Two of our smaller guilds have gone dormant and haven't rejoined after a Sword swap, so we'd like to find new candidates for those positions.
We're looking for laid back communities that are polite and enjoy helping each other. We don't recruit in Alliance chat by item level (or hdps or bestly tank or whatever code is popular for telling alliance members that they're not good enough for your group). We don't talk trash or insult each other or look for ways to take advantage of other players. Our main rule is "don't be a HAMSTER," and everybody knows when they're being one.
What we DO like is to help each other gear up, complete content, upgrade each other's strongholds, and have fun together. That's what we're here for - cooperative play.
Some of our players have played on XB since day 1, and on PC before that. Others started their first character last week. It is a big family. In fact, I just recently described the alliance as Mayberry - Andy doesn't need a gun and Barney keeps his bullet in his pocket.
We currently have three rank 20 guilds, along with one rank 17, one rank 15, one rank 13, one rank 12, one rank 9, one rank 8, and one rank 6 - there are players at all levels of progression. Our top priority is that a new guild buys into our philosophy, with activity level and roster size secondary concerns. At this point, we'd like to find guilds at least rank 12, as we have several lower rank guilds that we want to help ramp up already, but we'll fairly consider any active guild.
If this sounds like the right alliance for your guild, please hit me up.