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my level 70 character must stink

Am I missing something at level 70? I only have one lvl 70 character currently and in practically every quest enemies are way to powerful. I went to Chult and the crabs on the beach killed me pretty dang quick. I must be doing something wrong. I try to use the best gear I can get, but it's obviously not helping.


  • inugurlinugurl Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Chult can be very difficult. What is ur current gear score? Im pretty sure chult needs at least a 10000. Before going in there solo u would need to have completed several other 70 areas to meet this. ( dread ring, sharandar, icewind, ect)
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    If you haven't, you should run the Elemental Evil campaign. Also, the campaigns mentioned by @inugurl. The boons you'll get from those will be very helpful. Also, run the random dungeon and random skirmish daily as often as you can. You can get artifact weapons for very little money on the auction house (particularly Chultan artifact weapons, which aren't much more than the amount you get from running one random dungeon per day).

    Also, if you're not already, you should be leveling Leadership. Pick a set of tasks that give as much experience as possible and that complete on a schedule that is comfortable for you. Some people don't mind baby-sitting their characters' professions. Personally, anything that completes more frequently than every 4 hours annoys me and gets to feel like work after a couple of weeks. Leadership is important because, beginning at level 22, you can do "Guard the Clerics of Ilmater" and that awards a container that has unbound refinement stones in it (peridots, greater enchanting stones, moderate enchanting stones, etc). You can then use these either to refine your own gear or you can sell it on the auction house to get more AD. At level 24 Leadership, you can also do the "Guard the Wizard's Seneschal" task, which awards another container that has much the same stuff in it. These containers accrue relatively quickly and opening them during a 2x refining stone event makes them that much more valuable. (As a bonus, at level 17 Leadership you can generate labor for your guild, and at level 23 you can generate crates of astral diamonds for your guild.)
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    Your first stop should be the Auction House. Look up Green weapons with two slots. This will give you REALLY cheap Artifact gear. Mostly the Chult stuff. They are practically giving the stuff away and it's better than anything you can earn during your Campaigns. You can look at getting some nice starter Artifacts and other Artifact Gear that way. Maybe even get a complete Artifact Set, if you're feeling ambitious. Some of the lower level ones arn't that pricy and give nice bounuses. Next, you can get yourself a decent Shirt/Pants combo from either the Underdark Campaign or the AH. This should make you quite a bit more powerful, taken all together.
    Then head to Sharendar. This is, at least to me, the easyiest Campaign to run (outside the Starter one). The Dread Ring is just a bit more challenging, but not that much. Elemental Evil is a really good third, with Underdark as being about the same. You should be running your Dalies for Tyrany of Dragons while doing all this.
    As you do Daliy Randoms, you will accumulate Seals of The Protector. Use these to buy and restore an armour set from the Seal Vendor. Once you have a full set, you can use that to start Stormkings Thunder. Stronger characters won't really need it, but if you're still only around G.S. 10,000-12,000 all the special resists will be a real lifesaver, especially once you can Empower it.
    Do the Cloked Ascendency whenever. It can be a TERRIFIC way to earn those Seals VERY quickly.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User

    Am I missing something at level 70? I only have one lvl 70 character currently and in practically every quest enemies are way to powerful. I went to Chult and the crabs on the beach killed me pretty dang quick. I must be doing something wrong. I try to use the best gear I can get, but it's obviously not helping.

    Well, you give us only limited information, but my guess is that either your gear is insufficient or your build/tactics are wrong.

