This is very simple: Let us choose which role we wanna queue in for. This role limitation that currently exists is REALLY frustrating. For example: A GF, eventhough specced for DPS, can only queue as a "Tank". A Buff HR can only queue as "DPS". And so on and so forth.
Would be REALLY nice and useful if we could choose the roles we wanna play, would allow more people to actually do the random queues as they proper role.
And I'm not even gonna complain about the "fixed team composition" you impose for random (Really, 3 dps a tank and a support for ToNG??)!!
Please consider adding this option! Players will appreciate!
They could lock down the loadout, but that seems too draconian. Maybe something like a color rim around the portraits that indicate what role they queued up as. So if the party really needed the role and the person who queued for it don't perform, they will get lots of hate and be kicked fast.
And yes, I know that would mean some classes getting more role options than others, but that's the whole purpose of having different classes, playing different roles.
I just think it's dumb as fu** some classes to have feat paths towards a role and not being able to queue for that.
And you talk about abuse? Like people KNOWING which dungeon is coming up in Random and ABUSING it over and over again to farm seals in ToNG? This stupid bug killed every queue group in the game since people only wanna do top tier dungeon as REQ to get extra seals.
Role bonus is only once per queue and it's a minimal bonus, people won't abuse that.
1) No one is currently queue. Role bonus is DPS since 3 are needed for the next group. The next 5 players will random queue
2) Next player queues as DPS. Role bonus is still DPS since 2 more are needed, and only 1 tank and 1 heals
3) Next player queues as DPS. Now RQ needs one of each. There should be a role priority. Say role bonus is now Tank
4) Next player queues as Tank. Role bonus now Heals
5) Next player queues as Heals. Now just need one DPS and good to go. So Role bonus is DPS
6) Last player queues as DPS. Now everyone in the party got the role bonus.
This is a simple case, but should rarely happen if there are people direct queuing for specific dungeons