I apologize if there is already a thread on this, but I cant seem to find one. In the past I have always gotten quite a few refinement stone drops from my rank 10 Dragon Hoard Enchantments, but now (Since Mod 14 launched) I only rarely get a stone and I think it may actually be from the one fey enchantment that I have. The dragon hoards do no appear to be working at all. Has anyone else had this problem? I am to the point of removing them and putting in all Feys.
This is one of oh so many buggy HAMSTER issues that have popped up with this last mod. Having issues with enchants, companion stats, powers, loot drops in gen you name it. Would be nice if they fixed existing bugs and issues before rushing out their latest barley tested bug filled mod that is barely playable. Oh then there the constant game crashes. Was just in Demi Gorgon choppy as @#$%, then on the boss before Demi Gorgon the game crashes and I log back into PE with no reward
Welcome to Neverfixed.
Was insightful thanks greywynd