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Siege is dead.. =(

silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
Well as a returning player, I was using siege to help get through the campaign, sadly with the event moving to public, it will probably never be run, been sitting in a queue with a full 20 people just sitting around for 30-40 mins doing nothing at all.. just seeing if we could get it going . I wish they couldve just made a minimum point total for private , so at least people have to do something , instead of this, this isnt good, it will never be run now.

I know people always abuse things, I didn't even care about most of the rewards but the quick 25 omens was very helpful. I wish there could be some thought before just, Oh know , some people are getting 4.5k in ad and a blood ruby! Take it away.

If we cant do siege any longer, can another weekly be added to the campaign somewhere, to replace it?


  • rishikesa#0564 rishikesa Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    RIP ....
    Laksmi ---> splendid DC
    Purple Knight ---> scoundrel TR
    Surya Namaskar ---> strong GWF
    Golia ---> fair GF
    Nausicaa ---> dark SW
    Pallyda ---> growing up OP
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  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User

    It is always the same. The botters and exploiters ruin things.

    I loved Sword Coast Adventures, and while I had not played it (or the game) in a while, it was actually Sword Coast Adventures that I tried to play again before I started playing the game itself again.

    I was disappointed that it was taken down due to exploiters, and even more disappointed that I did not get the reward given to players that had played it within however long of them taking it down as a consolation.

    But again, botters and exploiters caused it to be taken down. I just thought that it was a fun little mini-game to play.
  • roguedemonhunter#1500 roguedemonhunter Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Give us a ten vs ten version of it and all should be well. I do not understand why it must be 20 vs 20. That's 40 players in a random public Q. It's too much to gather for too much time... and once in way way too laggy. Sorry. My 2 cents.

    **Edit: And yes! I just did one with one of my lesser alts. He got killed but he got 4 assists and 1 kill so... not so bad and happened to be on the winning team. So "Huzzah!" Seriously though I would have preferred a loss to check and see if even upon loosing the quest completes but I didn't want to be "that person" so I tried. (Shakes head and shrugs) I'm sure my 10 k ranger was not the deciding factor. lol
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User

    It is always the same. The botters and exploiters ruin things.

    it was a mistake done by the devs, they forgot to put it just public queue, like it was done on the past when alliance module was added so guilds wont private queue for the banners with full 20vs20 guild player and possibility to manipulate the win(this was fixed on the past), i would recommend a 10 vs 10 quest would fix the problem of the siege weekly, maybe to gauntlgrim quest that could be completed on queued 10vs10 or the ab vs tt on icewindale.
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