Ok, so...Karmela is the star of the crafting quest chain...it's all about her...how she is such a great crafter, but lousy manager.
So, at the end of the quest line, when I finally get to hire her, I discover that she is not so great after all....385/385....not 400/400.

Really ?
Did you get to pick her profession? Is that the profession you chose at the beginning of the tutorial?
If it was Dab Hands or Recycle, ok, even at 385, but with Passion and 385? Totally a "Dismiss on sight"
I've dismissed her, and didin't even notice it is her from the quest line, on more than one char....
b) You can not dismiss her.
c) still worthless stats and will just be a benchwarmer forever.
But if it wasn't, and I can't find her, and there are no quests to proceed? A bug ? Or I'm missing something?
Retainer has nothing new, Tess has nothing, Lady Begum Nothing, and basic materials dealer nothing. Journal doesn't have Workshop quests.
Though I may not have seen them all.
Can you choose Adventurer? If so I'd suggest that.
Karmella: Alright Adventurer. You've convinced me to come back and use my vast skills, training and proficiency as an artisan unparalleled, to help you with the old workshop.
Adventurer: (Hands behind back- smiles and nods)
Karmela: (Defeated sigh) What would you have me do?
Adventurer: (Hands her an oak bucket; the grin widens just enough to show teeth. A sparkle of mirth washes over the Adventurer's eyes)
Karmela: (Accepts bucket) I hate you.
Thanks for the heads up though. Almost at stage 4.
But for real cryptic Hamster the victory much.