    Chult (Soshenstar in particular) is pretty demanding - and if you are not well prepared, you can get slaughtered quite easily. This is not just a matter of reaching a particular IL, although it is an indication.
    • What is your "Resistance Ignored" percentage during combat. You really want it to be at least 60% for solo play.
    • Which campaigns have you finished before?
    • Do you have a decent stable of mounts, with good insignia powers?
    • Do you have a decent set of companions, including a good summoned one with bonding runestones?
    • Do you have armor/weapons/ring items with double enchant slots, and decent enchant levels - something like R10 in all slots?
    • Do you have a full set of artifacts, and at what level are they?
    Now, how well are you able to handle solo content in easier areas like Sea of Moving Ice and the River District? If you have problems there, you are just not ready for Chult. Also, even if you have the IL, your build might be all wrong. I remember one person who had a real problem killing things, turned out he had a "Healer DC" build, and was not even using the "heavy hitter" powers available to him.

    Basically we need more information to determine where the problem is.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User
    First off, the total Item Level is 10K or higher, to run the Chult. Then, your item and gear score come into play. Yo can run dungeons and skirmishes to acquire enough Seals to pick up your class specific armor artifacts. Thn, take the Festival in Bryn Shandar to open the Assault on Svardborg. It'll tale a while to finish, but you will be able to upgrade that armor to get to the 10K item level.

    Then, the tactics will flow better and more flexibility.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.
  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    What is your armour penetration? You probably need more.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User

    What is your armour penetration? You probably need more.

    Reminder: the total Item Level still needs to be 10K or higher. I found a GF and GWF can get off the Soshenstar river beach with a total IL around 9500. It's hard, but the strategy in Chult is still about having a total IL over 10K.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
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  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User

    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
    Being in a Guild puts pressure on to get the Guild level up to get the member boost for ll guild members. Other considerations make getting RP's to increase your enchantments to boost your total IL
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
    Being in a Guild puts pressure on to get the Guild level up to get the member boost for ll guild members. Other considerations make getting RP's to increase your enchantments to boost your total IL
    Only if you're in the wrong guild

  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    General advice:
    Do the content and campaigns in the order they are listed in the campaigns window.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
    Being in a Guild puts pressure on to get the Guild level up to get the member boost for ll guild members. Other considerations make getting RP's to increase your enchantments to boost your total IL
    Certainly there are guilds like this out there. Those are not the guild to be in, though. I lead a guild. I keep an eye on what other members are contributing to the coffer. I do this so I can be aware of the rate at which we're accruing each of the resources necessary for upgrades, which lets me estimate how long each one will take. This is for my own benefit because that's just how my mind works; I want to know these things. I never mention these estimates to guild members (other than my wife) and I never say anything to anyone about how often they run influence or how much of anything they're contributing to the coffer.

    What a player contributes is up to them and is according to the goals they have for their characters. Improving their characters is more important than leveling the guild, and that is how it should be in my opinion. I don't want there to be any pressure on my members regarding how much they contribute or how often they play. I don't want them thinking that there might be some negative repercussions because I think they're not doing what I think they should be.
  • jade1280jade1280 Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    Does not matter what you are chult does not care for anyone it is harsh land and anyone without 80% of the current campaign boons is buggered forever more.

    but don't worry everyone who quit because chult was to hard are going to come back to Ravenloft only to find more of the same :)
  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User

    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
    Being in a Guild puts pressure on to get the Guild level up to get the member boost for ll guild members. Other considerations make getting RP's to increase your enchantments to boost your total IL
    Certainly there are guilds like this out there. ... I never mention these estimates to guild members (other than my wife) and I never say anything to anyone about how often they run influence or how much of anything they're contributing to the coffer.

    What a player contributes is up to them and is according to the goals they have for their characters. Improving their characters is more important than leveling the guild, and that is how it should be in my opinion. I don't want there to be any pressure on my members regarding how much they contribute or how often they play. I don't want them thinking that there might be some negative repercussions because I think they're not doing what I think they should be.
    When you look at the Guild Boons, there are some good boosts to be had. It's not a solo activity, but group activities, taking time to complete.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    What class and item level ? As others have said, first thing is to buy the cheap artifact weapons off the AH, search for your class, green, level 70-70 and you'll find them, most are either wootz or teak.

    If you have any trade bars, you can buy decent chest/arm pieces pretty cheaply.

