See title.
Every time I do a dragon run or marauders on either my HR or GF, I lose my sound entirely and have to exit the game and come back.
Very frustrating.
I searched 'lose sound' and did not see anything about this, so I posted this and then I saw the 'Audio Issues' thread. Please delete this or add to that thread.
My suspicion is that its something to do with the number of powers happening or powers popularly used in big fights, because I've never had, nor heard of anyone having, this issue in regular battles. Sometimes terrain will do something that makes the sound vanish temporarily - such as top of second staircase in Briggin's Tomb - but this permanent cancelling of sound is a new one.
Hope it's fixed soon, it's kinda annoying.
Although the sound effect was degraded and video was degraded, the fight itself was pretty fluid. I speculate the alternative of not doing those degrade for me could be bad lag and not playable.
Wish this forum would stop acting like the 32-bit client is some wonderful cure all for HAMSTER, when it's just as bugged as the 64-bit one, it's just bugged for different users.
Sound issue aside I have way more problems with 32-bit client than the 64-bit one.
Wish a bit more attention goes to fixing BUGS, yet it seems to always been a constant juggling act.
Only FIX anybody ever finds is a completely LOGOUT of the game and relaunch the client. Thought until recently it had mostly been limited to Dragon Runs on Stronghold (mostly around Blue Dragon) or Well of Dragon's at various times.