Recently I have noticed in the RIQ pug runs an even greater preponderance of toons with really low level enchants, no enchants running stuff like Malabogs Castle, Valindra's Tower etc
I presume they get the Vistani gear [most are wearing this or the primal stuff] and so qualify for RIQ and dont realise the importance of enchants because they haven't been playing long enough?
I mean rank 5 enchants in an Epic Dungeon?
Sorry to sound elitist, I think there needs to be somethign to generally educate players as to "what to do" somehow

I try and give advice where I can
Otoh, I think a lot of players forget after a while what 'levelling up' is like. Even before the salvage removal, you got virtually zero salvage. You aren't doing most weeklies for rAD. You can get a single run of 8,000 rAD (12,000 if you have full bonus) on the Levelling queue, after that it pays only 1,000 rAD per run. You aren't doing Barovia hunts or Demogorg or anything else that pays well. All the dungeons you can access pay zero rAD. You aren't getting drops that sell for more than 1 or 2 hundred AD on exchange in general.
Basically, someone recently coming out of that process, who isn't sending AD over from a main, isn't going to be dropping rank 12 enchants on their gear anytime soon.
Fast 20k raw ad from 2 runs that if you dont count chests and bonus raw ad...
Btw you get a few non guild players on those places, keep your eye on them i've recruited a few nice players there for my guild
The 'old' levelling process meant you spent a lot of time grinding Elemental Evil, Dread ring etc... by which point you probably had picked up enough AD and experience along the way to not be completely useless at higher runs. The 'slightly newer' process involved grinding a lot of Chult to get decent gear, again by which time, with dungeon runs paying AD and salvage, you had a decent amount of AD and experience with your char.
The current levelling process seems to be (for an actual character, not an alt supported by a main or two):
- Spend about 2-3 weeks poking at various pieces of content and invoking, by which time you are level 70. You level so fast and gear etc. requirements are so low that you haven't played even half the content and haven't needed anything more than cheap blue gear off the AH and some drops/mission rewards.
- During that time you could run ONE, Random levelling queue per day (except for the first few days), for 8-12k AD. You might pick up a few AD elsewhere. So here you are at level 70 with maybe 150K AD to your name, some blue/mission gear, and very little game experience.
- You ask 'What do I do now?' in PE, and people tell you go to Barovia, get your Vistani gear, get a decent mount, get a couple companions, drop rank 7-8 enchants wherever, *poof* you will be 9,000 IL and can run RIQ for some decent rewards for a change.
Now you click to queue up for RIQ, *poof* you're in Castle Never, not having a clue what to do, where everything can one-shot you, and you likely haven't even levelled more than one power to 4 points.
Now, if you were experienced, and knew what you were doing already from your main, and could shoot some AD and gear over from your main, that's a different thing. But for an actual new player? This process is not very functional.
Not that it matters that much in RIQ though, one 16k+ player should be able to solo most of those zones
.. Yehhh .. you really don't need R12's to run those.
.. meager 10-20k a day for 400k item is still 20-40 days * slots, far from "2-3" days
and a side of
.. The Vin/Primal/Chult gear takes up a lot of the stat slack from mods from when these dungeons were made
TLDNR: Its stats dummies, not mods