • It is more like getting bad players from a bad system but yes.

    There is no "fix" for it. Item level is not a metric for skill in a game that is (essentially) pay to win. If you have a healthy bank account, you can buy your way to 18k+ item level. And even if you don't, you can earn 18k+ item level if you play the game long enough OR if you are lucky with VIP chest drops. Item level does not = skill. This entire thread is just dumb. Stop crying about getting RANDOM players from a RANDOM queue and make PREMADES if you want something else.
  • rustyroo13#1749 rustyroo13 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    ralas96 said:

    It sounds like you should be advocating for Cryptic to raise the ilvl requirement/make an elite queue that is the same dungeon rotation but with a higher item level requirement than expert for the very top tier players to faceroll their way through a dungeon.

    THIS! This this this thisthisthis!

    I see players complain about people not being the correct Lvl for dungeons all the time (hell, I've even done it from time to time!). If a dungeon's item Lvl requirement is 13k, then players that are 13k should be able to get through it. It's makes no sense to expect or demand a player be 16k plus or whatever to be able to complete it, and frankly the problem is with Cryptic's Lvl setting. If I'm 13k+ and I queue for a dungeon that has a 13k item level, how is it my fault when I'm expecting a level-appropriate dungeon and the content is that of a 16k? I get it, the higher Lvl dungeons should be challenging, but they should also be Lvl appropriate; that's just common sense.

    As far as watching tutorials, etc. I am all for that, but it's a whole different kettle of fish actually playing the dungeon yourself than watching it being played by someone else. And in a perfect world, we all should be able to private queue them with guildies, but sometime frack happens and it just doesn't pan out.

    Patience, people. It's a game.

    Arielle Redbow half-elf Warden Ranger
    Guild: Guardians of the Forest
  • johonxgaltjohonxgalt Member Posts: 93 Arc User


    expert : adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt
    1. experienced
    2. having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    With the new Mod there are numerous content experiences (some WAI, many others bugged) for new players to explore.
    Random Expert Queue is NOT one of them.

    Please, please, do not Q for Expert dungeons until you have experienced them/been taught them with your guild/you tube videos/ forum guides.

    Yes, it is a good source of rAD.
    Yes, you CAN get in with only 13k IL.
    No, no one can stop you from doing so.

    But no, no, no... you will NOT complete it if you do not know the mechanics of ToNG, Cradle and CR.

    And all you will do is waste the time and frustrate your fellow players who actually know the dungeons and earned the right to be there.

    Read the guide. Watch a YouTube video.
    There are many guides. It only take 5-10 min to read/watch them.
    Then tell your guild leaders to walk you through the endgame dungeon in private premade Q.
    [That is a guild leader's job. If they refuse, reconsider your guild choice.]

    Just once run the endgame dungeons with guildies/friends before forcing random strangers to teach it to you. That's all it takes.

    Then you will be raking in that sweet sweet REQ 15-23k raw AD in no time.

    If not, you just Q into a broken, prolonged frustrating waste of time and anger your teammates.


    People tend to do what they can do. The fact that people with low ilvl queue for REQ is not the fault of the people; it is the fault of the game designers. And the fact of the matter is that the game designers don't care about this.

    Also, it's your fault too. If you don't want to be joined with RANDOM people, then don't join randoms. Make pre-mades. Or better, help the random players learn the content.
    I agree with you that the devs share some of the blame but not all.
    Higher IL requirement and/or an "unlock" by completing at least 1 regular Q of the Expert dungeons fixes the problem.
    Also, listing the random Qs in ascending order of difficulty would also help.

    But blame experienced players for "not making [full 5 man party] premade"?

    Experienced players should restrict themselves from running the expert Q unless they have a full party to accommodate players who shouldn't be in expert Q at all?

    Hamster HAMSTER.

    Although my friends usually do form a premade for rEQ, some of us can only play at times when census is low.
    Sometimes it is nearly impossible to make a full 5.

    We will fill as many as we can , then are forced to give up private and go randomEQ.
    Happens all the time and not our "fault".

    And even if experienced players choose to Q solo, so what?
    They earned (yes, I said earned) the right to do so through hundreds of hours building their character and mastering the dungeons.

    ExpertQ bonus AD is a reward for mastering the dungeo. not a lucky jackpot for getting carried through an endgame dungeon you've never tried.

    And you want us to apologize for daring to use the Expert Q the way it was intended?


    As for our fault for not willing to "help the random players learn the content [in Expert Q]", I call respectfully call Hamster HAMSTER again, @rabidphilosopher#9349 .

