The multi-channel dye packs have one serious limitation... we are forced to use the dye colors on our amour without any ability to change the channels the dye will be applied to.
Now, changing the entire user interface to allow this would probably be too much work... however, there a simple solution: add a right-click menu option to allow us to break the dye packs out into three separate dye bottles... I mean the description does state it is a set of dyes, and the pack part of the title implies multiple bottles.
You don't even need to come up with new dye names, just use the name of the original pack with the original channel name appended. For example the "Blessed Gold Dye Pack" would generate three new dyes:
Blessed Gold - Primary
Blessed Gold - Secondary
Blessed Gold - Accent
Each of these dye bottles would work the same as the single color dyes work, they would dye any single channel of a piece of armor only. To keep the AH from being cluttered with these new dye bottles simply make these extracted dyes BtC or BtA.
From what I can tell all armor dying is done via shaders, so allowing us to breakout the dye packs into separate bottles shouldn't cause any issues from a coding perspective as the ability to arbitrarily dye any channel of a piece of armor already exists.
This would allow us much greater flexibility to dye our armor, something I think many people would really enjoy having. There are many great colors locked away in the dye packs, but sometimes I'd like to swap channels, or use colors from one pack with another... and that is just not an option.
One other idea might be to change the radio buttons on the existing user interface to checkboxes when using a dye pack... all enabled by default, but if a checkbox is disabled then that channel is just not used for dying. So I could use the Primary and Accent channels only and skip the Secondary channel when using a dye pack. This would be nice to have, but allowing us to breakout the dye packs into three separate bottles would probably be the easiest way to give us much greater customisation of our armor without needing to change a thing in the user interface, other than adding a single menu item to the context menu!
While I am making suggestions... it would also be really nice to have additional solid color choices as well... like yellow... why is there no yellow solid dye color?

Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I really think this idea could work and due to minimal user interface changes it shouldn't even be difficult to implement!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
That said, my personal preference is to be allowed back into those closed-off dungeon rooms first...
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