    Seals can easily be obtained in river district by doing HEs there for 50 a time, 300 gets you a ring which will do till you get better in chult/omu.

    Check your total IM level to see if it's hit or cleared 10K. Then, the battle tactics will work better.
    Also with this in mind, are you in a guild ? if not, find one that fits your needs, and get some free IL even if it's not huge.
    Being in a Guild puts pressure on to get the Guild level up to get the member boost for ll guild members. Other considerations make getting RP's to increase your enchantments to boost your total IL
    Certainly there are guilds like this out there. ... I never mention these estimates to guild members (other than my wife) and I never say anything to anyone about how often they run influence or how much of anything they're contributing to the coffer.

    What a player contributes is up to them and is according to the goals they have for their characters. Improving their characters is more important than leveling the guild, and that is how it should be in my opinion. I don't want there to be any pressure on my members regarding how much they contribute or how often they play. I don't want them thinking that there might be some negative repercussions because I think they're not doing what I think they should be.
    When you look at the Guild Boons, there are some good boosts to be had. It's not a solo activity, but group activities, taking time to complete.
    I have looked at them. That doesn't mean that guild members should be putting the guild's advancement ahead of their characters' advancement. These things take time. Sure, it goes faster with more people contributing, but that doesn't mean that I or anyone else gets to tell people how to spend their time and their resources. Honestly, there are some days where even I am not in the mood to run influence or do things that contribute to the guild's advancement. Otherwise, it can feel like a never-ending chore. My guild is level 6 and it's a long, long way to 20. Yeah, we don't have a lot of active players right now. I'm working on changing that, but it's slow going - in part because the previous leader chose to build the Wizard's Tower as the first boon structure, rather than the Stable (which is what I would have built first). (I realize I could tear the Wizard's Tower down, but what's the point? I'll eventually build it again anyway. So might as well wait until we reach level 9 to build the Stable.)
  • wd1966wd1966 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User

    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    wd1966 said:

    Certainly there are guilds like this out there. ... I never mention these estimates to guild members (other than my wife) and I never say anything to anyone about how often they run influence or how much of anything they're contributing to the coffer.

    What a player contributes is up to them and is according to the goals they have for their characters. Improving their characters is more important than leveling the guild, and that is how it should be in my opinion. I don't want there to be any pressure on my members regarding how much they contribute or how often they play. I don't want them thinking that there might be some negative repercussions because I think they're not doing what I think they should be.

    When you look at the Guild Boons, there are some good boosts to be had. It's not a solo activity, but group activities, taking time to complete.
    I have looked at them. That doesn't mean that guild members should be putting the guild's advancement ahead of their characters' advancement. These things take time. Sure, it goes faster with more people contributing, but that doesn't mean that I or anyone else gets to tell people how to spend their time and their resources. Honestly, there are some days where even I am not in the mood to run influence or do things that contribute to the guild's advancement. Otherwise, it can feel like a never-ending chore. My guild is level 6 and it's a long, long way to 20. Yeah, we don't have a lot of active players right now. I'm working on changing that, but it's slow going - in part because the previous leader chose to build the Wizard's Tower as the first boon structure, rather than the Stable (which is what I would have built first). (I realize I could tear the Wizard's Tower down, but what's the point? I'll eventually build it again anyway. So might as well wait until we reach level 9 to build the Stable.)
    The current Stronghold has gone through a few changes, increasing from Level 10 to 20. In those changes, I think the solo encounters should changed to be more helpful getting natural resources like stone and metal, until the structures can be built, but those were dev changes that I didn't click with.
  • manufracturemanufracture Member Posts: 92 Arc User

    Am I missing something at level 70? I only have one lvl 70 character currently and in practically every quest enemies are way to powerful. I went to Chult and the crabs on the beach killed me pretty dang quick. I must be doing something wrong. I try to use the best gear I can get, but it's obviously not helping.

    I think the more important question is how long is a piece of string?
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