    Not sure if you read all the comments, but as has been said, many of us lead training missions all the time and take the time to teach strangers... in regular Q!
    I just carried some people through regular ToNG and FBI. Glad to do it.

    But we have zero obligation or expectation to teach strangers in Expert Q.
    Don't join a RANDOM if you aren't willing to put up with a RANDOM assortment of players. Crying about getting poorly geared or inexperienced players in a RANDOM is pretty delusional since you're demanding something other than RANDOM players from a RANDOM system.
    You like to call out RANDOM but fail to Mention the EXPERT part. It is legit to call out poor players in random EXPERT queue.

    If you have to make your point by specifically excluding certain key words, your most likely on the wrong side of the argument.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    You like to call out RANDOM but fail to Mention the EXPERT part. It is legit to call out poor players in random EXPERT queue.

    If you have to make your point by specifically excluding certain key words, your most likely on the wrong side of the argument.

    How do you know that a fresh 70 with the minimum il for the queue isn't an expert?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • avatar123plavatar123pl Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    Sure thing man, but let me ask you a question : who calls what is "expert"? For one man it will be enough gear to queue (as it was designed to complete at that ilvl), for second one it will be 16k, and for third one it gonna be 22k. Who got right? You might prefer 16k+, but i might also prefer 22k+ and vote to kick you for not being expert in my opinion. That's key words : IN MY OPINION. Devs design it to be at X ilvl and so it is, everything else is just OPINION. If you dont get that... then i'm glad we never met :).

    And i told this as main-only cleric, so trust me - i saw everything on LFG, including things you dont even imagine. And dont blame others for your "elitism" - you req 100kkkkk ilvl? Then go the hell out of LFG and go look for party via chat where you can create any rules you want. Or go LFG but deal with people you get in party as you dont have any word to say in that matter

    Btw... correct me if im wrong but "random expert dungeon" is just a name of difficulty scale, same as "Big Ben" doesnt mean its big man named Ben.

    And yes, i got more than enough gear to do anything in this game, so it doesnt touch me, but people are plain mean and evil... with every year it goes worse and worse. That's... sad
  • johonxgaltjohonxgalt Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    I dont recall equating IL with the term expert,

    expert adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt \
    Definition of expert (Entry 1 of 3)
    1 obsolete : EXPERIENCED
    2 : having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    I have played with low IL players that knew their role and were able to contribute to the dungeon. Low level DC's that keep AA and HG up, lower level tanks that can keep aggro and keep out of stupid. I have also played with higher IL players that have no clue.

    The definition of expert is pretty clear, if you have any knowledge of what it means you would not be queuing for it with no experience with your class or the dungeon.
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    perhaps a comprimise would be to have easy versions of the end game dungeons. like have them drop reduced rewards and no purple gear. and have the Easy mode available in random leveling que or intermediate que.

    Have enemies at easy difficulty and adjust them so they can't one hit players without experience.

    Inexperienced people could play Castle Ravenloft "easy mode" to clear the story quest and learn from experience.

    For me personally i'm a hands on learner, videos don't do much for me unless I can read it in print.
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User

    I should mention that the 11k player needs real gear and not the crappy high IL vistani gear from Barovia for free. Hunt drop gear is decent from Barovia though on some toons.

    Hunt gear is pretty cheap in the AD store.

  • https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expert

    expert : adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt
    1. experienced
    2. having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    With the new Mod there are numerous content experiences (some WAI, many others bugged) for new players to explore.
    Random Expert Queue is NOT one of them.

    Please, please, do not Q for Expert dungeons until you have experienced them/been taught them with your guild/you tube videos/ forum guides.

    Yes, it is a good source of rAD.
    Yes, you CAN get in with only 13k IL.
    No, no one can stop you from doing so.

    But no, no, no... you will NOT complete it if you do not know the mechanics of ToNG, Cradle and CR.

    And all you will do is waste the time and frustrate your fellow players who actually know the dungeons and earned the right to be there.

    Read the guide. Watch a YouTube video.
    There are many guides. It only take 5-10 min to read/watch them.
    Then tell your guild leaders to walk you through the endgame dungeon in private premade Q.
    [That is a guild leader's job. If they refuse, reconsider your guild choice.]

    Just once run the endgame dungeons with guildies/friends before forcing random strangers to teach it to you. That's all it takes.

    Then you will be raking in that sweet sweet REQ 15-23k raw AD in no time.

    If not, you just Q into a broken, prolonged frustrating waste of time and anger your teammates.


    People tend to do what they can do. The fact that people with low ilvl queue for REQ is not the fault of the people; it is the fault of the game designers. And the fact of the matter is that the game designers don't care about this.

