The Vistani Merchant is the most nonsencical thing in this mod.
There's no fun at all in the need to change instances and run maps as crazy or stand still in a spot for severe minutes hoping this Merchant to apear. Yesterday I spent 4 hours trying to catch one and nothing... I got tired, frustrated and disconnected from the game. I can say that there's no gameplay to find this Merchant, or you play the quests or you stop anything to waste time in this absurd task.
If you had in mind making it a challenging task you got it wrong, instead you gave us something very frustrating, annoying and "why it works this way" thing.
Gave up on ever finding him, you would think that s much time I have spent in in this mod I would have run into him by accident by now. I've been looking for him since day one. Put the Hamster belt Items in the regular store and cap the amount you can buy.
I was able to buy from him once. I also met him once more but at the moment I wanted to get him, he had to go.
And, is it some kind of cool down too?
What about puting the merchant behind a quest that runs twice a week? Or instead the merchant selling the rare item at the end of this quest, the last boss drop a box with a random rare item. Running a quest will sure be more enjoyable as the way it works now.
I'm not sure, but the rare item looks like to have a 48hs cooldown to be avaliable again.
Sunset Shards? I have 2. After many, many CR runs, that's what I have to show for it. I need a total of 17 to restore both weapons.... I've pulled more prominence shards from CR than Sunset Shards.
Back to the merchant - if you need to get wychwood, it's best done with a friend or two, in the emptiest instance. He will show up in 1 of 4 places, starting around dawn. Camp out at the locations, and when dawn hits, if he doesn't show up, check the others. You'll only get 1/day (to my knowledge - it's very hit and miss), so once you get one, you can go do something else.