This is a basic example of my experiences with RAQ's. I generally always get FBI with the below typical experience. Notice all the leavers, constantly...eventually got one where the team did not leave until the second set of Giants...what a glorious waste of time...seriously this aint fun.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
After a few solo queuing RAQ - where the average completion is 1.5hrs, if at all, I've given up on that. Sometimes I check in to see if it is doable, but after seeing 2 or 3 other players with the bare minimum IL, I nope outta there fast and take the 30 min leaver penalty. The 1.5+ hr 'penalty' in even trying to complete the dungeon is a massive waste of time.
Only queue for it with a pre-made group now as well.
I just wish the IL was used better then it is, i do not think every 11k~12k IL is too weak, why? Because it depends on how you got the IL... obviously a epic Wererat Thief would be worse then even a blue posible green Earth/Air/Fire Archon and then there is the "can you play your char" part... i still need to improve in group play when the red ground is worse in visibility but i did solo a lot and my dmg should be ok.
But you just need 1 bad apple (false way IL player) to ruin it for all, hope i will someday be able to upgrade my weapons via cradle x.x...
I've never understood the weighting mechanism for Queue's. I mean sure you can have one player be the bare minimum IL; yet for a RAQ it shouldn't allow >2 or if it does; at least try and add one high item level player for each low item level. I mean while they have a minimum item level to attempt the dungeon, they should also have an average item level for each party; so there's at least a reasonable chance at success.
Then perhaps more would be able to complete the content without having to rely on a pre-made group. :*
You can upgrade your enchants and campaign boons and most of your armour via Barovia without doing any endgame content. I know this, because thats what I have done
You can run RIQ and RLQ and get a shed load of salvage from RIQ to get you 100k a day simples.
This was just another, in the long line of rants, rant trying, wishing, praying that Cryptic listens to their customers and does something about this hamster
I pointed out then, and nothing since that time has caused me to change my stance on this, that whoever dreamed this mess up had the intention of making unpopular content APPEAR popular.
Basically, if it pops more often than it otherwise would, who cares what the actual completion rate/customer satisfaction is? It's more popular... right?
People on internet forums shouting, "this sucks" is not the sort of measurable metric one takes to a quarterly appraisal.
Downloaded data on how many more people than previously queued and entered the content IS.
So its basically like queuing for Castle Ravenloft the old fashioned way, but with extra rewards.
Nothing "random" about it. You queue, the RNG rolls... and has a 100% chance of Castle Ravenloft.
Anything "interesting" that came as a result of you running across a capable player was nothing to do with Random Queues.
Thats kind of like watching a guy bowl a perfect 300 and rationalise that because it happened at 11.00am, it was the power of the sun that made it happen.
I probably shouldn't be saying this, given how 13K seems easy to achieve now and it's only a matter of time before scrubs overrun REQ also, I've been having good results with ToNG in REQ. I've completed my first ToNG using REQ. And I've been in ToNG runs where there was a carry or two. The power creep makes it easier to carry ToNG now. And I'm sure it is much easier to get 20 crown seals from ToNG than from CR.
* I always get FBI - never edemo
* The typical RAQ group has way WAY too low ILs to be able to complete it in a reasonable time, or complete it at all. So in most cases I just leave and eat the 30 minutes. If RAQ requirement was set up to 13k(still a tad low) we would have a much higher chance at getting a workable group.
If I get a (rare) RAQ group of 14k plus we are usually able to get through FBI.
And when I explain to people that I leave because they are too low to perform well in FBI they usually get insulted. Is it so hard to understand that your performance in game DO depend on your IL? Not your IL only, but with low gear you can't do well, with high IL you can still perform badly. High IL is a prerequisite for good performance.
* Since OPs are the preferred endgame tanks these days, most GFs are built for dps and sacrifice defenses in their builds. Rings with two offensive slots etc.