    Also, it's your fault too. If you don't want to be joined with RANDOM people, then don't join randoms. Make pre-mades. Or better, help the random players learn the content.
    I agree with you that the devs share some of the blame but not all.
    Higher IL requirement and/or an "unlock" by completing at least 1 regular Q of the Expert dungeons fixes the problem.
    Also, listing the random Qs in ascending order of difficulty would also help.

    But blame experienced players for "not making [full 5 man party] premade"?

    Experienced players should restrict themselves from running the expert Q unless they have a full party to accommodate players who shouldn't be in expert Q at all?

    Hamster HAMSTER.

    Although my friends usually do form a premade for rEQ, some of us can only play at times when census is low.
    Sometimes it is nearly impossible to make a full 5.

    We will fill as many as we can , then are forced to give up private and go randomEQ.
    Happens all the time and not our "fault".

    And even if experienced players choose to Q solo, so what?
    They earned (yes, I said earned) the right to do so through hundreds of hours building their character and mastering the dungeons.

    ExpertQ bonus AD is a reward for mastering the dungeo. not a lucky jackpot for getting carried through an endgame dungeon you've never tried.

    And you want us to apologize for daring to use the Expert Q the way it was intended?


    As for our fault for not willing to "help the random players learn the content [in Expert Q]", I call respectfully call Hamster HAMSTER again, @rabidphilosopher#9349 .

    Not sure if you read all the comments, but as has been said, many of us lead training missions all the time and take the time to teach strangers... in regular Q!
    I just carried some people through regular ToNG and FBI. Glad to do it.

    But we have zero obligation or expectation to teach strangers in Expert Q.
    Don't join a RANDOM if you aren't willing to put up with a RANDOM assortment of players. Crying about getting poorly geared or inexperienced players in a RANDOM is pretty delusional since you're demanding something other than RANDOM players from a RANDOM system.
    You like to call out RANDOM but fail to Mention the EXPERT part. It is legit to call out poor players in random EXPERT queue.

    If you have to make your point by specifically excluding certain key words, your most likely on the wrong side of the argument.
    I didn't "make it a point" to exclude anything. That's absurd.

    You are evidently one of those people who think that EXPERT = item level, which is also absurd.

    You, sir, are the problem - not the so-called "low ilvl" people. Get over yourself.
  • I dont recall equating IL with the term expert,

    expert adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt \
    Definition of expert (Entry 1 of 3)
    1 obsolete : EXPERIENCED
    2 : having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    I have played with low IL players that knew their role and were able to contribute to the dungeon. Low level DC's that keep AA and HG up, lower level tanks that can keep aggro and keep out of stupid. I have also played with higher IL players that have no clue.

    The definition of expert is pretty clear, if you have any knowledge of what it means you would not be queuing for it with no experience with your class or the dungeon.

    No, it's not "clear." Googling a definition and then cutting and pasting it doesn't resolve or clear up anything. Absurdity after absurdity.

    You are assuming that (item level = expert) by virtue of the fact that you think that (expert = experienced) and (item level = experienced). Well how the HAMSTER can a system recognized EXPERIENCE?

    CLUE: It can't. Get over yourself and stop crying about getting RANDOM players from a RANDOM system. Item level means absolutely jack HAMSTER.
  • The fact of the matter is that the problems you all are discussing are not new problems, and certainly not original to neverwinter online. No computer system can sufficiently regulate human activity when it comes to skill thresholds. And even if it could regulate it, you wouldn't want it (could you imagine a "skill" test for doing dungeons? measuring movement and clicks per second? ideal or appropriate usage of abilities?). It would change every time there is a patch that changes the "optimized" dynamics. And so every patch you would need to "prove" you can do a dungeon.

    The only system that is going to "fit" your expectations of other players is your own attitudes about other players. And that means (A) Adjusting your attitude to fit the group you are in, or (B) making Premades to fit and therefore satisfy your attitude about playing a GAME.

    In short: use your own judgement, make premades, and quit crying about the short comings of a computer system that can't meet your own limited and entirely subjective expectations! Or just play the game.
  • johonxgaltjohonxgalt Member Posts: 93 Arc User

    I dont recall equating IL with the term expert,

    expert adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt \
    Definition of expert (Entry 1 of 3)
    1 obsolete : EXPERIENCED
    2 : having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    I have played with low IL players that knew their role and were able to contribute to the dungeon. Low level DC's that keep AA and HG up, lower level tanks that can keep aggro and keep out of stupid. I have also played with higher IL players that have no clue.

