So I just started playing the game recently. I have a tough time using my class. I see other people on my level kill the mobs so easily. I am currently level 13. I saw that someone mentioned that you dont need potions at my level but im just cruising through them. Is it normal to be going against level 17-18 bosses and constant level 17-18s mobs at my level? Am I doing the wrong quests or something?I have just been going through the sword coast chronicles thats in my journal. I did a tower clock (or maybe it was cloak) party quest for the first time today and couldnt keep up with the rest of the team let alone kill any mobs. There was a level 70 in the team and his friend who was level 12. his friend was able to keep up with him and im like 400meters behind so i dont get to do anything. when we got to the end i couldnt even open the chest because it said i needed a standard dungeon chest key or something. They were running really fast and when i tried to kill the mobs i was hitting 70-100 damage on them. I have 73 power 143 critical strike and 24 armor pen, is that normal? I am just using the loot i get from drops and quests.
starting thursday the protectors thingy starts be sure you do your daily quest claim thingy for that. that is REALLY going to help you out. also you might see if you can find a guild that will let you join even as a low level. the daily quests from a guild will really help you level. so will the boons.
you might try casual gamers I know recently they had some under level 70 room in the guild.
but really as a class don't worry about other people performing better or worse than you until you hit level 70 and have geared up a bit.
here is a guide from reddit.
if you are liking this game you might want to spend a bit. we're coming up on one of the biggest sales of the year. there are a few things that can really help a new player out. VIP is a biggie. it's probably going to be 50 percent off and there will also be a currency sale. with bonus's for buying zen.
> the game starts at level 70 really. you probably want to level up to at least the dungeon level before you que up for it but with the level 70's running for ad it doesn't matter too much. you can get your daily key from a vendor in PE.
> starting thursday the protectors thingy starts be sure you do your daily quest claim thingy for that. that is REALLY going to help you out. also you might see if you can find a guild that will let you join even as a low level. the daily quests from a guild will really help you level. so will the boons.
> you might try casual gamers I know recently they had some under level 70 room in the guild.
> but really as a class don't worry about other people performing better or worse than you until you hit level 70 and have geared up a bit.
> here is a guide from reddit.
> if you are liking this game you might want to spend a bit. we're coming up on one of the biggest sales of the year. there are a few things that can really help a new player out. VIP is a biggie. it's probably going to be 50 percent off and there will also be a currency sale. with bonus's for buying zen.
So would questing be the best way to level up or doing the dungeons at level 13 to see if someone would be willing to carry since you said theyre usually farming astral diamonds.
The key for the chest can only be received once a day?
Is there a particular mount or something i can get to move around faster? It takes forever to fo somewhere even with a horse.
Can i just teleport to places ive already been to instead of going through the travelers gate all the time? (Its sometimes far)
Thanks for the reply
teleporting comes with vip level 4. like I said If you like the game it's worth it to spend a little for these conviences. the daily key is awards can also be really rewarding. it also takes away the lingering wounds from when you go down. personally I could not play this game with out vip.'s-jubilee-2018!
this is a link to the upcoming event tomorrow the zen sale also starts tomorrow