So I started the new crafting stuff yesterday, did the tutorials, levelled up my workshop to 2, recruited 10 (white-quality, random) artisans.... when do I start being able to trade in the old stuff for new? I know I'm supposed to be able to but I don't see the option anywhere and I've been expecting that each next bit of the tutorial quest will be the one that says "OK, now you can get new stuff for all your old stuff" and it's just not happening.
Am I missing something?
.... so why are my Mithril Crucibles all worth "1" when my Mithril Everything Else is worth 5,000?
Gee, it's almost like the Team HAMSTER mod was JUST A LITTLE rushed.
Still unable to trade with him, ie bills,
I am not sure why that happened, but it happened.
I mean, I tested some and made a female toon just to see if it made any difference, but the only change was that they would call your character "milord" or "milady", or Maelys would say how handsome a male was and how beautiful a female was. The bulk of the text was identical.
I have no idea what sort of code is buried in these retainers that would break one only for one gender of character.
But the fix is supposed to be in, and we have a new patch tomorrow so maybe, hopefully, things will work for those that chose Callum.