It seems one of my characters somehow acquired in dialog with that elf in protectors the Sharandar Quest, I guess before it was available. YES this problem has been there a long time and isn't fixed. Ever since that time, even after finishing the campaign, the Special Quest arrow up on screen and in menu won't go away. Because when going to the special quests, it shows a message box for Sharandar. That entire campaign has been 100%ed for months and months. When I open the message box, it tells me to go do Sharandar stuff, and there is an excellent dialog choice, which does nothing and clears nothing. "Goodbye" I can loop through that a few times, Sharandar, Goodbye, etc etc. Arrow for special quest is still there. Indeed.
I've posted here before, nothing. Put up video. Opened a ticket. Posted feedback and error reports here and there. Opened another ticket a year later, then closed as duplicate of um whatever they said about why somebody might get to it sooner or later or something. I forget, but it was about like post it and dev might fix it or it would be put on some fix list somehow. Except, this is some glitch in some file where whatever tags that special quest won't and can't clear because nothing will get to it, it isn't supposed to be there.
Somebody can fix this certainly. Yet nobody seems to know who has access to whatever makes that special quest arrow go there? It's only annoying mostly, but seriously, 4th anniversary and there's nobody who can change a file to get rid of this stupid thing?
Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.Sharandar, Goodbye.