So while I was looking around for a SW build for mod 13 they told me that weapon enchantments would only work on the initial hit. Can anyone confirm this or does it still work for my DOT? if its true that im getting nerfed again, what enchantment would you guys recommend for a hb fury aoe?
1 entity powers are powers once casted behave, exist and do damage independently of the cast source - icy terrain pillar of power for ex
2 to use holy or terror enchant effectively - aka ones whose damage modifier is mirrored thru your power stat you need to ask youself 3 questions and if just one answer is no then you sohouldnt use it.
Do you have high level based weapon damage ? Such as gwf gf or pally
Is your hit rate one of the fastest among classes in game ?
Can your power stat be higher than power stat of other classes in same circumstances ?
To save your time ill answer it for sw class - No
Conclusion : fury use fey or vorp as cheap solution
Temptation use frost or bronzewood