I am sure this has been brought up before but I really want to bring it up myself, mainly because of Donaar Blitz'en's Yum Yum Hut.
(For those outside the loop, Donaar is the Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut who is a member of C Team for Acquisitions Incorporated.)
I am not proposing a way to make potions as that would ruin a few things in game, but rather a different approach: Food Items with Buffs.
Now food items already exist in game but are really only available during special events or holidays. I think it would really cool to have a full on Cooking Profession and have food that provided buffs that could only be obtained via the profession.
I'd love to see stats on which Profession projects actual get run. I'm sure about 15-20 projects make up about 95% of profession utilization, which means the vast bulk of it is a huge waste of space. I can't wait to see what sort of rework their bringing in mod15.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
but what level would usable food items be produced
25?? few professions produce anything useful at level 25
MC1 2 3 4 ??
MC 4 maybe, but then again . . . useful items . . . for the most part useful items from professions seem to be in a very narrow range around Stronghold decorations and parts to make other MCx items