Can someone who is smart, explain why I am losing Astrail Diamonds? week ago I had 28,955 Astral Diamonds, then it went down to 27,545, I did not play yesterday and when I logged intoday I see that my Astral Diamonds went down to 25,845. My question is why does my astral diamonds keep going down when I do not spend them on anything, I am trying to save 60,000 to change my feats so my character does not die every 5 seconds. Yet trying to save astrial diamonds is not working because they keep going down without me spending any.
rushing tasks or training before timers run out consumes ads
If you are doing professions, there is a button that allows you to rush a profession task in exchange for astral diamonds (it's never worth doing that). Be sure you aren't clicking that button.
If you send your companion for training, you normally wait a number of minutes or hours for them to finish. You can rush that time period in exchange for astral diamonds. Note that rushing training is different than increasing the quality of your companion (e.g. upgrading from white to green, etc).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
one other possibility and ( you most likely know about this but just thinking of all the things that might be causing misunderstanding) you do know about unrefined ad vs refined ad right? because ad will auto refine. if you're making a certain amount every day it will auto refine and leave a total behind that will vary in values.
Try placing your AD as you acquire it into the bank account. It will build as you cannot possibly have it on your character to spend in any way.
What lvl are you? I presume early days since CT and dying a lot. Might be quicker just to create a new account, get to lvl 12? Run the 1st available skirmish on Random Queue, get the bonus and play as you have been. If it goes down on the 2nd account then its likely your spending it on the 1st too. Gonna be really low chances both accs. will be bugged. Worse comes to worse you have 2 accs. to enjoy the game on if you so please and double the character slots. Throw the old one away, keep the new, w/e your choice.
If you done a bit of the main story line already you could use the currency from the seer and get the retraining tokens she sells. This wont fix the AD problem though
If its bugged, its bugged, yeh unlikely, more likely being spent but this would help with self determining with more likelihood which is which. Maybe op has time to try it, maybe not idk their circumstances etc. Choice is there and might of been quicker then to wait for a reply from CS etc.
From initial post to my reply and yours I could have done what I suggested easy. Op might not be able to or want to idk. I even gave another option for the retraining tokens but what's the point if his AD is just gonna go down every time.
Since I don't see your suggestion here and you are ruling out bugged, I'm guessing you too think its op who is spending it and he should just check in game actions more carefully or wait on CS reply? No point writing same stuff over and over here, hence my different approach
That's the only thing I can think of where a person may be "spending", astral diamonds without them being aware of it.