Well as a returning player, I was using siege to help get through the campaign, sadly with the event moving to public, it will probably never be run, been sitting in a queue with a full 20 people just sitting around for 30-40 mins doing nothing at all.. just seeing if we could get it going . I wish they couldve just made a minimum point total for private , so at least people have to do something , instead of this, this isnt good, it will never be run now.
I know people always abuse things, I didn't even care about most of the rewards but the quick 25 omens was very helpful. I wish there could be some thought before just, Oh know , some people are getting 4.5k in ad and a blood ruby! Take it away.
If we cant do siege any longer, can another weekly be added to the campaign somewhere, to replace it?
Purple Knight ---> scoundrel TR
Surya Namaskar ---> strong GWF
Golia ---> fair GF
Nausicaa ---> dark SW
Pallyda ---> growing up OP
I was disappointed that it was taken down due to exploiters, and even more disappointed that I did not get the reward given to players that had played it within however long of them taking it down as a consolation.
But again, botters and exploiters caused it to be taken down. I just thought that it was a fun little mini-game to play.
**Edit: And yes! I just did one with one of my lesser alts. He got killed but he got 4 assists and 1 kill so... not so bad and happened to be on the winning team. So "Huzzah!" Seriously though I would have preferred a loss to check and see if even upon loosing the quest completes but I didn't want to be "that person" so I tried. (Shakes head and shrugs) I'm sure my 10 k ranger was not the deciding factor. lol