    The definition of expert is pretty clear, if you have any knowledge of what it means you would not be queuing for it with no experience with your class or the dungeon.

    No, it's not "clear." Googling a definition and then cutting and pasting it doesn't resolve or clear up anything. Absurdity after absurdity.

    You are assuming that (item level = expert) by virtue of the fact that you think that (expert = experienced) and (item level = experienced). Well how the HAMSTER can a system recognized EXPERIENCE?

    CLUE: It can't. Get over yourself and stop crying about getting RANDOM players from a RANDOM system. Item level means absolutely jack HAMSTER.
    You amuse me, I dont "think" expert=experienced, it is the definition of expert. I expect RANDOM EXPERTS in the RANDOM EXPERT QUEUE. You continue to exclude certain words that help augment your argument but anyone with half a brain would see you are being misleading at best.

    Reading is hard I know but if you try you will see that knowing your class and the dungeon is more important than IL except for the DPS needed to pass some of the DPS checks in end game.

    You seem to be one of those that accuse others of Crying and putting others down to help your argument. I feel bad for you in that aspect. Do you need a hug?
  • I dont recall equating IL with the term expert,

    expert adjective
    ex·​pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt \
    Definition of expert (Entry 1 of 3)
    1 obsolete : EXPERIENCED
    2 : having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience

    I have played with low IL players that knew their role and were able to contribute to the dungeon. Low level DC's that keep AA and HG up, lower level tanks that can keep aggro and keep out of stupid. I have also played with higher IL players that have no clue.

    The definition of expert is pretty clear, if you have any knowledge of what it means you would not be queuing for it with no experience with your class or the dungeon.

    No, it's not "clear." Googling a definition and then cutting and pasting it doesn't resolve or clear up anything. Absurdity after absurdity.

    You are assuming that (item level = expert) by virtue of the fact that you think that (expert = experienced) and (item level = experienced). Well how the HAMSTER can a system recognized EXPERIENCE?

    CLUE: It can't. Get over yourself and stop crying about getting RANDOM players from a RANDOM system. Item level means absolutely jack HAMSTER.
    You amuse me, I dont "think" expert=experienced, it is the definition of expert. I expect RANDOM EXPERTS in the RANDOM EXPERT QUEUE. You continue to exclude certain words that help augment your argument but anyone with half a brain would see you are being misleading at best.

    Reading is hard I know but if you try you will see that knowing your class and the dungeon is more important than IL except for the DPS needed to pass some of the DPS checks in end game.

    You seem to be one of those that accuse others of Crying and putting others down to help your argument. I feel bad for you in that aspect. Do you need a hug?
    Cry less and read more. You didn't address the question of how a system can recognize "experts." Of course, the reason why you didn't address it was because you don't have an answer. Hence, more crying and ignoring the obvious: the system CAN'T.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User

    Sure thing man, but let me ask you a question : who calls what is "expert"?

    And yes, i got more than enough gear to do anything in this game, so it doesnt touch me, but people are plain mean and evil... with every year it goes worse and worse. That's... sad

    I used the Webster dictionary definition.
    Seems like a reliable source.

    Experienced. Just try it once. That is all. Or read about it.
    Unlike @rabidphilosopher#9349 who is sadly stuck on the term "random", this post was about EXPERT only.

    Any experience shows respect to your teammates that you are prepared for the run.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • edited December 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    ...actually, if you were an expert you would not be joining public queues except to troll or leech.

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited December 2018

    Item level means absolutely jack HAMSTER.

    That theory is usually promoted by the undergeared crowd that needs an alibi to mess up RAQ/REQ runs with their underperforming characters :)

    Gear defines the max dps/buffage you can output. Whether you can actually output that dps depends on your skill, but the max possible dps is always depending on the gear.

    No amount of skill can increase the dps of an undergeared char past the max set by the gear. So gear matters a lot.

    It is part of the human character that everyone always thinks of themselves as part of the 10% best players. One of the lies humans need to live happy lives :)
  • darkheart#6758 darkheart Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    Hate to say it, but the game's definition of expert isn't the same as the dictionary. To the game, expert just means top level dungeon, no more no less.
    I agree with you that it's terrible to queue in and see New player in instance pop up, but it is what it is.
    I would like to see the minimum level increased by about 2000, but still doesn't mean you won't get a new player, just that dps maybe can put out damage that is needed for the dps boss check fights (2nd boss in CR, 1st boss in T9 when it first came out).
    Would it be nice to see a requirement be that dungeon was completed in a pre made group before allowing to queue into expert random....maybe....but never going to happen.
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