It is nice to see that it did not take long for the devs to fix the Ravenloft hunts. You should also have resolved the companion token issue that exist as well with last night hotfix. If not, when can we expect the companion token glitch where we cannot deposit our token into the shared bank be fixed?
Please fix this issue as it is quite frustrating sitting on hundreds of tokens between multiple characters and not being able to use them.
Having the zen exchange at 350 really benefits cryptic if AH prices stay the same. A 8M lego pack now cost a bit over $100 with the current exchange rate of AD to Zen, but with the exchange dropping to 350 you will now have to spend over $150. This is why Cryptic wants to lower the exchange. They know what players are doing with their AD they acquire from selling zen and if the price drops down to 350 than Cryptic would earn a lot more from us as players. It is where they want the zen to AD exchange to be at for more revenue into their pockets.
I have no issues with a company wanting to earn money, but if you state you going to give your customer a specific feature and fail to deliver on that than it is nothing but bad service and to resolve this issue they need to fix it.
So here we are now a few weeks into the mod 14 and the devs did fix the hunts so they can earn more money from players who are buying Zen and selling it for AD. That is great news. Now what about fixing the issue of us not having the ability to deposit companion tokens into our shared bank. Time to step up and not only show you want to earn money but also that you can deliver on what you promised your customers as a service. Failing to make this the next change shows your player base that you care for nothing but our wallets.
If that is the case, well than you will find less funds coming from my wallet.