For mounts we are able to choose the powers we like and then choose the appearance of our mount independently. I think a similar system for companions would be amazing. As it stands, it seems the Sword Coast is overrun by tigers. I would like to see more variety in companions, and having this system would give value to companion rewards from events such as the slime from DOTDM, and the various promotional companions like Celeste, Paranoid Delusion, etc. I have many idle companions that I will never use.
Dead🔪I mean, since movement, first attack delay, and rate of attack would still be locked in the skin people would end getting the "BIS" skin pet anyway...
no way to make an archer, a dog, a cleric and a close combat to have the same stats mentioned abouve and they as pretty important for bounding runes and protector camaradie procs...
Anyway i really love the idea ! changing the skin of your pet would be really good, even if limitaded
I would be really happy if could run with a Winter wolf with chult tiger stats/powers in my GF...